(Copyright 2021) by William P. Goff (Myrtle Beach, South Carolina) |
In last week’s Bible study, we were discussing the miracles that Jesus performed while on this earth. Today let us continue looking at a few more of His miracles, and then let us learn something that is very important. Where did Jesus get all that Power from. Let us find out in today’s Bible study, Where Jesus received all the Power to perform such Mighty Miracles? It takes Power to turn water into wine. It takes Power to move Mountains. Well, where does all this Miraculous Power come from? And let us ask another question in today’s Bible study. Is it possible for us (yes you and I) to also have this Power to do Such Mighty Works? The Scriptures are quite clear concerning these questions, so let us see what they say. (First let us read about a few more miracles.) Once more Jesus visited Cana in Galilee, where he had turned the water into wine. And there was a certain royal official whose son lay sick at Capernaum. When this man heard that Jesus had arrived in Galilee from Judea, he went to him and begged him to come and heal his son, who was close to death. (John 4: 46-54) Notice verse 50 says when Jesus said to the man “Go thy way; thy son liveth” that the man “Believed” what Jesus had spoken. YES, he “Believed” the Word of God. IF we want Miracles, we must have “Belief”. Another day as Jesus was standing by the Lake of Gennesaret (That is the Sea of Galilee) the people were crowding around him and listening to the word of God. Jesus saw at the water’s edge two boats, left there by the fishermen, who were washing their nets. He got into one of the boats, the one belonging to Simon, and asked him to put out a little from shore. Then he sat down and taught the people from the boat. When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, “Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.” Simon answered, “Master, we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets.” When they had done so, they caught such a large number of fish that their nets began to break. So, they signaled their partners in the other boat to come and help them, and they came and filled both boats so full that they began to sink. When Simon Peter saw this, he fell at Jesus’ knees and said, “Go away from me, Lord; I am a sinful man!” For he and all his companions were astonished at the catch of fish they had taken, and so were James and John, the sons of Zebedee, Simon’s partners. Then Jesus said to Simon, “Don’t be afraid; from now on you will fish for people.” So, they pulled their boats up on shore, left everything and followed him. (Luke 5:1-11) Notice in verse 10 Jesus said: “Henceforth (from now on) you will be fishers of men.” That is what a disciple of Christ is to be doing, “fishing for men” or teaching people about God and His wonderful Kingdom that is soon coming. There is another place that Jesus told His disciples they were to become “Fishers of Men!” (Matthew 4:19) Another time Jesus was in the synagogue (church) and a man in their church who was possessed by an impure spirit cried out, “What do you want with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are—the Holy One of God!” “Be quiet!” said Jesus sternly. “Come out of him!” The impure spirit shook the man violently and came out of him with a shriek. The people were all so amazed that they asked each other, “What is this? A new teaching—and with authority! He even gives orders to impure spirits, and they obey him.” News about him spread quickly over the whole region of Galilee. (Mark 1:21-28) After they left church that day, they entered into Simon’s house. Simon’s mother-in-law was in bed with a fever, and they immediately told Jesus about her. So, he went to her, took her hand and helped her up. The fever left her and she began to wait on them. (Mark 1:30-31) Look what happened next: (Mark 1:32-35.) Yes, Jesus healed a lot of people that day; He had a lot of Power. But where did He get all this Power? Notice verse 35 says that Jesus rose up early in the morning and went out to a private place and “Prayed.” He Prayed to His Father. Our Heavenly Father is the one who gave Jesus all that Power. Jesus couldn’t do those miracles by Himself; (He was just flesh & blood like you and I, very weak.) He needed to be connected to the Father to have that Power. Let’s see that by reading Jesus’ own words: (John 5:19) Jesus was connected to the Father, that’s where He got all that Power. And how was Jesus connected so closely to the Father? Through Prayer! Remember our recent Bible study on Prayer, and how praying (talking to God) connects us to Him? How “Praying without Ceasing” is accomplished by talking with God always, not just “intermittently” when the snake bites, or we cut our leg with the ponga (machete) and need immediate help from Him, but all the time, because God is close, He can hear our every thought. We also talked in that Prayer Bible study about what we called “Formal Prayer” with the examples of Daniel and David praying on their knees three times a day. And Jesus also often prayed on His knees before the Father. All the Power to perform these miracles comes from the Father Himself. Jesus said “I can of my own self do nothing” (John 5:30) Yes, it was the Father who gave Jesus (a mere man) all that Power. We can see that again in the miracle in: (Matthew 9:1-8) Yes, the people marveled that “God” (God the Father) had given such Power to men”. Has God the Father ever given such Power to other men besides Jesus? (Luke 10:1) (Luke 10:17) (Acts 5:12) Yes, they were at “one accord” at Solomon’s porch. They were “Believers” full of Faith. Well how about us? Will we be able to perform Might Miracles like Jesus and the Apostles did? (John 14:12) Yes, God can give us the Power to perform Great Works, but only IF we have “Belief” only IF we have “Faith”. (Mark 16:17-18) Not everyone is given Power to perform miracles, but to those who Believe, that Power shall be given. Do we Believe? Do we have Faith? Remember, Belief and Faith go “hand in hand” and they start with Prayer, walking and talking with God. How are our Prayers doing? Are we becoming closer to God, has our Faith and Belief been increasing, or do we like many, have doubt and unbelief? Today there is little Faith around, remember our Lord questioned if He would even find Faith on the earth at the end time, the time in which we are now living. (Luke 18:8) Again, I ask, do we have Faith? (And more importantly) Is our Faith Alive? Many say they have faith, but the faith of many is dead. Faith starts with Prayer, but it doesn’t end there. One has to add “Works” to Faith in order to have Living Faith. (James 2:20) In our next Bible study we will discuss “Works” Just what are these “Works” that we need to be doing? ——————————————————————————————————– See William P. Goff’s other articles at: Goff, William P. – Church of God, Bismarck (church-of-god-bismarck.org) Reprinted with permission from: A Voice in the Wilderness https://khofh.org/ ——————————————————————————————————– |
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