Newsletters – 2005

Issue #25 — Newsletter — January/February 2005
Persecution of Thomas Cranmer — by Wily Elder
Conclusions of Evidence — by Royce Mitchell
Let Your Women Keep Silence in the Churches: — by Laura Lee
A Matter of Faith — by Clifton Howard
“When is Pentecost?” — by Jeffrey Caldwell
In Regard to: What is the Condition of Your Marriage? — by Phillip Frankford
Passover/Pentecost Controversy — by Carol Bennes
Issue #22, Question #13 — by Paul Corathers
Persecution Letter — by M. L. Bierman
Just wondering – “yeast extract” is this a leavening agent? — Answered by Laura Lee
I was told that you worship on Saturday. Is this true & why? What do you do or not do on Sunday? Can you please show me in scripture your answers? I really want to know. I am not happy with religious habit and tradition. — Answered by Laura Lee
If everyone was sleeping in the garden when Jesus was praying to his Father, how did we get the quotes? These are all red letter words. Who took down these words? — Answered by Wily Elder
Does offering of animal sacrifices have any negative or positive effect on the salvation of mankind? — Answered by Audra Ray
Was Satan literally “living” in Pergamon in the first/second century AD? — Answered by Wily Elder
Where in the Bible is the story of the man who was riding his donkey and when an angel was standing in the way to kill the man and the animal turned away? After the third time the animal was allowed to talk to the man and then his eyes were opened and he saw the angel with a sword. — Answered by Wily Elder
Kids Korner
Book Markers — by Jeana Anderson
You Have a Mission — by Jeana Anderson
Jesus Our Messiah has Better Things for You than Christmas — by Jeana Anderson
Prayer Requests
Ads and Info, etc.
Law & Grace — by David Kenders
Tsunami Aid — by John Walsh
Ten Commandments Again — Sent by Alfred Green
Vatican Must Restore Israel’s National Treasures — Sent by David Ben-Ariel
How Did the Congregation of Israel Go Wrong? — by Jeffrey Caldwell
Recall on Toys!!!! — by Sue Caughfield
What I Need and Don’t Need — by Phil Griffith
Summer’s Encore Sabbath — by Sandy Kile
Beyond Babylon Published! — by David Ben-Ariel
Animals of Israel — by Jeffrey Caldwell
Just Push — Sent by Alfred Green
Issue #26 — Newsletter — March/April 2005
Bless Those Who Curse You — by Jeffrey Caldwell
Summary of Events at Port Austin — by Norman Edwards
By Their Fruits — by Darwin Lee
Let Your Women Keep Silence in the Churches: — by Laura Lee
In Regard to: What is the Condition of Your Marriage? — by Phillip Frankford
Send Literature — by Peter Kibicho
Passover — by Marisha Hileman
Are You One of the Slandered? — by Laura Lee
Please explain speaking in tongues? — Answered by Sandy Kile
Cain killed Abel before the Law of Moses existed. God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah before the 10 commandments. But how could God judge people before they know the law? — Answered by Wily Elder
Is it always a sin to tell a lie or is there ever an example in the Holy Bible that it is not a sin to lie (i.e. bear false witness)? — Answered by Steven M. Collins
Is God a “trinity” or is He one? — Answered by Wily Elder
Kids Korner
Suggestions for Parents or Teachers for Bible Study — by Jeana Anderson
Prayer Requests
Ads and Info, etc.
Celebration of Dance — by Don & Peggy Wales
Standing Ovation! — by David Ben-Ariel
Declaration of Independence Banned at Cupertino, California School — by Jeffrey Caldwell
Phased Destruction — Sent by David Ben-Ariel
Temple Mount Work — by Jeffrey Caldwell
Project Israel — by David Ben-Ariel
Legal Filing in Williams vs. Vidmar Et Al — by Jeffrey Caldwell
Build the Temple! — by David Ben-Ariel
Peleg – “In His Time the Earth was Divided” – Genesis 10:25 — by Jeffrey Caldwell
Detained & Deported from Israel — by David Ben-Ariel
Issue #27 — Newsletter — May/June 2005
The Persecution of William Rogers — by Wily Elder
Summary of Events at Port Austin (Update) — by Norman Edwards
The Pharisees Sit in Moses’ Seat — by David Ben-Ariel
Homeschooling-A Lifestyle Choice — by Mary Ames
The Sabbath in the Catholic Catechism — by Bill Bratt
Affinities of the Tribes of Israel — by Jeffrey Caldwell
Hager, Mt. Sinai and the Two Covenants — by Rhoda Foust
Passover and Carol Bennes — by Dale Smith
Newsletter and Literature — by Robert D. Smith
Books, Passover and Carol Bennes — by Dale Smith
Religious War — by Leonie Peers
Calendar Issues — by Lloyd Brumbaugh
What Bible translations do you recommend? What are good in use for the Torah, Haftarah and Gospel Brit Hadasha portions? — Answered by Wily Elder
Do you really think that the witch of Endor really “talked to Samuel’s Spirit”? Because the Bible says the dead don’t know anything, it’s like they (the dead) are asleep? — Answered by Darwin Lee
What are the issues of Judah and Tamar in Genesis 38:1-30? — Answered by Doyle Carter
Kids Korner
Is God Real to You? — by Jeana Anderson
God’s Holy Days — by Author Unknown
Prayer Requests
Prayer Requests & Updates — Issue #27
Ads and Info, etc.
Attention: Feast Planners! — by Don & Peggy Wales
Internet Church of God — by Don & Peggy Wales
Return with Rejoicing! — by David Ben-Ariel
Seagull and the Starfish — by Ted Saunders
Hebrew Calendar — by Jeffrey Caldwell
Issue #28 — Newsletter — July/August 2005
Seventh Day Men of England — by Doyle Carter
Summary of Events at Port Austin (Update) — by Norman Edwards
What Ezekiel 38-39 Reveals about a Future World War III — by Steven M. Collins
Spirit of Ahab — by Rusty Ames
Columbus was a Latecomer — by Sandy Kile
Brainwashing — by Ed Oettel
Born of God and Sin — by Ted Saunders
Newsletter, Tsunami, Need Bibles & Prayer — by G. John
Needs Prayer and Says Thank You — by Joyce Savannah
Norman & Marleen Edwards and Beyond Babylon — Dale & Beverly Smith
My New Blog — by Jeffrey Caldwell
Complaints! — by David Lacey
Hebrew Calendar — by Lloyd Brumbaugh
New Sabbath Keeper Needs Network of Sabbath Keeping Pen Pals — by Janine Ziomek-Witek
Unsubscribe — by Frank Brown
Follow-Up on Past Comments Concerning Divorce and Re-Marriage — by Tommy West
I would like to know why in 1970, the church under Worldwide was keeping Pentecost on Monday but after that year they changed to keep Sunday Pentecost? — Answered by Wily Elder
My wife and I do not get along. We have struggled to save our marriage but religion always seems to be an issue. I am a pentecostal christian and she is an apostolic who believes in Jesus Christ and not the trinity. In 2 Corinthians Ch.14 it talks about a veil. she believes that she has to wear a veil to pray and to be in church, whereas I believe that your hair is your covering (veil). In other words they (women) do not pray unless they are wearing a veil. Can you please respond. This discussion always seems to turn into an argument. — Answered by Laura Lee
What is the name of the Creator of the universe, and His son? — Answered by Doyle Carter
Kids Korner
Color by Number — by Author Unknown
Prayer Requests
Prayer Requests & Updates — Issue #28
Ads and Info, etc.
Weekly E-zine — by Tom Schattke
Feast of Tabernacles 2005-Central Missouri — by Tom Schattke
Bible Studies — by Ed Burson
Feast of Tabernacles 2005-Halifax Nova Scotia, Canada — by Alex Nicholson
Advertise — Sent by Alan Ruth
Port Austin Feast of Tabernacles 2005 — by Norman Edwards
Make Your Plans for Feast of Tabernacles 2005 — by Don & Peggy Wales
Articles and Tracts — by Lloyd Brumbaugh
God’s Work Must Go Forward! — by David Ben-Ariel
World Tomorrow-Tape Program — by Frank Guarino
HBO’s Bill Maher Says Christians Have Neurological Disorder, Are Crazy — Sent by Darwin Lee
The New Bankruptcy Legislation — Sent by Wily Elder
What Does God have to do with Dinosaur Soft Tissue? — by Jeffrey Caldwell
Made Your Feast Plans Yet? — by Robert Marlowe
Issue #29 — Newsletter — September/October 2005
Seventh Day Men — by Doyle Carter
Summary of Events at Port Austin (Update) — by Norman Edwards
What Ezekiel 38-39 Reveals about a Future World War III — by Steven M. Collins
The Oracles of God — by David Ben-Ariel
Jesus Performed Seven Sabbath Miracles — by Bill Bratt
Notes on Note Taking — by Sandy Kile
God’s Dirty Dozen — by Rick Mathes
A Sobering Look at Life in Prison — by June Narber
Follow-Up on Past Comments Concerning Divorce and Re-Marriage — by Tommy West
Prayer Requests & Updates — by Rosemary Halley
Prayer Requests & Updates — by Rosemary Halley
Persecution Alive and Well in 2005 — by Janine Ziomek-Witek
Guest Book Entry — by Laura Aschenbrenner
If Satan, a spirit-being, was not “literally” living in Pergamon, can we then draw the conclusion that the saints, spirit-beings, will not “literally” be on the earth, that is the physical realm, in the Millennium? — Answered by Wily Elder
What Bible translations do you recommend? — Answered by Joyce Savannah
And then the most wonderful of it all is this in Luke 22:25-38. In verse 35, Jesus said, when I sent you out that time without purse, bag or shoes, did you lack anything, and they answered not a thing. And verse 36, makes me to wonder and ask, do we as believers need this sword in our fellowship today? — Answered by Tommy West
Was Christ crucified or hanged? — Answered by Wily Elder
Because Jesus demanded this sword (verse 36) and verse 38 presented two swords and he answered that is enough, and in verse 49 of Luke chapter 22, the disciples asked shall we use the sword in verse 50. One of the disciples named Peter used the sword and in verse 51 Jesus said enough of this. I ask again do we need a sword in our fellowship today? — Answered by Tommy West
Kids Korner
Giving and Receiving — by Jeana Anderson
Prayer Requests
Prayer Requests & Updates — Issue #29
Ads and Info, etc.
Message — by Alan Croyle
Israel’s Tribes Today — by Steven M. Collins
Port Austin Bible Campus Information — by Norman Edwards
Big Trouble Brewing Between the United States and the European Union — Sent by David Ben-Ariel
General Mills Cereal — Sent by Ed Burson
The Days of Unleavened Bread in Tulsa, Oklahoma — by Doyle Carter
The Journal Exclusive News Bulletin:… — by Dixon Cartwright
Is Christ a Christian’s Example? — by Phil Griffith
Sacred Names Doctrine? — by Richard A. Heath
Issue #30 — Newsletter — November/December 2005
Persecution — by Raymond G. Kaping
Summary of Events at Port Austin (Update) — by Norman Edwards
What Ezekiel 38-39 Reveals about a Future World War III — by Steven M. Collins
Leviticus Identifies God’s Feasts — by Wayne Schatzle
Is Obedience to the Law of God Required for Salvation? — by Larry Volk
Lesson From the Book of Joshua — by Doyle Carter
Accusations Made Against Darwin and Laura Lee — by Raymond G. Kaping
Why Addresses of Sick People should Not be Included with Prayer Requests — by Rhoda Young
No Solution Yet — by Sandy Kile
Chance to be Paroled — by P. F. Lazor
Pen Pals a Success — by Janine Ziomek-Witek
Hebrew Calendar Issues — by Lloyd Brumbaugh
Is it right or wrong to believe in the cross? Please I need a specific answer. — Answered by Wily Elder
Is offering of an animal sacrifice a sin? — Answered by Tommy West
Is it a sin to teach about animal sacrifices? — Answered by Tommy West
I would like you to throw more light on the following issues:
       (1) The story of Tamar and Judah in the book of Genesis 38:1-30, is this affair between Tamer and Judah legal in the sight of God and Man? Yet this affair produced the linage through which our Lord Jesus descended through Perez (Matthew 1:2-4). What lesson do we have to learn from this?
       (2) The story of Rahab in Joshua 2:1-20, Rahab who was a prostitute in the city of Jericho, yet she was listed among the righteous (Joshua 6:22-25)? I don’t know between Rahab and the children of Isreal who won the war in the city of Jericho, because in the book of Joshua 2:15-20, she (Rahab) risked her life to give a people she didn’t know protection. And again the same prostitute was included in the linage of the righteous (Matthew 1:2-5). — Answered by Wily Elder
What is the meaning of the word “Dunamis”. As it appears in the Bible? — Answered by Wily Elder
Kids Korner
Follow the Dots — by Author Unknown
Prayer Requests
Prayer Requests & Updates — Issue #30
Ads and Info, etc.
Last Day of Unleavened Bread in Duluth — by Sandy Kile
Sorcha Fall – Russian Economist – BTW Gas is Going Up 1 Penny a Day as of Now… — Sent by Win Powell
A New World Order Coming — by David Ben-Ariel
Gelatin Used in Kellogg’s Brand Foods — Sent by Ed Burson
Fellowship Choir at Church of God Seventh Day in Tulsa — by Doyle Carter
Dangerous Man? Radical Review — Sent by David Ben-Ariel
Old WCG Material — Sent by Ed Burson
Beyond Babylon Book — Sent by David Ben-Ariel
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