by Curtis Dahlgren (Stephenson, Michigan) |
The function of liberal Republicans is to shoot the wounded after battle.” Senator Eugene McCarthy BARRY GOLDWATER RECOMMENDED SAWING OFF THE EASTERN SEABOARD. “When the wind is in the East, ’tis neither good for man nor beast,” and here are some quotations from the Ivy League region of the country: “The chief problem of the lower-income farmers is poverty.” Nelson Rockefeller “The streets are safe in Philadelphia; it’s only the people who make them unsafe.” former mayor Frank Rizzo “Marvin never tells a lie if he can give you a misleading statement instead.” friend of former Maryland Governor Marvin Mandel “The system has not failed but some of us have failed the system.” Edmund Muskie ONE THING COMMON TO ALL LEFTIES IS THE OLD SAYING: “There are no enemies on our left only the Right.” They don’t believe that Communism failed in the USSR it was only “mismanaged.” And socialism didn’t fail in Cuba; it was only persecuted by bullies up north. I suppose the sexual revolution of the “sixties” hasn’t back-fired either. It was “only mismanaged,” eh? But as Edmund Burke said, “The grand Instructor is Time.” And the only thing necessary for the triumph of Evil is for the good to be silenced by; to paraphrase, the real bullies on the Left. President-elect Obama won’t have to select a Minister of Disinformation; the Associated Press and most of the MSM is already working on that Mission Impossible. NEVER FORGET Fascism or National Socialism is to the Left of our classical Liberals, not to their Right. Hitler always knew that he could buy the media. What he didn’t know is that he could get them so cheap. “We have now sunk to a depth at which restatement of the obvious is the first duty of intelligent men.” George Orwell You don’t need to go to the comic strips anymore to get your laughs. I don’t even buy the newspaper anymore; I just read a few headlines. Here are some sample headlines from the mainstream media as well as the Internet (only slightly paraphrased): “RESEARCH STUDY SHOWS THAT LIBERAL AND CONSERVATIVE BRAIN FUNCTION DIFFERS.” [duh!] “Research: Being fat is bad for your health.” [what took them so long to find out?] “New study: Church attendees live longer lives.” [for this we need research?] “New research proves that vegetarians suffer brain shrinkage.” [dittoes] “Cell phones distract drivers more than passengers.” [who would have guessed?] “Homosexual lifestyles unhealthy” [DUH] “California driving instructor driving DUI; arrested” [dittoes] “Indian hotels and Jewish centers attacked by Islamic extremist terrorists.” BUT IF YOU ONLY READ THE NEW YORK TIMES, YOU WOULDN’T KNOW THAT. The Times prefers terms such as “insurgents” or “militants” (code words for Freedom Fighters). To the mainstream media, there are no enemies on the Left nor on the Taliban extreme either. The Palestinian and Afghan “liberation movements” haven’t failed they’ve only been “mismanaged” again, I guess! The MSN is trying to curry favor among the Islamic radicals, which will be in the long run about as successful as John McCain’s last 8 years of currying favor with the New York Times (to state one of the obvious facts of life). What our teenagers and the MSN have in common is that they need to face up to reality of their false sense of superiority before it bites them in the butt. A culture that forbids criticism of the “politically correct” issues will end up forbidding ALL freedom of speech. In case I didn’t make it obvious enough, “my point” of this column is that we must not allow the Age of Discussion to become a thing of the past. Polarization and polemics are good things, not bad. “Polemics” is the antonym of “one-sidedness.” In the dictionary, “polemics” (the art of disputation) stands right between police-state and polecat. In a very real sense, indeed, polemics or the art of criticism must be preserved as a barrier between the dead skunks in the “middle-of-the-road” and a possible Police State. Once all opposition to one-party rule has been silenced by intimidation or embarrassment, all hopes of Freedom are extinguished. Right now, the flicker of the flame of Freedom is burning lower and lower. Thank God our Founding Fathers are asleep in their graves to spare them the pain, and the rest of us, their WRATH. A few good words by Jefferson: “To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.” “It is error alone which needs the support of government. Truth can stand by itself.” “Ignorance is preferable to error, and he is less remote from the truth who believes nothing than he who believes what is wrong.” “Delay is preferable to error.” “I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.” “An association of men who will not quarrel with one another is a thing which has never existed… “ “If God is just, I tremble for my country.” NO WONDER THAT THE FOUNDERS ARE CONSIDERED PEA-BRAINS AND ARE NEVER QUOTED IN PUBLIC EDUCATION OR “HIGHER LEARNING.” [Now that an “African-American” has been elected President, can we now get some true American History taught around here?] (From December 5, 2008) |
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