(Copyright 11-29-2024) by Richard Frates (Easly, South Carolina) |
God Twice Delivered – Life or Death Violent Warning: To Donald Trump and America. A Bullet Through Trump’s – Right Ear. And another assassin’s failed attempts to kill Trump in Florida are messages from God. President Trump God’s message to you and America: Hear and honor my word. Reject Devil-Media Puppet Masters of Democratic Party Snakes dictating “good and evil” Genesis 2:17 or “you will surely die” as a free nation. You will be shackled, muzzled, and compelled to worship the Devil by honoring sexual perverts parading sin against God. God “knows every “Sparrow that falls” and the stars in the universe “by name.” Trumps right ear was God’s target: God knew the assassin and that the Secret Police, planned neglect of Federal Villains – were doing the Devil’s work. In God’s all-knowing wisdom and mercy, He frustrated their design. Republicans: Without Apology and – whenever challenged – Publicly Proclaim “marriage is between a man and a woman.” Doing that will honor God’s perfect word and educate our depravity educated young. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are God’s rebuke to LGBT depraved America. Democrat party leaders vacant of God-Consciousness – Devil-Media is their conscious “Depraved minds” the result Romans 1:28. Lawmakers and Judges Repent: Publicly reject, and free America from these two – Devil-Worship decrees: Make America free to worship God again. Five democratic party – Judicial Snakes Effectively Said: “I worship the Devil” so all must do the same and to justify “Devil-Worship” Falsely Decreed “Same sex marriage “constitutional.” That is mocking marriage and blasphemy against God. Congress must reject the madness of judges – Rewriting our constitution. What madness is next: Bestiality is constitutional. And sexually perverted men and boys, mocking women, pretending to be women is constitutional and must be honored as women? Double Blasphemy: Democrats President Bill Clinton, and the Devil’s faithful President Biden decreed – JUNE- is America’s “PRIDE” of sexual perverts on parade month. Those two decrees impose – nationwide Devil-Worship: Diabolically sacrificing the hearts and minds of your children to Satan. Honoring what God decreed evil is – Devil-Worship. Governors and State Lawmakers: Counter National Devil-Worship decrees with these two Decrees: Same Sex Marriage is MOCKING MARRIAGE and BLASPHEMY against GOD – and is – Outlawed – in our State. No Lawmaker, Judge, education, or state official is to impose their sexual practices or the sexual lifestyles of others on anyone. JUNE is God ordained marriage month. And Matthew 19:4 Honored Sacred Scripture of JUNE. “The Creator made them male and female and decreed, for this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife.” That should be K-12 Education. Instead, Satanic LGBT indoctrination rules nationwide! Send a boy or girl to school: Frankenstein’s child comes home! Save the children: Ban sex-ed K-12. Donald Trump, fish out the Devils faithful: Their attacks against truthful words will expose them. Make this statement publicly, and without apology. God created mankind male and female: Thank God for husbands and wives and this marvelous reality, the two become “one flesh” in sons, and daughters. Isaiah 58:1: Church and Synagogue leaders – Instead of inviting sexual perverts parading sin against God to church, call on them to repent. Follow our Saviors example: Jesus Christ preached “repent to warn of God’s Judgment and save sinners Luke 13:1-5. “Nondiscrimination law” preaches – do not repent – parade sin against God and “discriminate” against those who will not join your parade. Devil-Media is driving democratic party lawmakers and Judges and some pandering republicans like dumb mules: Whatever evil Devil-Media honors democrats in congress, and judges assume authority to defend in law. Devil-Media is High-Priest of the – Democratic Party. Their United Religion is: Evil is really good and must be honored – good “discriminates” against evil so good must be condemned. Isaiah 5:20 “Woe to those who call evil good.” Devil-Worship decrees embolden the Devil’s faithful. They will hate, ridicule, the innocent who resist honor for those parading sin against God. What will democratic party snakes do when President Trump wins the 2024 election. January 2025 inauguration day: Will Devil-Media and democrats inspire a “defend democracy” riot? Election: Darkness and Dawn will meet in November – Reject Remaining Mind-Slaves of – Tyrants. Banish democratic party – Devil-Worship-Decrees. Transgender is a fraud, a Diabolical Phantom of the Mind: At home among elitist and delusional sexual perverts. Dr Frankenstein can’t change a man into a woman. The end result is a mutilated and drugged, sexual pervert pretending to be a woman. Devil-Media, elitist, and university staff, are social-fascist: Forcing honor for sexual pervert frauds who call themselves “transgender.” The Moses-Cure – will educate frauds pretending the opposite gender and protect them from being drugged and mutilated. Deuteronomy 24:2 “If the guilty man deserves to be beaten the judge shall have him lie down and flogged in his presence.” A good flogging will also cure delusional Dr Frankenstein’s from the madness of thinking they can change gender. Lawmakers ban that medical malpractice in your state! Does Psychology pander to and facilitate “transgender” madness for profit? Yes. Fox-news: Believing Dr Frankenstein instead of God and calling Bruce Jenner – Caitlyn will drag you to hell. Forward to President Trump, senator John Thune, congress, DOJ, FBI, and CIA. Devil-Media possessed politicians celebrate madness! – Judgment – John 5:28-29. ——————————————————————————————————– See Richard Frate’s other articles at: Frates, Richard – Church of God, Bismarck (church-of-god-bismarck.org) ——————————————————————————————————– |
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