(Copyright 2023) by Richard Frates (Easley, South Carolina) |
What does “Racist-Equity” mean? Banish EQYALITY – Character or Merit: Black or white is all that matters. Base state policy on race instead. Pander to Black Racism: School district Canceled – Advance Math “in the name of “Equity” “Because it attracted too many Asians and Whites.” What does “inclusion” mean? Exclude reality and truth, invite depravity and deception. Truth is Color-blind – Race Irrelevant. Shock Black and White Leftist snakes with truthful messages: Number 7 – Black racism on display: Justify racist motivated riots and crime – Harvest Black Votes? 1. Black America: “Love God and your neighbor “as yourself” is critical.” As yourself means consider your White neighbor as Black as yourself and your Black neighbor as White as yourself. Praise God. 2. Black America: White and black – Leftist Snakes: Preach race is critical to divide, control black minds and votes. Black or white, who believe or preach race is “critical” are Damned Racist. 3. Black America: Who infected you with “Victim Psychology”? And your white neighbor is why? Victim minds are like clay – easily molded and driven to hate in the bloody hands of Devil-Media. Love your white neighbor cures “victim” of white neighbor! 4. Black America: Devils dig up the past to plant – Victim-Psychology – and Hate the innocent. History is forever: Blacks are driven by Leftist Snakes to HATE forever! Repent if this describes you: Innocent of guilty irrelevant black or white is all that matters? 5. Black America: Devil-Media owns your mind: 95% of Blacks voting Democrat for racist advantages is “Systemic” Black Racism. Systemic means “total complete.” 6. Black America: Thank God for Uncle Tom, blacks who are not black enough and white people they are FREE to obey God and “Love your neighbor as yourself.” 7. Black America: Black racist motivated riots, in fake love for black criminals, is Americas real hate crime! Are most blacks racist or do they really love black criminals? 8. Black America: Why does Devil-Media – ONLY – use black criminals to inspire black racist motivated riots? Only option the Devils know white America is not racist and black racism and crime must be justified. 9. Black America: Why hate your Black Brother – Justice Clarence Thomas? Black and White Snakes: Hate blacks who escape from the democratic party Hate White America Plantation. 10. Black America: Love God and your neighbor, as yourself is: Salvation. Hate white America and blacks who do not hate white America guarantees you – Hell. 11. BlackAmerica: Why is effective law enforcement absent in black neighborhoods and police ridiculed by black leaders? Because safe black and white integrated neighborhoods would terrorize the Democratic Party! 12. Black America: Free yourselves from the Democratic party – Hate White America Plantation. Democratic party snakes will never set you free! 13. Black America: George Floyd had enough drugs in him to – KILL SEVEN MEN – George killed himself. The police are innocent but condemned to appease hateful black racists. 14. Black America: Devil-Media, Democrats, and black racist activist: Use black criminals as – Hate white America insurance – to control black minds and votes. 15. Black America: Social Justice and “Equal Justice Under Law” is all judged the Same Race in Court – Education and the Workplace. Black racist hate equal justice because it disarms justification to hate and accuse based on race! 16. Black America: University Devils and Leftist Snakes Preach: “Blacks cannot be Racist.” That poison planted in your mind will drag you to hell. It Justifies – Killing white, men, women, and children as fighting racism! 17. Black America: Whites today innocent: Did Not lynch black or white criminals of the past. Blacks today are – innocent – who did Not – riot, kill white people, or attack police because of – FAKE LOVE – for George Floyd. LOVE: Endures, overlooks an offence, and Rejoices in Truth: HATE: Digs up justification to be offended, accuse the innocent, riot, praise the wicked and Rejoices in Deception! Truth is Power: 2 Corinthians 10:4-5 “The weapons we fight with” “Have divine power to demolish strongholds.” “We demolish arguments – against the knowledge of God.” Honest Billboard Ad: Uncivil rights law – the evil seed of “Systemic-Black-Racism.” Only white can be guilty and Black Accusers: Forever racially offended – Licensed to extort money. White can never be racially offended – therefore the forever target. Color-Blind-Justice – will take money out of Uncivil – Systemic Black Racism Law: Then black racist activist and their damned lawyers: Like Vultures will fly away. AMERICAS FUTURE: If – Color Blind Justice – is Not imposed and black racist rioters are not forcefully stopped. Devil Media will shout the alarm: Black racists will find justification to be offended, drag white men, women, and children out of homes and cars and beat them to death! Then Devil-Media and democratic party snakes will defend their – black MINDSLAVES OF HATE – voters and blame the bloodshed on White America! Truthful Billboard Ad: Devil-Worship is the – Evil-Motive for “Non-Discrimination Law.” The law “Discriminates” against God and – Licenses Sexual Perverts to condemn those who believe God. Hate Crime Law: Only black racist activist and sexual perverts are allowed to Hate. “The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom” the fear of Devil-Media the beginning of madness! The “fear of God” has been sucked out of the hearts and minds of congress and Judges by Devil-Media, and Education. Brothers and sisters: Hell fire is your destiny unless you – Repent. Judgment Day – is the day of your death you will Not remember being dead. God paid our debt of sin: Jesus Christ Crucified is Light that shines beyond the grave. Praise God. ——————————————————————————————————– See Richard Frate’s other articles at: Frates, Richard – Church of God, Bismarck (church-of-god-bismarck.org) ——————————————————————————————————– |
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