(Copyright 2018) by William P. Goff (Myrtle Beach, South Carolina) |
Today I want to speak about the feast of “Pentecost”. Now the feast of “Pentecost” is our feast (the “churches” feast) it’s called the “Feast of First-Fruits” & the “Feast of Weeks” and it’s also referred to, numerous times by Christ Himself, as: “The Last Day.” (The “last day” is referring to the count to Pentecost, the day that Christ will raise up His church. I hope we will see this by the end of today’s message.) Now in order to better understand the feast of Pentecost, we need to better understand the “count” to Pentecost, the count that commences during the Feast of Unleavened Bread, and ends on day 50, the last day, the day of Pentecost. Pentecost is connected to the harvest of the barley and the wheat (the early crop referred to in the Scriptures as the “first fruits”) The harvest of the wheat (the first fruits) begins immediately after the “wave sheaf” offering, which is offered the day after the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread. Let’s read Leviticus 23:15 “Ye shall count unto you from the morrow after the Sabbath, from the day that you brought the sheaf of the wave offering, seven Sabbaths (or seven weeks, or better put, seven “churches”) shall be “complete”. Verse 16: Even unto the morrow after the seventh Sabbath shall you number 50 days. What we want to take note of here is that the count to Pentecost (our feast) starts during the feast of Unleavened Bread but doesn’t end until after the completion of seven weeks, on the day of Pentecost. The count to Pentecost pertains to the time allotted to (us) the ecclesia, the members of God’s church, to become “ready” for that final Pentecost, when Christ will marry His church. Remember, after the members of the church have made themselves ready, after Christ returns in the clouds, where He is going to meet His church, He is going to marry His church, His wife: Revelation 19:7 Now the “count” to Pentecost is very significant, there is much “Rich Meaning” in the Hebrew word translated “count” in that verse in Leviticus. Many pulpits don’t realize the significance, they seem to think that it only relates to keeping track of the number of days up to Pentecost, but it’s much more significant than that. The word “count” used here means “to score with a mark as a tally or a record.” (God keeps a record – a book of life & a book of remembrance.) The word also means: “To count a flock.” “To Enumerate” (That means to: “name one by one”) That’s what our Creator does with the stars in the sky as they come out at night one by one; He counts them and names them. Those stars in the heavens represent us. This counting is nothing to take lightly. This counting has to do with our “walk” our changing from our old sinful ways and coming out of sin. The feast of Unleavened Bread lasts seven days…. It pictures us, coming out of sin. It has to do with us becoming like Christ. It starts with the Passover Sacrifice, (The sacrifice of an “unblemished Lamb”) Christ dying in our stead, so that we might live. During the weeklong feast of unleavened bread, we’re commanded to de-leaven our houses, a physical lesson with much spiritual meaning, it teaches us to put sin out of our lives. Now at the end of the seven-day feast of UB, we can go back to eating “leavening” but we can’t go back to “sinning.” The seven week count to “completion” is just a continuation of what the seven day feast of Unleavened Bread is all about, coming out of Egypt, coming out of sin, changing our ways, changing our walk, changing our natures. Now the offering of the “wave loaves” takes place on day fifty, the day after the wheat harvest is complete. We can see this very clearly in Leviticus 23:15-16. (And it is important for all in God’s church to understand this.) The counting has to do with our calling; it has to do with coming out of sin; with being cleaned up and scrubbed down, purified and made white, unblemished and unspotted, just like our Chief Corner Stone (Yeshua Hamashia) Jesus the Christ. Leviticus 23:15 “And ye shall count unto you from the morrow after the Sabbath (High Holy day Sabbath, 1st day of Unleavened Bread) from the day that ye brought the sheaf of the wave offering; seven sabbaths (seven weeks – seven churches is what its talking about here) shall be complete. And brethren, don’t be fooled or led astray by those who say that the word “Sabbath” here in this verse can only mean the “weekly Sabbath”, and not “week”. That word translated “Sabbath” here can also mean “week”. The same word is used in Scripture “both” ways, sometimes “Sabbath” and sometimes “week”. Just check out Matthew 28:1. Where this word of Hebrew origin (7676) (i.e. Shabbath) is used twice in the same verse, once as “Sabbath” and once as “week”. Brethren, many have been led astray by false teachers. (Even with this false teaching that the word “Sabbath” in Leviticus 23:15 means the “weekly Sabbath”) That has caused the count to Pentecost to commence on the wrong day. Moving on: Leviticus 23:16 Even unto the morrow after the seventh Sabbath (seventh “week”) shall ye number fifty days. (Remember, we are talking about the feast of “weeks” here, the feast of “first-fruits” not the feast of “weekly Sabbath days”.) You may also want to note in verse 15 of Leviticus 23 that the word “complete” is the same word that normally refers to Christ Himself. It’s the same word used in Exodus 12:5 translated “without blemish” or in numbers 19:2 translated “without spot”. Yes, this word usually referrers to Christ. But here in Leviticus 23:15 it refers to us (Christ’s church). This also shows that we are not talking about the “weekly Sabbath” concerning the count to Pentecost. The Scripture is not saying that seven “weekly Sabbaths” shall be without spot or unblemished. No, it’s talking about “us” (God’s church) being “unblemished”, “unspotted” before day 50, the day of Pentecost. Now the completion of the wheat harvest and the offering of the “wave loaves” is very important to us, because we are the wheat in those wave loaves which was planted from the very seed of God the Father Himself. (Those wave loaves represent us, God’s church.) Now let’s understand something, our God is a creator, and He is good at it! Just look at the night sky, with all of its beautiful twinkling stars, magnificent planets, the constellations, the moon…… How awesome a sight it is. But you know, as magnificent, as majestic, as superb and breathtaking as the heavens are, that’s not God’s masterpiece. His masterpiece is man. Yes, God’s masterpiece, His most important and treasured creation, is man, whom He created in His very own image. Like it says in the book of Genesis; “So God created man in His own image, in the image of God created He him; male and female created He them.” Now it didn’t take God very long to “physically” create man. He formed Adam out of the dust of the ground (red clay or dirt.) God is so good at creating (and so powerful) that He’s quite quick at creating things, even the entire universe was created by Him very quickly, by just speaking a Word. But it is important for us to realize something, it is important for us to realize that God’s masterpiece, His gem, His jewel, His master creation (man) was not completed back in Eden. Our Creator is still in the process of completing what He started back then; He’s still in the process of completing the creation of man whom He created in His very own image & likeness. O, we’re complete physically, we have fully developed arms & legs, lungs to breathe, physical eyes to see, and physical ears to hear… But our nature, our mind, our character, was not fully developed when He formed man back in Eden. On the contrary, the mind that our creator wants to form and develop in each and every one of us, the character that He wants all of us to have and to cherish for eternity, is His character, His “Holy Righteous Character” …. And His “Holy Righteous Character” is something so awesome, so dynamic, and so spectacular, that even God Himself could not create it instantaneously in us. Holy Righteous Character, His Character, is something that was going to have to be developed in mankind. Man was going to have to go through a process. A process of growing, changing, and overcoming, and it was going to take time for that process to be completed, because we come into this world as sinners, sinning. That time, that process, is represented by the “count” to Pentecost, our feast, the day when His firstfruits will be changed into spirit being, and enter into the Kingdom of God. From Genesis to Revelation, we are told to stop sinning, that the soul that sinneth shall surely die; (once saved always saved is a false teaching and a false belief) the unrighteous shall not inherit the Kingdom of God. Those who continue to practice sin shall not inherit the Kingdom of God. We have to stop sinning and put sin out of our lives, just like we put leaven out during the Feast of UB. Now of and by ourselves, we cannot stop sinning. (Of and by ourselves we can’t do anything.) But we are not by ourselves, if the Spirit of God dwells in us. Now the Feast of Unleavened Bread teaches us not only to put sin out of our lives, but it also teaches us to put Christ into our lives; that’s why we are commanded to not only put leaven out during the feast of Unleavened Bread, but also to put unleavened bread in (which represents Christ). We are told in Exodus 12:18: “Seven days you shall eat unleavened bread.” That unleavened bread represents Christ, the one we need to be putting into our lives. Our Heavenly Father, who created us in His image, wants us to become just like Him. He wants us to have the same Holy Righteous Character that He has (character with outgoing concern for others.) One who loves his neighbor as himself. And He wants us (actually He demands us) to develop that Holy Righteous Character “before” He will bring us into His Kingdom to marry His Son Jesus Christ. The Father wants us to become Holy first; He wants us to become perfect first. We can see this in the book of 1st Kings, when they were building the physical Temple. (God always gives us the physical, which we understand quite well, so we can better understand the spiritual, which we don’t understand all that well.) 1 Kings 6:7 “And the house (God’s house that is, His Spiritual Temple, His church) when it was in building, was built of stone (that’s us, we are the stones) made ready (complete – perfect – whole) When? Before it was brought thither (to the other side.) When Solomon’s temple was built, all the stones were cut, shaped, and perfected, down at the quarry. Then they were brought “thither” to be erected. “Thither” means “the other side” Thither will happen on day 50, the day of Pentecost, when the church will be resurrected and changed into spirit beings in the Kingdom of God. But first we have to be “made ready” “complete” “whole.” First we have to develop the Holy Righteous Character of God the Father Himself. The stones were cut and shaped perfectly down at the quarry, and then when they were brought over to the other side to be erected, there was no need for any mortar, because the stones fit perfectly into place with one another. Our physical life on this earth is what the “quarry” represents. The trials and tribulations we all go through in life is the cutting and shaping that God is performing in us to make us whole, to make us perfect, the way He wants us. We can read about the “spiritual” side of this in numerous places, like John 14:2 where it says: “In my Fathers house are many mansions, I go to prepare a place for you.” (And He’s not just preparing A PLACE FOR US, He’s also preparing us for that place) (Like we read in Romans, concerning the potter and His clay.) Now God’s spiritual Temple (His church, us) will also be erected “thither” (on the other side) (That hasn’t taken place yet) But it will when the final day of Pentecost arrives. It’s important for us to realize that The Kingdom of God that is soon to come to this earth has not been established yet. That’s right, the Kingdom of God that is soon to come to this earth (and take full charge of this earth) has not yet been established or set up. How could it be when most of the people who will be given those positions of ruler ship are still in the grave awaiting the resurrection? Not established yet, but going to be established soon; and up in heaven, not down here on this earth, but up in Heaven. And the setting up (or establishing) of that Kingdom, cannot even begin, until the final day of Pentecost. We can see this very clearly in the book of Daniel. But before we turn there, let us understand something concerning the “wave sheaf ” and the “wave loaves” offering. If you had been there at the Temple on the 16th day of the first month and witnessed with your own eyes the “wave sheaf” offering, you would have seen the priest raise up that “sheaf” high over his head as he waved it. (Same with the wave loaves on Pentecost) they were raised high up over the priest’s head because it represented something that was going to take place up in heaven, not down here on this earth. The “wave sheaf” and the “wave loaves” represents the “first fruits” (us, God’s church) that God the Father Himself has placed directly into the hands of Christ, to build, to embolden, to clean up and to scrub down, to purify, to sanctify. Yes, to make ready to meet Christ in the air at His return. The church has taught that the “wave sheaf” that was offered during the feast of Unleavened Bread represented Christ, but is that correct? Please hear me out here and check out what I am saying. Let the Scriptures give us the truth, not any preconceived ideas or teachings of men. Remember, all of our beliefs have to be supported with Scripture. The “Wave-Sheaf” was an omer, a “sheaf” that was pre-selected from a field of grain, and put through a rather lengthily process of beating & sifting, until a portion yes, only a portion (an important fact to comprehend) of the grain was purified to a point where all of its lumps & all of its imperfections were removed. That portion, that omer represents God’s elect, the ones who are changing their ways, and coming out of sin, completely out of sin, and walking along the narrow path, after passing through the strait gate that leads to life. Remember, sinners, transgressors, will NOT inherit the Kingdom of God. (1st Corinthians 6:9-10 & Galatians 5:19-21. The wide gate, the broad way, is the way that leads to destruction. Matthew 7:13-14 Not everyone in God’s church is going to inherit eternal life. Not everyone in God’s church is going to meet Christ in the air, in the clouds on the final day of Pentecost, only those who “overcome” “conquer” come out of sin, and walk this earth upright. And remember, God is no respecter of persons. Earlier, I questioned whether or not the wave sheaf offering actually represented Christ in the first place, or if the offering of the wave sheaf could possibly represent more, or something else. The Hebrew word translated “sheaf” is “Omer” and that Hebrew word “Omer” doesn’t describe anything singular (denoting one person or thing) but the word actually means: “a heap” or “a handful.” The ingredients of the “Omer” or “Sheaf” that was waved came from a previously selected plot of Barley that was cut down and put through a rather lengthily process. (You can study this and get the facts from places like: “The Temple – Its Ministry & Service”, written by “Alfred Ed-er-sheim” considered the greatest Jewish-Christian Scholar of the 19th Century.) In Ed-er-sheim”s book, He elaborates on the ingredients of the “wave sheaf” the “omer” and how it was prepared. Stating that the ears of grain (after being cut down) were first brought into the court of the Temple, and thrashed out with canes & stalks, as not to injure the corn. Then the grain was parched on a pan that was perforated with holes, so that each grain might be touched by the fire, and finally exposed to the wind. He went on to tell how the corn was then ground in a barley-mill, which left the hulls whole. Then he states that the flour was sifted through thirteen sieves, each closer than the other. (Yes, the grain went through quite a lengthy process.) (And there is something quite interesting to note here 🙂 Although one ephah, (measuring ten omers) of barley was originally cut down and began the process, only ONE “Omer” actually completed the process, and was offered as the wave sheaf offering. And it’s important to realize, that the one “Omer” that was waved, didn’t consist of only “one” grain, or the grain from only “one” plant, but the “wave sheaf omer” that was “waved” consisted of many plants, many grains. Yes, there were multiple thousands of grains that “qualified” (if you will) and made up the “Wave Sheaf” or “Omer” that was waved. (It didn’t just represent only one thing, or one person.) Let’s note here what a grain symbolizes according to the Scriptures. We read in Amos 9:9 where it says: “For low, I will command, and I will sift the house of Israel among the Nations, like a corn is sifted in a sieve, yet shall not the least grain fall upon the earth”. The “grain” seems to represents Israel! And this “wave sheaf” (or omer) represents the “firstfruits” of Israel. (The Israel of God, that is, which according to Gal 6:16 – is the church.) Rev 14 speaking of those “firstfruits” says this: And, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Zion, and with Him a hundred forty and four thousand, which were redeemed from the earth, having His Father’s name written in their foreheads. These were redeemed from among men, being the “firstfruits” unto God and to the lamb. Brethren, I believe the “wave sheaf” represents the church, the firstfruits. God’s “little flock” the ones that Christ said: “I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.” Yes, His “very elect”, “Pre selected” – “Called” by the Father Himself, and then put through a lengthily process of “cleaned up” & “scrubbed down” and sifted, repeatedly sifted (just like fine flour is sifted) until all the lumps & all the imperfections are removed. Yes, unblemished, unspotted, complete like it says in Leviticus 23:15. And we must always remember that God gives us the physical, so we can better understand the Spiritual. Here’s the physical: Although one ephah, (measuring ten omers) of barley was originally cut down and began the process, only ONE “Omer” actually completed the process, and was offered as the wave sheaf offering. We can compare that to the sobering verse in Matthew 22 that states: “Many are called, but few chosen. Many began this process at baptism & hands, but how many are still completing the process? How many are “proving all things”? Still studying to show themselves approved, a workman that need not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of Truth”? We have to be pure to qualify. Let me mention one more thing here. Many believe that the wave sheaf only represents Christ and have been falsely taught that Christ couldn’t be touched the morning He was resurrected, that Mary Magdalene could not touch our Lord that morning at the tomb until He ascended to the Father to have His sacrifice accepted, and to be glorified. NOT true. The King James mistranslates Christ’s words as “Touch Me Not” John 20:17. So some reason just as the physical wave sheaf of barley was not to be touched until after it was waved, same here with Christ. But, if that were so, then no one would have touched Christ on the morning of His resurrection. But they DID touch Him, check the Greek out concerning that verse “touch me not” and you will find a different picture. When Mary first saw Christ, she DID touch Him, fact is she embraced him so tightly, He had to tell her to let go. Check other Gospel accounts on that and you will see that “many” were touching and embracing Him that morning (Also look at Mat 28:8-10.) Christ didn’t have to wait for days after His crucifixion and death to finally ascend to the Father’s throne to have His sacrifice accepted. The Father accepted Christ’s sacrifice immediately when He died on that tree. There sure is plenty of proof of that with the Vail being torn top to bottom, doors swinging open, dead rising out of their graves etc. Also check out how the KJV is mistranslated where it states Christ saying that He is going to the Father. That’s not exactly what He said. He didn’t leave the earth and ascend to the Father until He was taken up into the clouds after talking to his disciples on the Mount of Olives when the two angels in white apparel were standing there with them. The feast of Pentecost is the feast of the firstfruits, those who will have their part in the first resurrection. That final Pentecost is rapidly approaching brethren. That first resurrection of the saints will take place well before Christ returns with His feet touching down on the Mount of Olives. (Revelation 15:1-2 gives us the timeline of the first resurrection.) The saints will be up in the clouds standing on the Sea of Glass with Christ even before the 7 last plagues are poured out on this earth. The events that the Feast of Pentecost pictures will be transpiring on a Global Stage and during a time that many other events will be taking place simultaneously all around this World, events that will be directly affecting every person on the face of the entire earth. We are approaching the time brethren when all the current forms of Government from around this world, all the Dictatorships and all the different Monarchies and Democracies and all the different Rulers around this world, are going to be replaced, yes, they’re going to be replaced by another form of Government. They’re going to be replaced by the Government or Kingdom of God. We are approaching the time when all the false religions teachers and all the deceived and misguided rulers and instructors and administrators from around this World, are going to be replaced by others. Others who will be placed into positions of leadership and ruler ship all over this Earth, by Jesus Christ Himself. We are approaching the time when Jesus the Christ, the one who was born to be a King, will be establishing His Kingdom up in heaven with His saints. Yes, establishing, setting up His Kingdom up in heaven with His saints, His called, and chosen and faithful servants, and He will be preparing them to return to this Earth with Him, to reign over this world and rule it with Him for a thousand years. We are living at the very end of this age brethren, the time that the Scriptures refer to and speak about throughout both the Old and New Testaments of the Bible, as the “Latter Days”, sometimes referred to as the “Latter Times”. Make no mistake about it; we are living at that time. It’s the time that our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ warned us over and over, to watch for, and to be ready and prepared for. Brethren, Extraordinary and Gigantic changes are approaching mankind. We are approaching the time that the most Colossal events in the history of man, are going to take place. This evil and untoward World is coming to a close. This dying, suffering, and polluted evil age that we are presently living in, is coming to an end and about to be replaced by the coming utopia of The Kingdom Of God. It’s not this world that is coming to an end, but this age. This evil age of Satan’s is coming to a close. And that is a good thing! All the suffering and heartache that the majority in this world are experiencing (and on a daily basis) will soon end. The Glorification of the saints of God, and the time that Jesus Christ Himself, will be handing out their rewards, (which will be given to every man according as his works,) is rapidly approaching. When Pilot asked Jesus If He was a King, He did not deny that He was a king; in fact He told Pilate: “To this end He was born, To be a king.” But He also told Pilate something else concerning His Kingdom. Jn: 18:36: Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence. That word “hence” means = here, or of this side. The Hebrew equivalent is “hither”. The opposite is “thither” or “The other side”. Jesus told Pilate that His Kingdom was not of this world. (KOSMOS) and that Greek word includes the entire physical universe. Jesus told Pilate that the Kingdom that He was born to be King over, was not of this world. Yes, the Kingdom of God was not ready to be established here on earth when Christ was there with Pilate. Fact is, the Kingdom of God has not even been established yet. It’s a little hard to establish something when the majority of those who will be placed into positions of leadership and ruler ship, are still asleep in their graves. Let’s go to Daniel 2:44 and see when Christ will establish (or set up) the Kingdom of God. He is going to do it up in Heaven on the sea of glass, at the first resurrection, when the final day of Pentecost comes. That Kingdom is not established yet. How can it be when many of the ones that will be placed into positions, into office are still asleep (dead) in their graves, like King David, the Apostles etc. The kingdom will be established after the saints who are dead and still in their graves will be resurrected, and those saints who are still alive are changed in the twinkling of an eye. Daniel 2:44 says the Kingdom of God will be established soon, during the time that the coming beast power will be ruling this earth. The beast power will rule for a short time (and in the near future.) During the rule of the coming 10 Kings who will give their power to the beast, is when Christ will establish His Kingdom. Daniel 2:44 “And in the days of these Kings (the 10 kings of Revelation 17:12 which will soon have power from Satan) shall the God of Heaven set up (establish) a Kingdom. Brethren, we are still living in the church age. Jesus is still busy building His church, building His house. The remainder of the stones (us) are still being cut and shaped and fashioned, down at the quarry, down here on this earth, “hither” down here on this side. But that time is almost over, that work is almost completed. The church age is coming to a close. Are we ready for the return of our Lord & Savior? Will we be hearing Him say: “Well done my good & faithful servant”? Or are we worried that He might say” “I never knew you”? That choice is ours to make brethren. Are we doers of The Word, or hearers only? Are we amongst the “Wise” virgins? Or are we part of the “Foolish” virgins? Is our calling on the front burner of our minds? Or is our calling (our High Calling) Choked, by the “ways” and “cares” of this world? Brethren, we are NOT living at the time when Jesus began to build His church. We are living at the time when He is going to complete it. The final Pentecost is almost here. The Kingdom of God is soon to be established up in heaven on the sea of glass (Revelation 15 1-2) and then after it is established in heaven, it will come to this earth. Jesus Christ is going to reign on this earth for 1,000 years. We in the church know this quite well because His Feast of Tabernacles, which we keep every year, pictures that time. But Jesus will not be returning to this earth alone, He will be returning to take charge of this earth and to rule it with his saints. (Revelation 17:14.) The word “saint” means = Pure, blameless, unspotted. That’s who Christ will be returning to this earth with, His saints. That’s who will be meeting Him in the air on the final Pentecost. That’s who we need to be now, “saints” “pure”. Jude the Lords half brother spoke in Jude 1:14 of how Enoch the seventh from Adam also knew this when he prophesied that the Lord would be coming with ten thousands of His saints. Does that include all of us Brethren? Will we be there to meet Christ in the air, and to stand on that “Sea of Glass”? Revelation 15: 1 “And I saw another sign in heaven, great and marvelous, seven angels having the seven last plagues, for in them is filled the wrath of God. 2 And I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire: and them that had gotten the victory (those six words come from only one Greek word – “Conqueror”)over the beast, and over his image, and over his mark, and over the number of his name, stand on the sea of glass, having the harps of God. That’s His elect up there brethren, the ones who were “victorious” “Conquerors of sin. And they’re up there during the time that the wrath of God is being poured out… They are “raised up” “there” to that “sea of glass” on the last day, the last day of the count, the day of Pentecost. (Let’s see that, and conclude in John 6:37 – 54) 37All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out. For I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me. And this is the Father’s will which hath sent me, that of all which he hath given me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up again at the last day. (We were raised up the first time when we were pre-selected by the Father Himself and given to Christ to be molded) (Represented by the “Wave Sheaf Offering.) And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up (When) at the last day. The Jews then murmured at him, because he said, I am the bread which came down from heaven. And they said, Is not this Jesus, the son of Joseph, whose father and mother we know? how is it then that he saith, I came down from heaven? Jesus therefore answered and said unto them, Murmur not among yourselves. No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day. It is written in the prophets, And they shall be all taught of God. Every man therefore that hath heard, and hath learned of the Father, cometh unto me. Not that any man hath seen the Father, save he which is of God, he hath seen the Father. Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life. I am that bread of life. Your fathers did eat manna in the wilderness, and are dead. This is the bread which cometh down from heaven, that a man may eat thereof, and not die. I am the living bread which came down from heaven: if any man eat of this bread, he shall live for ever: and the bread that I will give is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world. The Jews therefore strove among themselves, saying, How can this man give us his flesh to eat? Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you. Whoso eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life; and I will raise him up (WHEN) at the last day. Brethren, that “Last day” is rapidly approaching. I pray that all of us will be “ready” and “prepared” to meet our Lord and Savior in the air. One final Scripture which tells us (all of us) what we need to be doing now, in order to qualify to meet Christ in the air, on the Sea of Glass: 1st John 3:3 “And every man that has this hope in him (what hope? The hope to be there in God’s Kingdom, to meet Christ in the air) purifieth himself (how pure?) as pure as He (Christ) is pure. Happy Feast of Pentecost Brethren. Scriptures from the KJV ——————————————————————————————————– See William P. Goff’s other articles at: Goff, William P. – Church of God, Bismarck (church-of-god-bismarck.org) Reprinted with permission from: A Voice in the Wilderness https://khofh.org/ ——————————————————————————————————– |
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