(Copyright 02-01-2025) by Rebecca Wise (East Bend, North Carolina) Dear Laura – thank you as always for the newsletter. Would you ask Paul Janvier Mbock if he would be willing to email me? Or would you mind asking if he would share his email address with me? Or whatever form of communication he prefers. I […]
God’s Name
(Copyright 02-02-2025) by Rod Reynolds (Wentzville, Missouri) In the Bible are found many names and titles for God. The faithful who abide in God’s word are called by his name (Jeremiah 15:16). The true Church bears the name of God. It is said of the Philadelphia era of the Church in part “you…Have not denied […]
What is the Ort Cloud?
(Copyright 02-03-2025) by David Rives (Lewisburg, Tennessee) Have you heard of the Oort Cloud? For years, cosmologists have discussed the possibility of some type of cloud or band that could explain the existence of long-period comets. Maybe a bit of background would be helpful, so let’s back it up a bit, and start with one of […]
Shifting Toward Authoritarianism
(Copyright 02-05-2025) by Joseph Baity (Charlotte, North Carolina) A peculiar and troubling trend is developing among the younger generations within the U.K. and the U.S. as they enter the second quarter of the twenty-first century. Generation Z (aka Gen Z) and a significant slice of the Millennial generation seem willing to forgo many, if not […]
February 6, 2025 Donor Letter
(Copyright 02-06-2025) by William P. Goff (Myrtle Beach, South Carolina) Greetings Brethren, The February 6, 2025 Donor Letter is now posted at: Thank You.Bill Goff Website: goffb50@aol.comDonate: Kenya Hands of Hope, a 5013c charity founded in 2006 by William P. GoffWebsite: KHOFH – Kenya Hands of Hope Send Donations to:Kenya Hands of Hope, 5525 Springs Avenue, Myrtle Beach, […]
This is your brain on socialism: { [: ( [ )
(Copyright 02-08-2025) by Curtis Dahlgren (Stephenson, Michigan) “Twice have [millions] called me to the throne . . . Who are you? nothing! . . . I am the throne!” – Napoleon, to the Legislature, 1813 (shortly before his downfall) IN THE MOUTH OF 2 OR 300 WITNESSES A THING SHALL BE ESTABLISHED. Last week I argued […]
“Social Justice” and Anti-Racism Is: COLOR BLIND JUSTICE
(Copyright 02-08-2925) by Richard Frates (Easly, South Carolina) Real “Black History” in America: BLACK RACISM and CRIME – Justified to pander for black votes. Black Supremacy: White is racist and black in not – Uncivil Civil Rights Law – is the evil seed of, black racist motivated riots and systemic black racism. “Anti-Racism” and “social-justice” […]
Outlaw Muslim-Mosque Terrorism Doctrines: Salvation by Bloody Works
(Copyright 02-08-2025) by Richard Frates (Easly, South Carolina) Voltaire “Those who can make you believe absurdities (Virgins and Paradise by shedding the blood of Jews and non-Muslims) can make you commit atrocities.” Israel: Shut down or destroy Mosque in the West Bank and Gaza where bloody Mosque leaders teach your blood, and your children’s blood […]
The Woman Who Rides the Beast
(Copyright 01-25-2025) by Gary C. Miller (Pocahontas, Arkansas) FACTS NOT PRIVATE OPINIONS:Bible facts, not private interpretations, are the key. The woman, who represents the city of Babylon, Iraq, rides a seven-headed beast for a short period. This is an end-time prophecy. ——————————————————————————————————-See Gary C. Miller’s other articles at:Miller, Gary C. – Church of God, Bismarck ( Reprinted with […]
Your First Step
(Copyright 01-26-2025) by Dwight Fleming (Oroville, California) When you were a small child, do you remember taking your first step? Probably not and for good reason since you may have fallen down after only a few wobbly steps. You then either laughed or cried. But then mommy or daddy reassured you with their loving embrace. […]
The Kingdom of God in the Old Testament
(Copyright 01-26-2025) by Rod Reynolds (Wentzville, Missouri) When Jesus Christ began his ministry of three and a half years nearly 2000 years ago, he went about preaching the Kingdom of God. “Now after John was put in prison, Jesus came to Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God, and saying, ‘The time is […]
Is God Calling You?
(Copyright 01-28-2025) by Larry St. Clair (Springfield, Missouri) IntroductionI’m writing to anyone that has questions about the Bible or things that their Church teaches. Few churches teach all Bible truth, instead they teach traditions and the teachings of the founder of that particular church. The Apostle Peter teaches, Knowing this first, that no prophecy of […]
Hold That Thought
(Copyright 01-29-2025) by Dwight Fleming (Oroville, California) Have you ever had a strong thought at the front of your mind only to have it slip away due to a distraction or other thoughts crowding in? Then it drives you “bananas” trying to recall that inspired thought that may have been the answer to your question or […]
Biblical Symbolism (Part One)
(Copyright 01-29-2025) by Richard T. Ritenbaugh (Charlotte, North Carolina) Many people who profess Christianity feel they understand the Bible. Tens of thousands of books, commentaries, Bible dictionaries, and prophetic writings explain and re-explain it by thesis, exegesis, and endless debate. However, how much do the authors of these works truly understand? If the Bible is so […]
The Feast 2025 Update
(Copyright 01-29-2025) by David Antion (Pasadena, California) Dear Brethren,We’re delighted to announce that we’ve secured a wonderful 2025 Feast of Tabernacles venue at the Embassy All-Suites resort at Palm Desert, Ca! We plan to have an inspiring and uplifting feast and look forward to enjoying your fellowship there. Services begin each morning with a preservice countdown […]
America continues to reap the whirlwind (why?)
(Copyright 01-31-2025) by Curtis Dahlgren (Stephenson, Michigan) “Cherish, therefore, the spirit of our people, and keep alive their attention. Do not be too severe upon their errors but reclaim them by enlightening them. If once they become inattentive to the public affairs, you and I, and Congress, and Assemblies, Judges, and Governors, shall all become […]
Crimes Against Humanity
(Copyright 02-01-2025) by Dwight Fleming (Oroville, California) The battle has begun. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr, is under intense scrutiny by those opposed to his appointment as Secretary of Health and Human Services. This Cabinet position is critical for safeguarding the health of all Americans who vitally need the truth about preventing disease and staying healthy. As […]
Baptisms (Part One)(Copyright 2024) by Ray Daly (Lincoln, North Dakota) Note the plurality in the title word of this article. The “S”. This usage of the plural comes from the following Scripture. Mat. 28:19. “Go you therefore and teach ALL NATIONS! Baptizing them in the NAME of the Father, the [name] of the Son, […]
The Porky Porcupine
(Copyright 01-20-2025) by Doug Velting (Grand Rapids, Michigan) Canadian Porcupine, photo credit: brigachtal Pixabay In Latin, the name porcupine means “spiny pig” or “quill pig,” but they are not swine but a large rodent. The North American porcupine is the second largest in the rodent family and globally, only the beavers and South American capybara are […]
The Prayer
(Copyright 01-21-2025) by Dwight Fleming (Oroville, California) The Prayer offered by Franklin Graham at President Trump’s Inauguration on January 20, 2025 was powerful and profoundly relevant for our nation’s solemn and highly significant ceremony. “Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD” (Psalm 33:12). The only way to ensure America truly becomes great again is […]
Mysteries of the Bible
(Copyright 01-21-2025) by Rod Reynolds (Wentzville, Missouri) The Gospel, sometimes called a mystery, contains the mysteries of the Kingdom of God. In this article we will survey some of the mysteries of the Bible. Each of these could take a full article of itself, or perhaps even a book, to thoroughly explain. But for the […]
The Bible Hell
(Copyright 01-21-2025) by Rod Reynolds (Wentzville, Missouri) In The Bible Hell by John Wesley Hanson, published in 1888, the author goes through a word study of the four words translated “hell” in various English Bible versions. The author contrasts the manner in which these words in both the Old and New Testaments are used and understood by […]
Donald Trump is Jewish?
(Copyright 01-22-2025) by James Steinle (Swanville, Minnesota) PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP CONVERTS TO JUDAISM IN 2017 + “I am not a Christian.” + Did Not Place His Hand On The Bible For Oath Of Office: 5:05 min. PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP CONVERTS TO JUDAISM IN 2017 25 seconds “I am not a Christian.” [i.e. no belief in […]
Beggar or Co-Heir?
(Copyright 01-23-2025) by Dwight Fleming (Oroville, California) As Christians, what is our inheritance? What was the inheritance or birthright of the firstborn? Can we lose our inheritance? We all know the story of Esau and Jacob. They were twins but Esau was the firstborn which gave him the birthright blessings of the firstborn. Yet Esau despised his […]
Are We on the Verge of a 5th Great Awakening?
(Copyright 01-24-2025) by Eddie Hyatt (Grapevine, Texas) On Monday January 20, Donald J. Trump was sworn in as the 47th president of the United States. Two Bibles, both held by Melania Trump, were used in the ceremony. One Bible was owned by Abraham Lincoln and the other was given to the president by his mother, and this […]