by Laura Lee (Bismarck, North Dakota) |
November 10, 2018 Dear Melanie Heitkamp, Your letter was handed to me by my husband yesterday. We do not have a mail receptacle outside our residence and often forget to even look for the occasional letter that may show up there. This is to explain why we did not see this letter until yesterday. I am sure your letter was meant to pull at the heartstrings of many voters across the state of North Dakota, so they would vote for your sister Heidi Heitkamp and elect her for her second term in the US Senate. I am so glad that you decided to keep your baby and put it up for adoption, rather than to abort it. That was the right thing to do. Because of the bonds held between family members, I would also expect some of your family members would or should support you as well as to help you while you are pregnant and be there for you and the baby when you give birth. This should be what happens in all family units. That you had a happy ending later with you and your daughter being reunited years later is a great thing. You are a lucky person. All people on this earth do good things at times as well as doing bad things at other times. That is the condition of the human heart and mind. We are all capable of doing the right thing, just as we are all capable of doing the wrong thing. We should also make correct decisions regarding those we choose to spend our time with. For example, if we are with someone who has just robbed someone, and we do not immediately report it to the police, we are guilty by association. If caught, we can also go to jail even though all we did was stand there and watch the crime being committed. Heidi Heitkamp was running for Senate on the Democratic ticket. The Democratic Party funds planned parenthood who aborts babies by the thousands and has recently been found to sell the body parts of babies they have just murdered. Yes, I said murdered. The Democratic Party continues to call people who do not support abortion just about every name under the sun because they claim it is a woman’s right to abort her unborn baby. Abortion is murder and women do not have a right to abort their unborn babies any more than you or I have a right to kill a full-grown adult. Just because you call it abortion and make it legal does not by any means make it morally right or even legal by God’s standards. When a mother aborts her baby, it is okay with the Democratic Party, but when a young teenager with no family support has a baby in a public restroom and leaves it there to die everyone is outraged and calls it murder. Why is one murder and the other not? Your sister does not protect those with no voice when she chooses to align herself with the Democratic Party. Babies in the womb have no voice and the Democratic Party is all for aborting them. They claim it is the right of women to abort (murder) their unborn babies. I recently quit my book club which I enjoyed attending for over 6 years because they started to run down the President of the United States of America and were clearly calling him crazy even though they are not mental health doctors and have never met President Donald Trump. The Democratic Party chooses to run down the President no matter what he does, it doesn’t seem to matter. The Democratic Party wants no wall and no border. They wanted all people to come to this country even if they are gang members and murderers and many of them are. I don’t know about you, but I am not rich, I cannot afford to put a wall around my house and hire security guards to watch my property 24/7. I depend on the government to protect my country from outside forces that have no business being here in the first place. I am a descendant of Dutch, English and Irish immigrants that came into this country legally a few generations ago. This is a great country that helps the entire world and all we expect is for people to come in the legal way and to learn English. I cannot even go to the store and buy anything without it having all these instructions in many languages. Our language here is English, learn it or go back to your own country. My grandmother knew 3 languages, Dutch, German and English. She was a wonderful woman who blessed this country with 10 new American Citizens who love this country. If you do not love this country, then you should leave or not come here in the first place. The Democratic Party does not want to work with any people that do not agree with them. The Democratic Party wants everyone here to be Socialists which is one step above Communism, and many go along with it because they want free stuff. Someone must pay for the free stuff, because it is not free. When you go to an online store and see where it says “Free Shipping” on orders over $49.00’s or whatever. The shipping is only free to you, but someone is still paying for the shipping whether the store eats it by giving up some of their profit or whether it comes because your product prices are higher in order to include the shipping costs. Someone is still paying for the shipping, it is not free. Unfortunately, they have taken history regarding our country and our states out of the schools in recent years and have dumbed down America. Children are now taught and believe that the government owes them free stuff and that Socialism is a good thing for everyone when it is not because it is leading us into communism which has been proven not to work. I was once a single mother and had to get help from Social Services from time to time even though I worked part time all through those years. What Social Services gives to people as free stuff is not even enough to sustain a fly. You are so much better off to work than you are to be dependent on Social Services for your food and rent. And thank God for people who can contribute money to the utility companies, so the poor can have heat in the winter and lights to see by. We have plenty of our own poor people in this country who are unable for some reason to work and depend solely on government given money in order to live at all. Why should we have to ever take that money away from them in order to support people who have no right to be in this country because they came in illegally. So, do you still want to tell me that your sister Heidi Heitkamp is looking out for those who have no voice as you put it when she is associating herself with a Political Party that would rather take care of illegal aliens than to take care of their own citizens. We are not a heartless country and have given aid to many countries, even those who do not deserve it because they chant death to America as they take our money and eat our food. You would not have to worry about pre-existing health problems and insurance for there would be plenty of money to cover that if you stopped supporting illegal aliens who come into this country and take food and money away from our poor citizens, who murder our people, assault our people and who end up filling our jails. If we did not have to support all these illegal aliens, we could cover costs for pre-existing conditions for all Americans that need this kind of help. The Democratic Party does not exercise common sense at all and when I see their members on TV doing all the stuff, they do, I must wonder why a person can work for our government without first taking a sanity test and showing their real birth certificate, so we know if they are American Citizens. There should be laws to make sure our government officials are American citizens and that they are sane at the time they enter any type of public office. All I can say Melanie Heitkamp is that you are loyal to your sister and wear blinders as to who she associates with and why that is a problem for her political career which I sincerely hope is totally done now that she has lost the election. Remember you are guilty by association especially when your party has no intent to hear anyone’s voice except their own as they obstruct and continue to commit the number of crimes, they commit against each and every citizen of this country. There will be a time when those in the Democratic Party no longer get away with what they are doing. Face it, Judge Bret Kavanaugh did nothing wrong except to want to uphold the constitution of the United States of America and Heidi along with the rest of the Democratic Party not only voted No but tried to smear him so bad that it would have ruined his whole career had he not been confirmed. You cannot go around making up lies about people and get away with it. And all this violence we see today with Antifa and other groups is being encouraged and even paid for by people in the Democratic Party and their supporters. Heidi Heitkamp does not care who gets hurt or killed due to all the lies they spew out on national television. Is this what you want to defend Melanie? I am not Catholic, my religion is closely aligned to the Jewish Religion and if you read your Bible from Genesis to Revelation, you have the beginning of the story and the end of the story. Sex change operations, gay men, lesbian women, transgender people, abortion and the list goes on are considered sins and abominations by God so if you were truly religious you would know these things and stop being loyal to people or political parties that support things that are against God and His Law which will be the only Law in the land in the end. Your sister is guilty by association to a Political Party that is not only totally against God and His Laws but many of their members practice witchcraft and satanic rituals. And I have only covered the high points in this letter. I could cover much more, but I will stop here. God will rule in the end and I would rather be associated with God and His Law, than to be associated with People or Parties who believe they can do whatever they want and there will be no consequences. We are all suffering the consequences of the lawlessness of the Democratic Party right now and I for one want no part of the Democratic Party or those who follow it. Laura Lee Bismarck, North Dakota |
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