(Copyright) by Paul Janvier Mbock (Cameroon) |
Here is the BEAST and ZION “For the Lord GOD does nothing without revealing his secret to his servants the prophets.” (Am 3:7). “And he (the angel) said unto me, Seal not the words of the prophecy of this book, for the time is at hand”. (Rev. 22:10). 1) INTRODUCTION “The beast you saw was, and it is not (to this day). She must ascend out of the abyss and go into perdition. And the inhabitants of the earth…will be astonished when they see the beast, because it was, and it is no more, and it will appear again. Here is the intelligence that has wisdom- The seven (7) heads…on which the woman (the Papacy-the Harlot) sits…are also seven (7) kings: five have fallen, one exists, the other (the 7th) has not yet come, and when he does come he must stay a short time.” (Rev. 17:8-10). “And the beast which was, and which is not (to this day), is himself an eighth king, and he is of the number of the seven and is going to perdition.” (Rev 17:11). 2) The SIX (6) First HEADS The Church of God knows from Herbert W. Armstrong, the story of the succession of the first six resurgences of the Holy Roman Empire, from his mortal wound given by the Heruli, under their leader Odoacer in 476 AD (Rev. 13:3). It is: – 1st = Justinian, with the end of the Gothic wars, and the Council of Constantinople in 553 AD convened by him. He became Emperor in 554 AD! – 2nd = Charlemagne, crowned Emperor in Rome in the year 800 AD! – 3rd = Otto the Great, king of the Germans. He received the imperial crown in Pavia in 962 AD. He made peace with Byzantium in 971 AD! – 4th = Charles V and the Habsburgs. He was crowned by Pope Clement VII in 1530, after having imposed his authority in 1522! – 5th = Napoleon Bonaparte: he was crowned emperor in Paris by Pope Pius VII, on December 2, 1804. He defeated the Russians in 1807 and reached his Golden Age. His European Empire extended from then on, from the Atlantic to the Elbe! – 6th = Mussolini/Hitler: The Rome-Berlin Axis was established to unify Europe, and revive the concept of Imperial Rome, which reached its peak in 1940, at the start of World War II! 3) The Seventh (7th) HEAD Regarding the 7th head who was to come and stay for a short time, here is what we get from history and the Bible! On March 25, 1957, twelve years after the end of the 2nd World War, Six (6) European countries: France, Germany, Italy and the 3 Benelux countries signed the Treaty of Rome, establishing the European Economic Community (EEC). It is the direct ancestor of the current powerful European Union (EU) created in 1992 in Maastricht, and effective since November 1, 1993 (12 States). Since that date, other European countries have continued to join the EU, and they were: 15 countries in January 1995, 25 countries in May 2004, 27 countries in January 2007. On July 1, 2013, Croatia becomes the 28th member of the EU. This membership has a symbolic significance on biblical prophecy, concerning the 7th resurgence of the Roman Empire! Let’s take a good look! Daniel 2:41-42 talks about Ten (10) toes part iron and part clay. Now we know that the 10 toes of the 2 feet or the 10 fingers of the 2 hands are made up of 28 Phalanges. As if to say on the contrary that, it is the 28 phalanges which give the 10 toes of the feet, or the 10 fingers of the hands! So, before God, the European Union reached the 28 States which represent the 28 Phalanges which constitute the 10 toes of Daniel 2:41-42 in 2013! On June 23, 2006, the majority of British voters voted to leave their country from the EU; this was effective on January 31, 2020, and the EU was reduced to 27 states! So, it only took her a short time, about 3 years (2013 to 2016), fulfilling Revelation 17:10 before God! Today it has only 27 phalanxes (states) and is therefore the 7th resurgence of the Roman Empire, which took little time (2013-2016), despite its long gestation since its foundation in 1957! Today, she is facing serious problems that will bring out from her, a Super-Power, the 8th resurgence, called the Beast, which will amaze the whole world (Rev. 17:8,11-13)! NB: Eight (8) is the number of a New Beginning! 4) The BEAST Here is what Plain Truth magazine declared in 1956, shortly after Russia invaded Hungary: “The way is being prepared for the arrival of a third colossal force on the world political scene – A Federation of European nations, that will be more powerful than Russia or the United States! “. Here is also an excerpt from the September 1979 Plain Truth on page 13: “Few understand that the Roman Empire was to exist, literally…just before the prophesied establishment of the Kingdom of God on earth… steps have been taken towards the realization of the ‘United States of Europe’…A new Europe is being made, as surely as the sun will continue to rise and set. Many Europeans realize that they will remain helpless, as individual nations, until they come together in a mighty union (or federation). Only then can they speak with one voice and put full harnessing their political and military forces…Note that ‘the beast’ (the ruler of the final revival of the Roman Empire) will have control and conduct of all the power of ‘ten kings’ or ten heads of state, who will act of total allegiance to him! “. The current upheavals on the geopolitical chessboard in the world are rapidly preparing the ground for the birth of a powerful Federal Europe, capable of competing with the galloping influence of Russia, and of compensating for the collapse of the American hegemony in the world (Revelation 13:4). Europeans themselves are aware of the current weakness of the ‘European Union of Independent States‘, in the face of the serious challenges of the moment (War in Ukraine, Migration crisis, etc. …). Hence the need for an Integral Europe, even minus certain states! So, we can expect old national borders to be moved, or some members to leave the EU (like Brexit). Due to some reluctances, some EU advocates have suggested a ‘two-speed’ Europe’ in which, Germany and a few other major nations, would form an ‘inner core’, with strong economic, military and political cooperation, compared to the other more fearful nations of the Union! Bible Prophecy ultimately indicates that a European Superstate (A Federation of 10 States), symbolically called the Beast, will soon surprise a world that is generally far from suspicious of it. An imposing Block of countries (10) will form a coalition, which will constitute the 8th and last revival of the old Roman Empire (Rev. 13:1-8; 17:8-17; Dan 2:40-43). These 10 nations, as Bible prophecy says, will give up their national sovereignty, to be part of this amazing end-time superpower (Rev. 17:13). This will be led by a powerful dictator (probably a German like Hitler), who will unleash a period of unprecedented global tyranny and upheavals, described in Daniel 11:40-45! The power of the beast will influence the whole world. But God will limit it to only 42 months, or three and a half years (Rev. 13:3). The Beast will establish his palace, as the Capital of the resurrected Roman Empire, as well as his Headquarters, in JERUSALEM (Zech 14:2)! NB: The Bible determines the duration of the power of the beast over the world, 42 months. On the other hand, it simply says that, the 7th head “…must remain a short time” (Rev. 17:10), indefinite and brief. Which proves that the 8th resurrection of the Holy Roman Empire (10 states), is not the 7th Head (27 states)! 5) IN the TIME of these KINGS The Bible says, “In the time of those kings (when the 10 Federated nations of Europe are in place, i.e., the Beast), the God of heaven will raise up a kingdom…” (Dan 2:42- 44)! Note that: God will raise up, that is to say, cause His kingdom to arise, or come out or suddenly emerge, when the 10 kings are in place in Europe. He won’t establish it then. He will establish it 3½ years later, after the Great Tribulation and the outpouring of the plagues of God’s wrath, when Jesus comes to set up (establish) the Millennial Kingdom (Rev 20:4), after the annihilation of the beast and the false prophet and their armies gathered in Jerusalem (Rev 19:19-20)! NB: – The Kingdom of God will therefore be RAISED (come suddenly) at the time when the Beast (10 kings) will be in place in Europe, before the start of the Great Tribulation, and, – This Kingdom of God will be ESTABLISHED 3 ½ years, after the Great Tribulation, when all the kings of the earth will be gathered for the war against the Lamb in Jerusalem, passing through the Valley of Jezreel (Harmaggedon) (Rev 16:13-14)! 6) SION a- What is this Kingdom? The Bible speaks of a physical Nation, called Zion, which will be born suddenly in one day (Is 66:7-8; Ps 87), after 70 years (Ps 102:14; Hab 2:2-3; Jer 25: 11-14; 29:10; 3:14), in this end of time, when God will intervene in human affairs to bring down Babylon! We also know that the modern State of Israel (made up of the Jews, therefore Judah), has been under the influence of the United Nations (Babylon) since its creation in 1948. The Bible reveals to us that this enslavement will last 70 years, before God intervenes to punish Babylon, here the United Nations (Jer 25:11-14)! However, this unborn nation (SION) cannot be: – The Ancient Nation of Judah, which returned from exile after 70 years according to prophecy, but it was not born in a day, because, despite the authorization of Cyrus, king of the Persians, it was after many negotiations that the survivors of Judah settled in Jerusalem (Esd 1: 1; 2; Neh 2: 1-20)! – The Modern Nation of Israel which was born in one day (May 14, 1948), but after 1813 years of non-existence, since the dispersion of the Jewish people from the Holy Land in 135 AD! God temporarily rejected physical Israel (including Judah-the Jews), as His nation (Matt 21:43; Rom 11:21,25). The birth of the modern physical nation (State) of Israel in one day, on May 14, 1948, therefore foreshadowed the very imminent birth of the physical Kingdom of God, Zion, in one day, after 70 years, according to the biblical principle of Duality (1st accomplishment in the Past, 2nd accomplishment in the Future). This nation, ZION (or physical Kingdom), which will be raised up in a day (Dan 2:44; Isa 66:7-8), is the Stone of Daniel 2:34-35, through which God will intervene in human affairs (Ps 102:14-19), and it is through her that He will bring down the present system of things, called Babylon (Dan 2:44-45; Rev 14:8; 18:2; 1 Thes 5::2-3)! b- The Birth of Zion Today, it is the Church founded by Christ in the year 31 of our era which constitutes his Spiritual Nation (Gal 6:16; 1 Pet 2:9). It is small (Matt 7:13-14; 13:31-32; Luke 12:32). It is made up of members scattered and hidden in the world (Matt 26:31; Eze 34:5-6; Matt 13: 38.44). It must be revealed to the world (Rom 8:19; Luke 17:30,34-37). It is this sudden coming out of the shadow (revelation) in one day of the sons of God, today scattered and hidden in the world, which constitutes the birth of the physical Kingdom of God, his Nation, called SION (Is 66: 7-8; Ps 87)! This Nation, Zion, which will be born in a day (Is 66:8), is the Bowl above the Candlestick of Zechariah 4:2-3, and this candlestick is the History of the True Church of God, from Abel the Just, up to the two Witnesses: – The 2 Olives: are the 2 Ambassadors of the Nation of God; these are the 2 Witnesses of Revelation 11 during the Great Tribulation! – The Bowl: above the candlestick is the Church of God which is reborn from Laodicean correction, to become the Nation of God, which will be born in one day as Zion (Isaiah 66:7-11; Ps 87; Luke 17:34-37)! – The 7 Lamps: are the 7 eras of the Church of God of the New Testament of Revelation 2 and 3! – The Rest of the Candlestick: represents all the faithful Servants of God of the Old Testament (Hebrews 11)! NB: The Passover in Egypt, had triggered events that ended with the annihilation of Pharaoh and his troops in the waves of the Red Sea. Likewise, the birth of the physical Nation of God in one day will precipitate the collapse of the present system of this wicked world (Babylon). God said, “I will shake the heavens and the earth, I will overthrow the throne of the kingdoms, and I will destroy the power of the kingdoms of the nations.” (Ag 2:21-22) – “…The God of heaven will raise up a kingdom which will never be destroyed, nor will it come under the dominion of another people; he will shatter and annihilate all those kingdoms, and he himself will stand forever.” (Dan 2:44)! c – Elijah Brings SION We know today from biblical revelation (Jn 14:26; 16:13; Rev 1:1; 22:10), that this nation or physical kingdom of God, Zion, which will be born in a day (Is 66: 7-8; Luke 17:30,34-37), will be aroused by Elijah, physical descendant of David (Mal 4:5-6; Matt 17:11; 2 Sam 7; Mk 9:2), who is the 2nd son of man (duality), of which Jesus, the Jehovah of the Old Testament (1 Cor 10:4), alluded to the coming at the time of the end (Eze 2:1-5; 7:1-10; Luke 17:22-37)! This son of man of the end time generation (Jesus is no more Son of man since his resurrection from the dead, He is Son of God – Rom 1:3-4), had to suffer a lot of sickness and be rejected (Luke 17:25; Eze 3:24-27); he had to die before miraculously returning to physical life, to raise up the nation of God that will bring down Babylon (Job 14:13; Ps 30:1-4; 40:1-4; Luke 17:24-37)! The Unexpected and Miraculous Arrival of the ‘true’ son of man (Elijah) who brings the Physical Nation of God onto the world stage (Is 66:7-8; Matt 24:44; Luke 21:34-35; 1 Thes 5:2), will be known to all mankind, it will not be hidden, since it will be a well-known man, who would have died a few years before, and who will come back to physical life (will resurrect or will sprout) where it was buried (Ps 30:1-4; 40:1-4; Zec 6:12); after his return to physical life, he will be surrounded by a few living people, equally known, from all continents, who will find themselves instantly and miraculously at his side without the help of any known means of transport, even the most quick and sophisticated (Zec 3:8; Dan 2:34,45; Jer 3:14; Deut 30:4; Mk 13:27; Luke 17:30,34-37). This breathtaking event will be relayed, from East to West, by all the current media around the world (internet, television, radios, telephone, etc.) which are Waves like lightning, and which did not exist in the first century (Is 45:5-6; Matt 24:27; Luke 17:24). The whole world will be amazed to see “A Revenant surrounded by the people who a few moments ago were still sleeping in their beds, or cooking, or working in their fields, thousands of miles away, according to the time zones” (Luke 17:34-36)! It is this event that Traditional Christianity has always called “the Rapture” which in reality is the Birth of the Nation of Dieu in one day! (Is 66:7-8): the gathering of the physical elect will be made by the Angels (eagles or vultures) who will bring them to where ‘the body’ will be, that is to say the son of man who is Elijah, returned to physical life (Luke 17:30,34-37; De 30:4; Mk 13:27)! Conclusion Where are we today in the fulfillment of these two prophecies? – The 8th and last head of the beast (the future United States of Europe) is being formed at this very moment, within the European Union which is the 7th head of the beast, – The Bible says “In the time of these kings (as soon as the 10 federated nations of Europe are in place), the God of heaven will raise up (will suddenly arise) a kingdom…” (Dan 2:42-44)! This Physical Kingdom that will bring down the current Babylon, is Zion, the 8th and last resurgence of the Church of God, after the 7 eras of the New Testament! NB: 8 is the number indicating a new beginning! The Modern State of Israel was born in one day, May 14, 1948; it celebrated its 70th anniversary with pomp on May 14, 2018. The COVID came in 2020 and brought the whole world to its knees. Russia has been attacking Ukraine since 2022. So now we are closer than you think, to the rebirth of the Holy Roman Empire and the birth of Zion, the Nation of God! It is time to wake up (Is 52:1-2); Yes! “…it is time to awake you at last from slumber, for now salvation is nearer to us than when we believed. The night is advanced, the day draws near…’ (Rom 13:11-12), ‘…let us exhort one another, and that the more so as you see the day drawing near.’ (Heb 10:25)! In the Name of Jesus Christ! Testimony of: Paul Janvier Mbock ——————————————————————————————————————————— See Paul Janvier Mbock’s other articles at: Mbock, Paul Janvier – The “New” Church of God Messenger (church-of-god-bismarck.org) ——————————————————————————————————————————— |
Iron Sharpening Iron In regard to: The Beast and Zion! Article by Paul Janvier Mbock Comments by Laura Lee (Bismarck, North Dakota) |
I do agree with you that the return of Christ will be here soon. As far as the rest of it goes, I am not with you on most of it but perhaps someone else would care to comment. |
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