(Copyright 2024) by James R. Steinle (Swanville, Minnesota) |
The above words, especially often found at the end of letters of decades past, often seemed to express the real heartfelt intent of the writer. Respect in this world nowadays it seems may be in short supply. That is obvious in the crime rate, the shaming on social media seen so often of those we might not agree with resulting in anger, disappointment or shutting down of respectful discourse; even sometimes resulting in suicide; especially with younger not quite yet mature individuals. Lack of respect is reflected in large companies charging outrageous prices; example, many Pharmaceutical Companies. How about Government agencies which ask for more money, increasing taxes; often for services which are not really needed or serve no real useful purpose. A lack of respect towards taxpayers by elected officials is shown when they accept bribes to line their pockets. We also see a lack of respect of people towards themselves. Some try to see how unattractive they can make themselves in how they dress, or don’t, use wild makeup, brightly color their hair, tattoos all over, or pins through their flesh. To me, it shows they think they are not worthy of respect the way they were created. It says to me, these individuals are starving for respect or love. Others find themselves in drug or alcohol addiction which results in hard physical and emotional trauma not only for themselves but for their families and those that love them. And let’s not forget also those that have to deal with them such as law enforcement, medical or social service individuals. They are negatively impacted emotionally also. What might be the cause of this disappearing valuable attribute of respect towards oneself or others? Is there any hope for this situation? (Hint: Yes!) It boils down to our heart! Each of our hearts need to receive proper education and understanding about our overall relationship to each other, (including our relationship to our Creator! The first four Commandments). How can that happen? It starts off with the parents understanding how important it is in instilling respect into their children towards them. This was so important to the Heavenly Creator, the One known as the Father, that it was placed as the 5th Commandment in the total of ten. “Honour your father and your mother: that your days may be long upon the land which the LORD your God giveth you.” (Exodus 20:12) Did you notice the reward associated with doing so? A long life in the land. (The last five Commandments are directed towards how we interact with others of the human race). And more instruction for the parents, “And you shall love the LORD your God with all thine heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might. 6 And these words, which I command you this day, shall be in thine heart: 7 And you shall teach them diligently unto your children, and shall talk of them when you sittest in thine house, and when you walkest by the way, and when you liest down, and when you risest up.” (Deuteronomy 6:5-7) Our ‘modern’ society has gotten away from following these very important commands, and the results are showing in our children especially. It is important to our family, schools, town, or local community. In fact, proper respect in how we respond to others belongs to all humanity. How can we be lights if we do not follow the Way of Light? Even in our relationship and dealings with other nations! Notice how important the Son of God, Yayshua or Jesus considered the instructions in Deuteronomy 6:5-7. He repeated them in his discourse in Matthew 5:14-16 (NIV) “And you shall love the LORD your God with all thine heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might. 6 And these words, which I command you this day, shall be in thine heart: 7 And you shall teach them diligently unto your children, and shall talk of them when you sittest in thine house, and when you walkest by the way, and when you liest down, and when you risest up.” So we can see how important it is to teach our children respect not only towards God, parents, and others also, but they need to include themselves also. It is too easy to get into bad or destructive habits like smoking, drinking or drugs which, when it becomes an addiction, can destroy a child’s respect even for themselves. Parents need to not only properly discipline their children, but show they are loved, appreciated, and respected also. This is where parents especially have to show respect in their own lives. If one or more swear, smoke, drink to excess or do drugs, then they teach their children it is OK to do the same. If parents show disrespect or put down their mate, then that attitude will show up in their children. Do we really want that to happen? Situations will always arise where one party may not handle things right; but children hopefully will see their parents’ fixing problems with mercy, love, patience, forgiveness and humility. Parents have a big responsibility in teaching their children, and it can be difficult in setting an example. All my life I have remembered and can picture it in my mind yet, an incident when I was a young one around 10 or so years old. My mother was in the kitchen of their rest home (later they turned it into a nursing home). My father came in and they were conversing about something (I don’t know what it was about). I could see my mother was angry about something when all of a sudden, she slapped my father’s face. He did not say anything but just walked out and left the house and did not come back till evening. My mother continued washing the dishes. That was the only time that happened to my knowledge. However, I knew without a doubt they loved and respected each other, and they did live a long and happy life together. But you can see how such an experience can impact a child, even now when I am 80 years old. My father passed away about 55 years ago and my mother 25 years ago. During their lifetime my parents exhibited a life of respect and love (its synonymous) and service for one another, their siblings, and extended families, their three children and the old people they took care of in their home for many years. They tried to show respect for God, the land, and others. Their example has resonated and been a light in my own life. Thank you, Dad and Mom. Respectfully yours, Your (now old) son Jim ——————————————————————————————————– See James Steinle’s other articles at: Steinle, James – Church of God, Bismarck (church-of-god-bismarck.org) ——————————————————————————————————– |
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