by Ray Daly (Lincoln, North Dakota) |
Gen. 36:1 “The generations of Esau, who is Edom. V.2. Esau took his wives of the daughters of Canaan. Adah…the Hittite, Aholibamah…the Hivite. V.3. And Bashemath Ishmael’s daughter.” In the above we see that Esau was called Edom. And throughout OT Scriptures, when it reads “Edom”, it is speaking of only the descendants of his Canaanite wives. Continuing to be known of as Esau, as for his Ishmaelite wife. In this Study, I will be dealing with only Esau’s Edomite wives. And as will be shown, said wives had children whose descendants are still alive and active today in regular daily news. There came a time in the lives of Esau and Jacob, where Esau, because he was hungry, “sold his birthright” as the eldest, to Jacob for a dish of food. Showing how little regard he had for his father’s wishes. However, even though Esau readily sold his birthright, he nonetheless felt that his father would still give it to him. And Isaac would have, if his wife Rebekah had not deliberately deceived her husband and gained Jacob the inheritance. As a result, we are told in Gen. 27:41. “And Esau hated Jacob, because of the blessing his father had blessed him. So, Esau sought to kill Jacob. But Jacob fled beforehand and escaped into Aram. Abraham’s line of descent. The hatred that Esau had for Jacob was never forgotten. Which this Study will bring out. For as we will read in Mal. 1:3, because of Esau’s hatred for Jacob, we are told that the “LORD hated [loved much less] Esau.” I will come back to this Scripture later. If I do not forget. Moving on. In the opening Scripture, we see Esau’s two Canaanite wives mentioned. Adah and Aholibamah. The latter will play the biggest role in what is to follow. And, as we continue, keep in mind that the Canaanites believed that Israel’s future homeland belonged to them. Not to Jacob. An example of this. Eze. 23:2 “Son of man. There were two women, the daughters of one mother. V.3. And they committed whoredoms in Egypt…V.4. Their names were Aholah, the oldest, and Aholibah her sister…Samaria is Aholah, and Jerusalem Aholibah.” Most believe, based on the last verse, that they are picturing Samaria and Jerusalem. But if one would look into the definitions, then they would find that this usage was a “symbolic” one. Which will be shown. As the story continues, these two sisters came into the land of Israel, even at the time that Jerusalem was still being surrounded by Babylon’s armies. Few of Judea were left in the land outside of the city. This being so, that the sisters came into the lands of Israel then, how could they be confused as picturing Israel and Jerusalem? No, these two were coming into the land to “claim it for themselves”. Which brings us to their mother. She was one of “Edom’s” wives. Aholibamah. And her descendants were coming to take back the land that Esau believed was supposed to be his. Another good example of these being Edomites is found in V.5. “Aholah [picturing the northern tribes] …doted on her lovers. On the Assyrians her neighbors.” Do any of you recall the nations of Israel ever “doting” on their enemies the Assyrians? I cannot recall such a thing. It goes on to say about Aholah that eventually the Assyrians “…Took her sons and daughters and slew her.” Thus, leaving only Aholibah. The one that lusted after Jerusalem/Judea. Whom is said to have done worse than her sister. It also goes on to give “prophecies” concerning her future. Even some that relate to the near future this age. Keeping in mind that, unlike Aholah, whose children were taken away by Assyria, Aholibah continued to live in the land. Though no records are specifically aimed at her for some time, as far as Scripture is concerned. However, as we will see, history does bring her to the fore. Which is where I will begin her historic posterity. Let’s move on to the mid 200’s BC. While the returned Jews from Babylon were still living in their land, they were under the rulership of either of the two generals that Alexander the Great had made heads of the land. The one in Syria, and the other in Egypt. Daniel has some to say on these two rulers. Often fighting one another over control of Judea. However, in the mid 200’s BC, things were to change. It was at that time that an army came across the Euphrates, into the land. They were Parthians. Or, of the tribes of Israel, that had taken over the former lands of the Medo-Persians after Alexander had defeated them. They defeated the king of Syria and were on their way to Egypt. They met up with the Israelite Jews, and because they were “brothers”, made one of their number “king of Judea”. The first thing this king did was to form an army and go to war with some Edomites (likely descended from Aholibah), known by this time as “Idumeans”. The code to follow begins with the following. E. for Edom. And I. for the Idumeans. As I will list it, (E.I.) Upon the Jewish king defeating the Idumeans, all their males were forced to be circumcised, and all the peoples were forced to obey the law of Moses. They were invaded because they were living in Judah’s land, on the east side of the Dead sea. It wasn’t all that long before the armies of Rome again came and made one of these Idumean’s king. His name was Herod, and his title was “the Great”. Now, the identity is (E.I.H.). As is well known, in the latter 1st century AD, the Israelite Jews rebelled against Rome, and were defeated in 70 AD. As a result of their defeat, all Israelites were “banned from the borders of Roman territories”. Most obviously going to Babylon in Parthia. Where their fellow Judahites, and Benjamites lived. However, because of their supporting Rome, the Herodians Jews were allowed to remain in Judea and Egypt. However, in the early 100’s AD, Rome began making laws, not favoring the Herodians religion. Especially the law to put an end to the circumcising of babies. The Herodians revolted, and war resulted. In 132 AD the Herodians were defeated, and like the Israelite Jews, were banned from the Roman Empire borders. Obviously not being wanted in Parthia, or with the Israelites to the west, the Carthaginians at that time, they had to settle elsewhere. This being in the neutral area of the seven churches of Revelation. Here they were given the name “Ashkenazi’s”. Which was the name of one of Japheth’s sons that had settled there for a few centuries after leaving Shinar. (E.I.H.A.) It was only a couple of centuries, until weather changes, and the influx of gentile peoples, forced the tribes of Israel to migrate. Eventually reaching their present homelands. So also, the Ashkenazi Jews had to migrate. They going to the Steppes of Russia. Here they became a prosperous trade country and gained the name “Khazars”. (E.I.H.A.K.) Then came the time of the “hordes from the east”. The Khazars had to pack up and migrate westerly. Into northeastern and central Europe. Eventually being labeled “Russian Jews”. (E.I.H.A.K.R.) Here they lived, and essentially prospered until the latter half of the 1800’s. It was at this time that the Chancellor of Germany, Otto von Bismarck, began to unite the 100 or so “states” of Germany. He used the “Jews” as one of his rallying cries. Pressure by the German peoples forced another migration of these Russian Jews. Some went, by invitation of the Czar to return to the Steppes. (See: Fiddler on the Roof). The majority of the Russian Jews migrated west. Some 6,000,000 coming to the US from the 1870’s until WW1. The rest of the story is well known. The many Jews that remained in Europe in the east, and west of Germany, and many that were back in Germany, were killed during the “holocaust”. Of the survivors, a large number made their way to Judea. Having been given permission by the Allied powers. In conclusion. As is known, these, now Israeli Jews (E.I.H.A.K.R.I.) faced many enemies living in the land. Until that is, the year of 1967, when the Arab powers and their allies, went to war against these Jews. The enemy was defeated in “6 days”. And note very carefully. It was at this time that the Israeli Jews gained control of Jerusalem. Editor’s Note: Just so you know, most people do not believe there is a tie between the Khazars of Russia and the Ashkenazi Jews. However, with that said, I do not know too much about this point, however, I know there are a few among us who have written books and studied this at length. So perhaps some of them could give us more details in this regard. I am not saying this article is wrong, I am just saying there may be more to this story or perhaps another side to it. Laura Lee |
Iron Sharpening Iron In regard to: A Short History of the Edomites (German Jews and Russian Jews) Article by Ray Daly Comments by Ray Daly (Lincoln, North Dakota) |
Thanks for printing my article on the “Edomite/Israeli Jews” of today. I want to add a thought or two, to the migrations of these Jews, in the 1800’s. For, at the same time, there was another migration of “Jews” out of Germany. These being termed the “German Jews”, as opposed to the Edomite “Russian Jews”. Some 600,000 of them came to America from the late 1850’s to the 1870’s. Prior to the Russian Jews. These German Jews were almost certainly Israelites, that had been taken captive in the 720’s BC by the Assyrians and settled in their land. Note that an early “Queen” of England married a “prince of Germany”. Likely one of those Ephraimite’s that Assyria had taken. As to the German Jews that settled in America, vs. the Russian/Edomite Jews. The author of a book called “The Rest of Us”, written at the behest of the Russian Jews, described the two classes as follows. The German Jews: “Taller, slimmer, with lighter skin, hair and eyes”. The Russian Jews: “Shorter, heavier, with darker skin, hair and eyes”. The latter, it should be remembered, were sons of Esau’s “black Canaanite wives”. |
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