(Copyright) by Richard Markland |
For decades Americans have been warned of a time in which George Orwell’s Novel “1984” would become a reality. The American people cannot say they have not been put on notice. Irreplaceable freedoms are being eliminated. The tactics used are invasive, immense in size and scope and without consideration for anyone or anything. The American people should be alarmed by what is taking place but there is not an understanding of what has become a frightening reality. There is a lack of foresight about what the future holds and a careless indifference towards how each and every person is going to be impacted. People are of two extreme mind sets. They are either at a loss of how to deal with what is an evolving two headed Frankenstein Monster with outstretched tentacles and known as Big Brother or oblivious to the dangers that now exist. A Tailor-Made Crisis Covid-19 has been holding the nation hostage for months. It is controlling once taken for granted daily routines. Federal, state, and local governments have become overseers who are dictating what people can and cannot do. Livelihoods have been destroyed or severely impacted by the abuse of power from officials elected to office. They are to serve the people but instead have made the people subservient to them. What the American people were told would be short-term inconveniences have turned out to be long-term difficulties for the nation, yet justified as necessary in order to get through a crisis that in all actuality is benefiting those in power. By the time Americans wake up, it will be too late. Without the Covid-19 crisis Big Brother would not be able to mature and grow in size and scope. A Messianic Cure All For months emphasis has been placed upon the need for a vaccine. Under the Trump administration the creation of a vaccine was called “Operation Warp Speed”. Even though every vaccine ever created has taken an average of four years to develop, test and market Moderna and Pfizer were able to “successfully” develop, test and market their vaccines in mere months. The creation of a vaccine has taken on messianic overtones and presented as a cure-all savior in the way the mainstream media has inundated the American people with endless hours of reporting. The message has been one in which, if the American people are vaccinated the country can return to a sense of normalcy. What, however, is a sense of normalcy when abnormal and devastating restrictions will remain in effect for months to come? The majority of Americans are convinced vaccinations are an absolute must. They are willing to drive long distances and wait in line for hours in order to be tested or vaccinated. It is a herd mentality accepted without question as people blindly place trust in what they are told. An Uncertain Future Presents Problems The Corona crisis has stifled freedom of speech. To question the actions of officials in power is considered an act of defiance. To question what is in a vaccine and express safety concerns raises suspicions. Refusing to be vaccinated is viewed as a health risk to yourself and others. An increasing number of companies are requiring vaccinations for all employees. It is now a requirement for various airlines and cruise ships will soon follow. It is only a matter of time until other companies follow suit. In an interview with “60 Minutes” a few months ago, the Chairman of the Federal Reserve stated, “The United States economy can’t fully recover until everyone is vaccinated.” It is what he didn’t say that deserves questioning. It is a future with minefields if a person is considered a risk to others and a pariah in the eyes of employers and business establishments. Will Washington and state governments require vaccinations and anyone who refuses will be marked as a risk? What is the Mark of the Beast? To many professing Christians, the Mark of the Beast has been an implantation of a computer chip under a person’s skin, but the Corona crisis has without a doubt broadened the interpretation of what the word “Mark” means. According to Merriam Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary Tenth Edition: Mark- (1) A boundary with limits (2) To make or leave a mark (3) To characterize and distinguish (4) To observe (5) A symbol used for identification. (1) A boundary with limits- What people can and cannot do varies from state to state. States have placed restrictions upon how many people are able to gather in group settings with social distancing requirements. (2) To make or leave a mark- Federal, state and local governments are leaving their mark or imprint by enforcing mandates and issuing guidelines of what is and isn’t permitted. If not obeyed, it can result in fines or arrest. (3) To characterize and distinguish- People who attend a church, wedding or who gather in a social setting are characterized and distinguished as a danger to others if not limited in numbers and not social distancing. (4) To observe- Drones are being used in various cities to observe the activities of people. Authorities are being notified by residents of neighborhoods if anyone is seen violating restrictions put in place. Businesses are also being closely watched and monitored. (5) A symbol used for identification- Who is and is not vaccinated will become a greater issue. Various airlines are already requiring proof from passengers before they are permitted on flights. Smartphones are being used with the required information by passengers. The Chairman of the Federal Reserve also stated, “In all likelihood proof that a person has been vaccinated will have to be provided before being granted permission to eat at a restaurant.” Revelation 3:16-17- “And he causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand (symbolizing the ability to purchase) or a mark in their foreheads (symbolizing free will): verse 17- And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark or name of the beast or the number of his name.” The year 2020 was when federal, state, and local governments began to place their mark upon the American people. The Corona crisis shows how easily people can be restricted from buying and businesses restricted from selling. As with any crisis the abuse of power does not diminish but only grows. Most people will be caught by surprise because they do not see what’s coming. Luke 21:35- “For as a snare (trap) shall it come on all of them that dwell on the earth.” There is a way to be spared from what’s ahead, however, for those who are watching, praying and obeying God on his terms, Luke 21:36- “Watch therefore and pray always that you may be worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass and to stand before the Son of Man.” |
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