(Copyright) by John Jewell (London, England) |
Do you believe in God? Do you believe that there is a Creator? In today’s world there is probably nothing quite like religion for stirring people up unless it is politics! Or as happens all too often, a mixture of religion and politics, both being misused, misquoted, and misunderstood. A mixture which has been used to further the ends and desires of people, who by using other people, or methods of mass communication has resulted in conflict after conflict with all the dreadful suffering that accompanies it and the premature death of millions of people in all parts of this globe. If it hasn’t actually been physical suffering, there has been a blatant misuse and abuse of the knowledge of God and the reality of His existence, an existence which various individuals in every age have vociferously denied and mocked in order to serve their own intellectual vanity. They are perhaps more familiar to us in the English-speaking western world as they preen their feathers on national television. Mouthing condemnations of the belief in God and presenting fulsome praise of an illogical belief in evolution and then pocketing generous TV appearance fees. One comment, publicly made and presented as a fact, was that, and I quote: “… life evolved out of nearly nothing, some 10 billion years after the universe evolved out of literally nothing, is a fact so staggering that it is difficult to find the words to do it justice.” Our response to this is: “so you are saying life evolved out of something.” After all, if it is “nearly nothing” then it IS something! He says that it evolved! No proof was offered to support that statement! And from where did he pull out the figure of 10 billion years? Out of thin air so it would seem! As do most, if not all, these conjuring tricks with figures and doubtful facts emanate. Another statement by Professor Richard Dawkins is this: “The theory of evolution by cumulative natural selection is the only theory we know of that is in principle capable of explaining the existence of organized complexity.” Statements by Professor Dawkins are inevitably supported by others using the media with their beliefs being given wide exposure. In fact, the theory of evolution today, strongly and widely taught around the world, and especially in the so-called developed nations, is itself a most effective tool, perhaps the most effective tool in achieving the destruction of mankind and with it the consequent rendering of the planet incapable of supporting life of any kind ever again! The statement that evolution is ‘the only theory capable of explaining the existence of organized complexity” is unreal. Consider the human brain. That is probably the finest example of “organized complexity” – yet we are expected to believe it simply came together as an accident of evolution. And evolution is very often referred to as “blind evolution” which is quite a good description. But consider the brain! Why not look the subject up in an encyclopedia. Mine said that it weighs around 3 pounds and consists of 100 thousand million nerve cells with a complex system of interlinked pathways between them. The encyclopedia goes on to list the functions. These are to control all of the activities of the body, both conscious and unconscious and also it is the seat, or center, of sensations, skills, emotions, intelligence and memory. It is further divided into three sections. The cerebrum, which is the largest section and has a surface consisting of a layer of grey material known as the cortex. This is convoluted into folds which provides the maximum amount of area to receive information coming from the senses in all parts of the body. Another section is the brain stem which receives the nerve impulses from the body and controls reflex actions such as breathing and also the heartbeat. It also operates the speech system, feeding the system with what needs to be said and then transmitting it in the correct direction and at the right volume. It also recognizes full color and is able to store details of colors perceived at any previous time. The whole is then placed in a fluid which acts as a shock absorber. Commercially, how could Man duplicate what the brain does and pack it into the same space – frankly he can’t do it! What is more the whole unit doesn’t need an assembly line, it is simply grown in accordance with a previously arranged program which comes ready packed, assembled, and contained within the fetus ready for use by the newborn human being. Similar systems and arrangements are provided for every living creature on earth. Here I need hardly mention examples, there are so many hundreds of them, however one classic example concerns migrating birds. They all know the right way! And even if they didn’t go with all the others of their type, they would still find their way to the area in which they were to winter, and find their way back. I have even read of a butterfly which manages to find its way from Britain to some parts of Africa and back again. Most of us couldn’t fly a hang glider round the local park! In fact, most of us probably wouldn’t want to anyway! But you get the point, I’m sure! Recent well publicized events resulted in a couple of women in two different parts of the world being shot! The bullet in both cases went through the skull damaging part of the cortex so it would seem. It exited through the other side of the skull. They have both made a physical recovery with most of the brain functions still available and with an apparent regeneration and repair being made to the damaged areas, in some cases other parts of the brain taking over functions from a damaged area. The brain, and in fact the whole human body, is incredible. When you honestly consider the brain, consider what it does, you have to marvel at its design, structure and the miniaturization required in order to pack so much into such a small space. You wonder at the mind that designed it and what is more designed it to, as we say today, interface with a non-physical force contained in the overall package of the human body. A force we might call consciousness! What is it and where did it come from? It could not possibly be the product of mindless, powerless, lifeless, evolution! To accept that that is a possibility is to reveal ones-self to be a very narrow-minded person indeed. Someone incapable of raising their eyes and seeing the reality! That there truly is a force, a force with the utmost intelligence and power which is involved. A force which is operating to a plan and time-table. One man who occupied a high position in this world was David, he was king over Israel. He, unlike so many evolutionists, was intelligent and was able to see the big picture as we would say today. He, as one does, considered the human body including the brain and the driving force. He brought an unprejudiced approach to life, to people, to the creation, unlike our evolutionists! In Psalm 139 he wrote this “… I will praise thee; I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knows right well.” He continues in the same psalm, verse 16 to say that God’s eyes saw what He was doing and that what He was doing was unique. That what God was doing was unique. David also realized, in context, that the creation of Man would bring its unthinking, prejudiced individuals. He says in verse 20: “…. they speak against thee wickedly, and thine enemies take thy name in vain.” A time is coming, and coming a lot quicker than you might believe, when this world and especially the world inhabited by the aggressive evolutionist, is going to be faced with the reality of God. But David pleads for them! He says this in Psalm 140 “…. Grant not, O Lord, the desires of the wicked: further not his wicked device; lest they exalt themselves.” Whether you believe in God or not makes no difference to the reality. His existence is the only reality that can properly explain the reality of life and the balance of life, this planet, and every star we see in the sky. It brings a sense of reality to us when faced with mankind, its attitudes, and its problems. And Man’s efforts are endless. Some weeks ago, in the Letter from London we drew attention to the experiments being undertaken to prove Einstein right or wrong about the speed of light. We went out on a limb and made it clear that Einstein was right! Recently, the newspapers reported the latest experiments using the Large Hadron Collider. One group of scientists said they had sent a beam of neutrinos to another facility in Italy at a speed 60 billionths of a second faster than light would have travelled. A second group however, have re-analysed the same beam and “concluded that the particles (the neutrinos) could not have travelled faster than the speed of light without exhibiting a fall in energy levels, which was not detected. The re-analysis of this beam of neutrinos is, the report said, the first serious study to question the (earlier) “faster than light” findings that have astonished and confounded scientists in equal measure. Showing that the neutrinos would have lost discernible amounts of energy had they travelled faster than the “universal constant” of light speed – about 186,282 miles per second. As this was not the case, the particles could not have travelled faster than light. The article in the Independent dated 22nd November, came to the same conclusion that we did in the What Next Newsletter for 30th September that if it was possible to travel faster than the speed of light then it would open up the prospect of travelling in time! Conceivably then altering subsequent world events. Changing things before they happened! Preventing the birth of particular individuals. The possibilities are endless. So, as we previously said, to travel back in time is not open to mankind. —————————————————————————————————- See John Jewell’s other articles at: Jewell, John – Church of God, Bismarck (church-of-god-bismarck.org) —————————————————————————————————– |
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