(Copyright) by Avram Yehoshua (Flagstaff, Arizona) |
Have you ever wondered why you can’t find a single reference in the New Testament to Sunday replacing the 7th day Sabbath, or even a single verse that declares Sunday the new day of worship because of the resurrection? It’s because the Pope (in 120 AD), not Jesus, gave Christians Sunday. When all the Apostles were dead the Pope threw out God’s 7th day Sabbath and brought in Sunday. It’s the day the pagans worshiped their chief god, the Sun-god, and that’s why Christians assemble on Sunday instead of the day Jesus kept holy and called Himself Lord of—the 7th day Sabbath (Mark 2:27-28; Heb. 4:9; cf. Gen. 2:1-3; Ex. 20:8-11; Is. 66:23). Easter or Christmas can’t be found in the New Testament, let alone an Apostle telling us to celebrate them for the resurrection and birth of Jesus Christ. Again, it’s because Easter and Xmas were authorized by the Popes, not Jesus nor any of His Apostles. The Roman Catholic Church gave Christians Easter (in 120 AD) and Xmas (in 350 AD). Shouldn’t we follow Jesus? After all, how can illicit SEX (an acronym for Sunday, Easter, and Xmas) be God’s Days when they’re not authorized by God in the New Testament? How did the 7th day Sabbath, Passover, and the prohibition against eating unclean animals like that pig, stop being God’s Ways? Is it because Jesus Christ ‘fulfilled’ Mosaic Law? Listen carefully to what your Lord said about the Law and ‘fulfill:’ “Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy, but to fulfill.” (Matthew 5:17 NKJV) ‘Do not think’ that Jesus destroyed the Law by ‘fulfilling it.’ The Church teaches that ‘fulfilled’ means ‘Christ did away with the Law,’ but Jesus states just the opposite! (cf. Mt. 5:18-19; Luke 24:44 for what fulfill means) Christians have been deceived as to how to walk out their faith in Christ. All the Apostles, including Paul, kept the 7th day Sabbath and Passover, and all the Feasts of Israel (Lev. 23) all their lives because, among other things, they are pictures of Who Jesus is and what He has done for us. There is absolutely nothing about Sunday, Easter or Xmas that speak of Jesus. Oh yes, pastors can ‘superimpose Jesus upon those days,’ but that’s like someone superimposing “Christian country” upon the USA—it just ain’t so. Anyone can place anything upon Jesus, but it’s the Bible that tells us if it’s of God or not. For instance, there are people who say Jesus was the angel Michael (Jehovah’s Witnesses), and they have a thriving business deceiving their flock and each other. We know that the Lord Jesus wasn’t an angel before God the Son came in the flesh, but try as you might, the JWs are adamant that He was Michael. How do we know they’re wrong? Scripture tells us that Jesus was God the Son from eternity past (e.g., John 1:1-3; 14:23). It’s the same with the 7th day Sabbath and the Feasts of Israel, but how could God allow such heresy to continue for almost 2,000 years? Without getting into possible reasons, it’s up to Christians to determine which of those Days and Ways are of Jesus Christ. Paul, speaking to the Athenians about salvation in Jesus, also speaks to Christians concerning their past behavior in practicing illicit SEX: “Truly, these times of ignorance God overlooked, but now commands all men everywhere to repent” (Acts 17:30 NKJV). Christians, walk out your faith in Jesus as the Apostles did. The next time you read Acts, written by Gentile Luke, please note that the Sabbath is mentioned 8 times,1 and Luke uses the Feasts of Israel as time markers 6 times,2 letting us know when an event happened. Luke just doesn’t mention the Feasts—he uses them as time markers, thereby establishing for us today that they were celebrated by Gentile Christians in his day. An example of a time marker is this: if I say, ‘Let’s meet a day after Xmas,’ you know it’s Dec. 26th without me saying the date. Luke uses the Feasts of Israel like that to let his Gentile audience know when an event happened, and he doesn’t give any Roman dates, which he easily could have done. Luke’s use of the Feasts as time markers would have been meaningless to Gentile Christians if the Feasts had been ‘done away with at the cross,’ as the Church wrongly teaches. In other words, those Christians would never have heard of the Feasts of Israel, let alone known when they occurred, if Christ did away with the Law because the Feasts are in Mosaic Law. Luke wrote Acts in 64 AD or 34 years after the resurrection. The Church is very wrong! All Christians celebrated them until the Pope threw them out and brought in illicit SEX. Christian pastors think that Sunday ‘is established’ by what Luke writes in Acts 20:7: “Now on the first day of the week, when the disciples came together to break bread, Paul, ready to depart the next day, spoke to them and continued his message until midnight.” (Acts 20:7) This was no Sunday 11 AM worship service, but Paul’s last of seven days in Troas (Acts 20:6). He began in the evening and preached until midnight, and the only reason why Luke writes of this meeting is not to declare that Sunday is now ‘established,’ as Christian pastors falsely teach, but because at midnight Eutychus fell out of the third story, dead, and Paul raised him from the dead (Acts 20:9-10). Luke wants us to know that the same anointing that Peter had to raise Tabitha from the dead (Acts 8:16) also resided within Paul. It has nothing to do with Sunday replacing the 7th day Sabbath, especially when we realize that the biblical first day of the week begins at dark on Saturday night. That’s when Paul began preaching, as many theologians now realize. There is no Sunday justification here. You’d think they’d realize how wrong they are and say so, but tradition that nullifies God’s Word is very blinding—just ask the Pharisees (Mt. 15:3, 6, 9, etc.). Acts 20:7 is one of only two places where pastors go ‘to prove’ Sunday.3 Sunday, Easter and Xmas (or illicit SEX) were pagan holy days 1,000 years before Jesus was born in Bethlehem. What do Easter bunnies and eggs have to do with the resurrection of Jesus and what does bringing a Xmas tree into one’s home have to do with the birth of Christ? The Easter bunnies and eggs picture the Queen of Heaven as the fertility goddess, as bunnies are fertile and multiply rapidly. Her name in ancient Assyria was Ishtar, but in the USA, she’s called Easter. She allegedly raised her dead savior son on Ishtar Sunday as the sun was coming up. He was the son of the Sun-god—what better time of day to raise him? He was born from a dead fir tree stump on Dec 25th. That’s why the Easter sunrise service, but Christ was raised from the Tomb before the sun rose, as the women coming to the Tomb came while it was still dark (John 20:1). Xmas is celebrated on Dec. 25th with a fir tree coming into the homes of millions of Christians, but it has nothing to do with Jesus—it’s the symbol for the birth of the pagan christ, the son of the Sun-god. You can thank Catholicism for illicit SEX. When Christians practice illicit SEX they are not following Jesus nor His Apostles nor the New Testament, but Roman Catholicism, in direct violation of God’s Word. Does it really matter what day you assemble on or what holy days you keep to honor Jesus? Only if you want to follow and obey Jesus and not the Pope. They’re diametrically opposed to one another, but aren’t all days alike? Not according to Jesus (Mt. 24:20; Mk. 2:28).4 Jesus is our Example and we’re to follow Him—Paul says that Jesus is our Head, and we are His Body (Col. 1:18). John says, “He who says he abides in Him ought himself also to walk just as He walked” (1st John 2:6), and Hebrews states that, ‘Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever’ (Heb. 13:8). Jesus hasn’t changed! He’s still a Sabbath keeping, Passover celebrating, bacon and shrimp rejecting Savior. Are you following Jesus Christ or the Pope? Illicit SEX (Sunday, Easter, and Xmas) must not be placed upon Jesus any more than one can say that the USA is a Christian country. Jesus says, “You shall know the Truth (God’s Way to live your life) and (God’s) Truth shall set you free” (John 8:32); not the Pope’s pagan days and ways. The question is—Are you so comfortable with the Catholic heresy of illicit SEX that you don’t want God’s Truth? Jesus is God’s Life and Way for all of us! (John 14:6) *************************************************** 1. For the Sabbath: Acts 13:14, 27, 42, 44; 15:21; 16:13; 17:2; 18:4; also Col. 2:16, and Heb. 4:9 (the KJV and NKJV fail to correctly translate the Greek word Sabbatismos in Heb. 4:9, but all other Bibles have Sabbath rest; not just ‘rest’). 2. Luke speaks of the Feasts of Israel, as time markers, 6 times, in Acts 2:1; 12:3-4; 20:6, 16; 27:9, and Paul speaks of them twice (1st Cor. 5:6-8; 16:8). See The Feasts of Israel and the Church. 3. The only other place where the first day of the week is mentioned (after the resurrection) is 1st Cor. 16:2. Pastors say it was a Sunday church meeting, taking up the tithe, but read the 3 verses (1st Cor. 16:1-3) and see that Paul tells them to take up a special love offering (‘the collection for the saints’), and ‘to lay aside’ (in their homes) every Sunday, which was a work day, so they’d have a gift for the poor Jewish Christians in Jerusalem (storing it up themselves). This way, when Paul came, they’d be able to bring their monetary gift to the (Sabbath) meeting and give it to Paul, and he’d give it to the saints in Jerusalem. It wasn’t a tithe they were giving, and it wasn’t a Sunday church service (cf. 2nd Cor. 9:1-5f.). 4. Someone might point to Rom. 14:5-6, but Paul isn’t speaking about us choosing any day we want to keep as our Sabbath, but which days the “veggie only” eaters chose to fast. The meat eaters didn’t fast. See Romans 14 and the Dietary Laws and also A Snapshot of Church History and Mosaic Law. —————————————————————————— Reprinted with permission from: The Seed of Abraham https://www.seedofabraham.net/ —————————————————————————— |
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