(Copyright 2018 & 10-08-2024) by James Steinle (Swanville, Minnesota) |
WE WERE TAUGHT IT WAS WRONG In the Churches I was involved with for the past major part of my life, it was pretty much understood and taught that a member should not get involved in the political part of this world’s ‘evil government’. This was based in a large part on the book of Revelation chapter 18 and verses 4 and 5. These verses read in the King James Version, “And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. 5 For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.” It is talking about a system of government that is very corrupt and will be destroyed in the future. There is no denying this world’s general systems of government are a den of evil works including our own here in the United States of America and that Ha Satan or the Adversary is the primary influence. We can see that by the constant barrage of news reports of corruption and illegal goings on from the local councils of villages on up to the highest positions of government in the land. Maybe once in a while we might see someone stand up for proper values in politics, but it seems to be very little, especially in the upper echelons of government. Powerful forces of various businesses, organizations and individuals are directed at those who have been elected to serve and represent others in various offices. Businesses especially seem to have a vested interest to try and promote or change rules, regulations and laws that would be in the supposed best interest of that particular business or group. Politicians, i.e. servants or representatives of the general populous, are constantly being asked to do this or that, often with a monetary reward for a prize if they will. In other words, bribes and corruption are the name of the game. This could be monetary, fabulous vacations or even sexual favors if the politician will vote or help push other politicians to pass favorable laws or regulations that will result in what the business or political group desires. The politicians’ reelection will be assured by the money poured into their coffers by the vested interests. Americans tend to think of corruption only happening in other nations of the world, but it is rampant in our own political world also. Sadly, it seems most people who get into politics or who desire to serve their communities often end up profiting enormously from their positions and live a rich lifestyle. And of course, their wages or salaries associated with their position of service would nowhere come close in allowing them to live in the luxury that many of them do. In other words, the power they hold means they likely have been corrupted into accepting bribes for their favors they were willing to do for vested interests. And this is often to the detriment of those citizens they are supposedly representing by their office. HOW IT STARTED AND WHY WE WERE TAUGHT NOT TO GET INVOLVED IN POLITICS For the Israelite nations of old, this basically started when the people desired to have a government like the heathen nations around them. Why the people wanted such a government was due to corruption in high places. The reason is found in first Samuel chapter three. The child Samuel was given into the care and teaching of the then High Priest Eli. As a young child Samuel was taught the ways of life and righteousness he was to live. He listened carefully to the words taught by the High Priest Eli. Verse 19 says, “And Samuel grew, and Yehovah [the LORD] was with him and did not let none of his words fall to the ground.” However, there was a problem with the High Priest Eli. When he should have been watching over and teaching his own children right values, he became lackadaisical and careless with his God-given responsibility! Verse thirteen of chapter three explains. It was because of how Eli did not do his job with his children, he and his descendants would lose their position of responsibility, their trust and their lives. Eli’s children, because of the lack of proper parental supervision became corrupt and did what was evil and vile in the eyes of Yehovah. Proverbs 19:18 tells us, “Chasten your son while there is hope, and let not your soul spare for his crying.” Proverbs also tells us, “Correct (chasten, instruct) thy son, and he shall give you rest; yea, he shall give you delight unto your soul.” Our Savior said much the same thing as recorded in Matthew 10:36, “He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.” Eli however honored his priest sons Hophni and Phinehas more than he feared his Creator. This family grew fat, probably both physically and financially, by taking or demanding more than was properly due them (1 Samuel 2:29). Later, it cost all three of them their lives. ANOTHER DIRECTION? WHAT ABOUT THE GAP? So, the churches that were in my background and taught that it’s members should not get involved in the political system but just work whatever type of jobs they could, would seem to be correct. I believe the word ‘seem’ might be the operative word here. Is there another case to be made that might point in another direction? Could we say these churches are maybe missing the mark in what they believe their members should be able to properly do in serving or representing others if they so desired? Are they saying their members are so morally and spiritually weak that they would not be able to stand up to the financial or moral pressures that would come upon them in a political office? What essentially was (and probably still is) being taught reminds me of this word we find in Ezekiel 22:30, “And I sought for a man among them that should make up the hedge and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none.” Our Creator was saying then and still is apparently, that there should be those that would do what is right and not give in to the influence of Satan and the pressures this world has to offer. We Believers in the Messiah or the Anointed One, have and are being taught the way of life that leads and guides us to doing what is right in the eyes of our Creator. That is what spiritual leaders are to be teaching and the reason why we study the scriptures. Many of those spiritual teachers that were in my background believe and teach that our time is not now to be involved in serving others in the political or service arena. The teaching is that we must wait until the Messiah our Master returns again and we receive our new spiritual body. Then we will be able to be leaders and guides of the yet physical mankind left here on earth (Revelation 20:4-6). That teaching is correct in what will happen someday in the future. However, does that mean it would be wrong to serve our fellow citizens in some political capacity if we have that desire or have the opportunity to do so, even though the political system we currently have is a carnal human system? Does that mean we could not act righteously in whatever capacity we would be serving in? WHAT ABOUT THE PROPHET DANIEL? Daniel is an interesting individual who became involuntarily involved in a foreign political system of his time. Daniel was an Israelite youth and either of the kingly line or one who was a prince who was captured by an enemy nation. Daniel was a well educated youth and skillful in wisdom and understanding. The king was looking for such individuals to serve in his headquarters or palace. This likely was because of the early training these particular men had had in their own country. The idea was to continue their training in the Babylonian system of governing. These then highly educated men could help the king govern his own people and it also would likely pacify the rest of the Israelite captives. It happened that the king had a frightful dream which he promptly forgot but he knew the dream had some great meaning. He asked his wise men, those who did enchantments, did conjuring, and practiced magic. None could give the king the answer to what his dream was or what it meant. The king was furious and told the captain of the guard to kill all the wise men which would have included Daniel and his three friends. Daniel was smart and wise enough that he asked his friends to pray to their God for the answer to the king’s questions. The prayers were answered, and Daniel was able to tell the king what the dream was and what it meant. The result was that Daniel and his friends were placed in high places of responsibility in the king’s government and Daniel himself was made ruler over the whole province of Babylon! Daniel served the king and other kings that ruled later in a wise and righteous way. In other words, Daniel became a politician in a heathen or gentile nation! And Daniel did not allow the gentile nation and its ways to corrupt his faith or the laws or Torah that he went by. He was willing to die if he had to in a severe test, but he would not budge in his convictions. So, if a believer felt called to some type of political office, whether in a town, a city or some national position, and their goal was to be wise and to serve properly in whatever responsibility was involved, would it be wrong to be in that office or have that responsibility? It appears many church organizations would not approve. The apostle Peter said that Yehovah is not a respecter of persons (Acts 10:34). YES, THIS WORLD IS EVIL The world and its political systems are replete with accounts of self-pride, of sexual sins, of lying, of using power unjustly for self-gain. Hypocrisy is rampant and the accepting of bribes. And bribes can come in many ways for politicians. It seems the normal course of action for too many involved in the political system. The apostle Paul in his time recognized this world is evil (Galatians 1:4). Mankind in general has not changed since Paul’s time either. But the faith, hope and patience of the true believer in Messiah is that He will return to earth when the time is right. But in the meantime, does that mean a person with our Father’s Holy Spirit in them cannot resist those forces of evil and do what is right and just? Daniel walked in faith and did what was right in the eyes of his God even though he was a part of the corrupt government system of his day. Cannot our resolve be like Daniels’? We have to know what our Father’s values are and make sure they are in us also. If we did serve in a political office does that mean we would never make a mistake? Certainly, it could happen, however it should be just a mistake or a misjudgment, it should not be a deliberate sin. From the book of Proverbs chapter 6 we find our Creator hates certain things that carnal mankind is prone to do. He hates the proud look or attitude. He hates a lying tongue. He hates the shedding of innocent blood. He hates a heart that comes up with ways to do things that are not just and right and feet that swiftly tries to get evil accomplished. He hates witnesses that lie under oath. He hates the discord among brethren or brothers that results from such evil activities. However, if we have the love of the Messiah or the Anointed One in us and we are aware of the way of life we are to live including loving our neighbor as ourselves, then even if such a person is in some political position that would and should still be the course of action we would follow in making decisions. With the power of our Father’s Spirit and His Word living in us, we should be able to recognize and reject any carnal way that the system might tempt us with. Our Father will help us through any test or trial that might come our way if we are humble, have a contrite spirit and we respect His word (Isaiah 66:2). A politician or public servant needs to make right and just decisions and not be swayed by those who have power that might try to wrongly influence him or her. On the other hand, they are also not to be swayed from making a proper decision just because someone is poor and is not dressed in fine clothes (John 7:24). There is an interesting few verses in the book of Proverbs that comes to mind in relationship to helping an innocent individual in desperate need. It is in chapter 24:10-12. “If thou faint in the day of adversity, thy strength is small. 11 If thou forbear to deliver them that are drawn unto death, and those that are ready to be slain; 12 If thou sayest, Behold, we knew it not; doth not he that pondereth the heart consider it? and he that keepeth thy soul, doth not he know it? and shall not he render to every man according to his works?” (KVJ) Question. There are many ways in which innocents could be slain or killed. Are not innocents also in danger of death from evil or corrupt politicians; sometimes even literally? And if we might be held responsible by our Creator for what appears the obvious meaning in a life or death situation, how about if we have the opportunity politically to try to stop some evil law or regulation by a carnal politician? Might we be shirking our responsibility to love our neighbor as our self? CERTAINLY THERE COULD BE PROBLEMS FOR A BELIEVER TO OVERCOME SERVING IN POLITICAL OFFICE One of the possible problems that could come up is what to do about keeping the Sabbath. It might take some ingenuity and wisdom from our Father in working that out. Apparently, Daniel and his friends found some way to overcome their problems. BUT WHAT ABOUT THE SCRIPTURES THAT TALK ABOUT ESCAPING THE POLUTIONS OF THE WORLD? This is probably one of the more likely questions a believer might ask. The apostle Peter did say, “For if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Yayshua Messiah [Jesus Christ], they are again entangled therein, and overcome, the latter end is worse with them than the beginning. (2 Peter 2:20) The question though is entangled in what? The world and its political systems? I do not believe that is what Peter was driving at nor what Revelation 18:4 was invoking when it said to “come out of her my people.” Here is what Peter was talking about in 2 Peter 2. He talked about sinful attitudes of lust, corruption, being deceitful, loving rewards for doing what was wrong; eyes full of adultery and despising government. It was the pollution of sin he was talking about; not the serving of others in a position of responsibility in some political governmental office. The apostles did not say anything about brethren working in government positions in their day as that would have been the exception. There was the jailer who converted upon seeing what happened to the apostles that were miraculously let loose by an angel. It does not say what happened to him but he might certainly have kept his service job. There was Cornelius, the centurion who worked for Rome. Upon Peter baptizing Cornelius and his family there is no mention that he changed from that government service position. And for us currently in the United States, our system of government by the people and for the people was never in effect back then. The citizens put their/our choice of servants into the positions of responsibility or political office. I believe that could even be a believer and that it would not be wrong in the eyes of our Heavenly Father. CONCLUSION Probably not many believers would desire to attain to political office including myself, but churches that teach their members that doing so means that they are getting involved with the world, are in my opinion misunderstanding the scriptural teachings and doing their members a disservice. Also, the citizens of a town, city or nation are deprived of someone who has been trained in righteousness who will make their effort in trying to properly do what is right. Yes, we know this current world is destined for being taken down because of sin, but in the meantime, there may be believers who could stand in the gap. I also believe we have been given the power and biblical authority to at least try to make better changes in voting for a person who appears to have at least some of the same values that we have. If we show we care enough to want to make a difference in this world by fervent prayer and voting, then just maybe the Father will make sure to put in leadership a person He wants that will be a blessing to us all. If you are thinking on voting and have not done so before, there may only be a short time left to register in your local county before it may be too late. ——————————————————————————————————– See James Steinle’s other articles at: Steinle, James – Church of God, Bismarck (church-of-god-bismarck.org) ——————————————————————————————————– |
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