(Copyright 2017) by Richard Frates (Easley, South Carolina) |
If you believe God, you would: Drink the Cup of Life that God has given you without accusing God or calling your troubles “bad luck.” Testing of the spirit: The Cup of Good and the Cup of Evil – the Cup of Salvation is the reward – Psalm 116:13. If you like Abraham believe God, this is how God considers you: Psalm 116:15 “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints.” And Proverbs 14:32 “When tragedy comes, the wicked are brought down, but even in death the righteous have a refuge.” Many believe in God, but unlike Abraham they do Not believe God. Luke 14:27 “Anyone who does Not carry his cross” life’s pains, and sorrows and follow me, cannot be my disciple. If you really “believe God” you would recognize: Salvation from Sin and Death – outweighs the burdens God has given you to carry. Drink the Cup of good and prosperity: Without becoming proud, arrogant, and Looking down on others. And the – Cup of, Evil, Disappointment and Tragedy, without, grumbling, judging God, becoming depressed, bitter, and defeated in spirit. Believe what Christ said in John 5:28-29 “A time is coming when all who are in their graves will hear his voice and come out, those who have done good will rise to life and those who have done evil will rise to be condemned.” When Paul said “Away from the body at home with the Lord” he was considering there is no remembrance of being dead. In the mind of those who believe God: Death will be like falling asleep and awakening in the promised kingdom of God. Death will be their resurrection day. The death of the wicked will be their – Judgment Day. In a church meeting a woman said: She would stop praying, because God does Not answer her prayers. She complained: I have been praying for 10 years that God would heal my son who is an alcoholic, but he is drinking more instead. What she is really saying is: She is not willing to drink the cup; God has put in her hand. Her son has become more important than God’s promise of salvation from sin and death. Also: Can her son see the Joy of Salvation in her? No. Instead she is judging God. Believers, be very careful that your Prayer to God is Not putting God to the test – Matthew 4:7. “Anyone who loves his “father and mother son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me” Matthew 10:37-38. Jesus’ warning to her and all is: Matthew 24:13 “He who “endures to the end will be saved.” The Contrast: One believer has more – Joy in Christ, and praise for God in suffering and great pain. Another is accusing God or complaining that their prayers were not answered. When suffering our attitude should be, God is punishing me Less than I deserve. Consider unanswered prayers: God’s will Not my will, is the answer to unanswered prayer. Therefore, all my prayers have been answered: Praise God. God is Testing hearts and minds: Jeremiah 17:10 “I the Lord search the heart and examine the mind, to reward a man as his deeds deserve.” Many, instead of fearing God, when they see the suffering and tragedy of others and thank God that they were spared of such suffering, Judge God as responsible and accuse God. In their arrogance and pride, they consider themselves more righteous than God. Blinded by, self-righteous pride, they have: Failed God’s Test. James 1:2-3, “Consider it pure joy. my brothers, whenever you face trials” because you know – God is testing your faith. Many, consider their suffering unjust and find fault with God because the most wicked are healthy and prospering. Job found fault in God when suffering: Job 10:3 “Does it please you to oppress me” “while you smile on the schemes of the wicked.” Great council from a younger man: Elihu said in Job 36:15 NIV version “Those who suffer, God delivers in their suffering; he speaks to them in their affliction.” To those who believe God: Suffering, trials and sicknesses are our “Teachers” and so is the wealth, prosperity, power and – praise from others. Proverbs 27:21 “The crucible for silver and the furnace for gold, but a man is tested by the praise he receives.” To True Believers “Teacher” is the name of God. Always remain God conscious and consider God your Shield and Shepherd. God will reward you dependent on how you carry your burdens, blessings, and praise from others. Only God is to be praised. In John 18:11, Christ said to Peter: “Shall I not drink the cup the Father has given me.” As Christ was willing to give his body over to great suffering and death in obedience. Those who believe God will: Identify with Jesus by having – the same attitude when suffering and drink the cup God put in their hands. Tragedy, war, and the death of multitudes is a teacher to the God fearing: The lesson is in Luke 13:1-5 “REPENT, or you too will likewise perish.” Believing God and Love for God has been replaced with Love for religion and believing the State. God’s Cup of evil: The righteous will drink without accusing God: They will become stronger in faith. But the trials of the wicked will turn them bitter and defeat them. The attitude we should have, regarding our own life: John 12:25 “He that Loves his Life shall lose it.” He that loves his life, loves himself. Comparing your Life with others is Not wise: It leads to dangerous pride or defeat and bitterness. Be content with God’s promise of mercy and salvation. Praise God: Our Father in heaven paid our debt of sin. Jesus Christ Crucified is Light that shines beyond the grave. |
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