Iron Sharpening Iron In regard to: Outline of Strategy for Church of God Co-operation Version 2.1 Draft Article by Craig White Comments by John Leitch (Canada) |
My comments are in regard to the article written by Craig White titled “Outline of Strategy for Church of God Co-operation Version 2:1” It appears that the author of this article mistakenly views all these separate religious parties (churches of God denominations) as parts of the same body (body of Christ), but are they? 1–If they are parts of the same body, why do they all have a different graven image (Exodus 20:4-5) fastened to their podium and on their letterhead? These graven image seals are not the real thing (as the “Golden Calf” was not the real thing) but are just an image of the real power that has authority over them in a religious sense. By standing behind these graven images, it shows who they are subordinate to in religious matters and where their authority to speak is coming from. Is not the head of man Christ (1 Corinthians 11:3) and not a religious party division? 2--These religious parties of whom Mr. White is addressing, all seem to have an earthy headquarters, but the body of Christ has a heavenly headquarters. Headquarters according to the dictionary is where the head is located. At this time Christ is in heaven. 3--It appears to this writer that many of these religious parties have hired help to evangelize for the purpose of increasing the numbers & finances of their organization. There is nowhere that I have found biblically that the body of Christ hired anyone to evangelize. The New Testament congregations could only support the people Christ appointed for that job, no one could hire them. People at that time could hire Paul to build a tent but could not hire Paul to preach. Paul already had a boss (Christ) for that job; Paul could not serve two masters (God & another who is paying him–Matthew 6:24). 4–Even the people in the separate parties view each other as “stand alone” because they all have individual statements of beliefs. They all have their own doctrinal committees. It puzzles this writer as to why anyone needs a “doctrinal committee” to tell them what to believe? Christians have the book of Deuteronomy and the teaching of the New Testament. The only reason I can think of for creating such a committee, is to see how much of the teachings of Moses and Christ the religious party is willing to incorporate into their lives. 5–Does the government view these denominations (religious parties) as parts of the same body? It is obvious they do not, because they all have their own individual “charitable numbers” for tax purposes. 6— If a person examines how the scattered Christians in the New Testament were organized, they will find that because of distance, they were divided into Christian fellowships and were identified by the town (1 Corinthians 1:2) or house (Colossians 4:15) they met in. With that in mind, look around and compare this to the names of the various religious parties of which Mr. White is trying to get to cooperate with each other. 7–The New Testament type fellowships and the church of God denominations (religious parties) of today which Mr. White is addressing, are each gathering weekly for monumental different reasons. A–The church of God denominations (religious parties) meet to have a service and the people attending this service are basically there as observers, listening and some taking notes. B–The people in the fellowships (some call “house churches”) are much like the New Testament congregations, who meet to encourage (Hebrews 10:25), edify (1 Thessalonians 5:11) and equip (Ephessians 4:25) each other for the hard road which lies ahead. They gather not to conduct a church service as Roman religion does, but they gather (Hebrews 10:25) weekly for mutual growth, and are very interactive, sometimes spontaneous, with all people that desire to comment and participate, doing so (1 Corinthians chapter 14). Members of the fellowships are instructed to be participants not just observers. They gather to share the gifts Christ has blessed their fellowship with (1 Corinthians chapter 12). This is exactly what we see in the New Testament. In Summary, is it permissible to take the people that are a part of the body of Christ (that the Father has called-out —John 6:44) and divide them into various religious parties (denominations)? Paul answers this question in Galatians 5:20 where Paul is listing a few patterns of behavior that will block people from entering the Kingdom of God. I will just mention two on this list that Paul itemizes. Although Strong’s Commentary explains these Greek words (G1370 & G139), I feel Adam Clarke (a recognized expert in the Greek language) does a better job. Seditions (G1370) – Διχοστασιαι· Divisions into separate factions; parties, whether in the Church or state. Heresies (G139) – Αἱρεσεις· Factions; parties in the Church separating from communion with each other and setting up altar against altar. The word, which is harmless in itself, is here used in a bad sense. Instead of αἱρεσεις the Slavonic has σκανδαλα, scandals, offenses or stumbling-blocks. The people in these various religious parties look upon the “House Churches” as people that have gone independent (because their leaders have told them so), but is this true?? It appears to this writer that the opposite is true. The religious parties are the ones who have separated from the body of Christ and have gone rogue by creating their own graven image seals, own doctrinal committees, own ministry, own earthly headquarters, and own membership lists. The New Testament type fellowships (some call “house churches”) do not appear to be “independent” at all, but they appear to be interdependent and often gather together and cooperate for various events (annual appointed times, seminars, Winter Family Weekend at Lexington etc.). John Leitch (that uses farmer logic) |
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