by Jeffrey Caldwell (Redwood City, California) |
What makes for a great nation is relevant to God’s holy nation. It seems good to me to share with you a couple of my recent Facebook posts: The day after the election: ———— Today we, here in the United States, have a new President-elect — not the one that I, nor many of us, were expecting! Reminded that citizenship confers not only rights, but also responsibilities. Thanks to the wisdom of our founders each of us has a say in the public square and ability to communicate with fellow citizens or our officials. Even, where appropriate, to engage our officials with another “check and balance” arm of our government. Most of all, as a citizen and as …a Christian, today I am recalling Paul’s exhortation concerning ‘fighting the good fight’: “I urge you first of all to pray for all people. As you make your requests, plead for God’s mercy upon them, and give thanks. Pray this way for kings and all others who are in authority, so that we can live in peace and quietness, in godliness and dignity. This is good and pleases God our Savior who wants everyone to be saved and to understand the truth.” (I Timothy 2:1-4). Always appropriate to give thanks for whatever is good in one’s nation and to plead and work for good in whatever way open to us, whether with officials on their way out or on their way in. May this remarkable election prove to be a wake-up call from God for more of us to engage ourselves constructively as citizens, at the least in prayer for our fellow citizens and officials. A remarkable experience taught the King of Babylon, long ago, that: “the Most High rules over the kingdoms of the world and gives them to anyone He chooses—even the lowliest of humans” (Daniel 4:17) — for His own purposes. Historically, most United States citizens believed this; in any case, what is so is so, whether we accept reality or not. ———— What makes a nation “great”? Not so much its conquests or military power, its wealth or magnificence, its great monuments, its accomplished athletes, or its artistic skill — though such things may weigh in. But is it not wisdom expressed in its goodness, its fairness, its honorable conduct? Is it not honorable administration of government and honorable conduct of the subjects of that government towards each other in every matter, every day? Is not the key to genuine greatness justice, high and low? Fairness and constructiveness among all its citizens, from the least to the greatest? Is not genuine greatness a product of praiseworthy conduct of our national business at every level — from the President setting and pursuing national policy down to the least of our citizens relating to one another? I fear our weakness as a nation is our lack of consensus as to exactly what is praiseworthy. Only that which genuinely is praiseworthy will bring us other than shame and disgrace, opposition from other men and even God. I suggest the key for our national greatness is for each and all of us to seek the praise of King Jesus, the Righteous Judge who cannot be gamed — to whom all power in heaven and on earth has been given! Greatness is generated by each and all of us turning, more and more, in our conduct, to the wisdom of the Way of our Teacher. His praise is the gold standard of greatness! |
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