(Copyright 08-24-2024) by Dwight Fleming (Oroville, California) |
The apostle Paul wrote to the church at Thessalonica in northern Greece regarding their fear that they had missed Christ’s return. Here is his message: “Now, brethren, concerning the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him, we ask you, not to be soon shaken in mind or troubled [by thinking they had missed out on the resurrection], either by spirit or by word or by letter, as if from us, as though the day of Christ [His return] had come. “Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day [of Christ’s return] will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition” (2 Thessalonians 2:1-3). The term “falling away” used in the King James Bible and the NKJ comes from a Greek word “apostasia” from which the English word “apostasy” is derived. Some Bible translations render the word as “rebellion.” It is translated in Acts 21:21 as “forsake” in the KJV and NKJ. What will be this “rebellion,” or “forsaking,” or “falling away” that Paul warned about? Obviously, it will be a forsaking of the truth of God as found in the Bible. It is generally believed that it will be a falling away from the church or from doctrinal premises taught by Jesus and His apostles. For example, the changing to Sunday worship in place of the 7th day Sabbath or observing Easter in place of Passover. These examples of a “falling away” have already taken place yet the “man of sin” has not yet appeared (other than possible forerunners). Paul’s warning to the Thessalonians stated that this “man of sin” would exalt himself above God and want to be worshipped as God (2 Thessalonians 2:4). This future person is no doubt the same person described in Daniel as the “little horn” and “king of the North,” and in the Book of Revelation as the “Beast.” He is primarily referred to as the “Antichrist” by most prophecy writers. This future “man of sin” will be more than a religious figure or church leader. He will also be the head of a government with powerful military forces. For sure, to have such military power will also require economic strength to finance any campaign or expansion of territory. As history has shown, economic hard times are sometimes the fertile ground for the rise of dictators who are first seen as “saviors” to a downtrodden populace. Thus, a future “falling away” will have to be more than just a large segment of members leaving any particular Christian church organization or a doctrinal belief. This has been happening since the first century during the time of the apostles of Christ. Not only will this “falling away” described by Paul have a religious impact but especially a geopolitical impact affecting many nations which will precipitate the rise of the “man of sin.” This “falling away” described by Paul is already emerging. You have seen it on the news but may not have realized this is what the apostle Paul forecast centuries ago. You are certainly aware that the U.S. dollar is the world’s reserve currency which gives the United States a dominant role in economic trade and political influence and control over other nations. However, as you know, there is a growing trend among many nations to move away from U.S. economic and political dominance because of the weaponization of the U.S. dollar. Not only has America used its reserve currency status to punish other nations, such as, Russia or Iran, which act contrary to U.S. policy, but has also crammed down the throats of foreign nations their “woke” ideology. In decades past, the United States acted as a restraining force in the world with its economic and military power. It was the U.S. which championed the defeat of Nazi Germany and provided necessary interventions to halt the spread of communism as promoted by the Soviet Union during the Cold War. Unless Donald Trump is elected back to the White House this November, America’s days of being a Restrainer will soon come to an end. The current U.S. Administration under Biden and Harris has been vigorously pursuing Obama’s policies of change from traditional values like a rabid dog infected with madness. Dare we call it the “O Biden Administration”? The apostle Paul also warned that once this “restrainer” was removed or taken out of the way, then the appearance of the “man of sin” would follow (2 Thessalonians 2:7-8). There are those who believe that the “restrainer” is the praying followers of Jesus or the Holy Spirit. Certainly, our prayers have power and can have impact upon conditions in the world. The Two Witnesses will also have power to act as a restrainer until the Beast kills them (Revelation 11:3, 6-7). Those nations which are turning away from “O Biden’s” policies are displeased with the Woke agenda being “preached” to them by U.S. Leftist leaders and corporations and similar policies among leading nations of the West. Nations with strong religious morals are offended when the U.S. imposes gay-rights issues upon them against their traditional values of marriage and family. Or when they are told that the burning of oil is destroying the earth and should limit their reliance on oil. They see the U.S. hypocrisy since oil is necessary for any nation to prosper and improve its citizens quality of life. Paul also admonishes us to hold to the traditions that the Bible teaches (2 Thessalonians 2:15). Foremost of those Bible traditions, even among nations which do not reference the Bible, is that marriage is between a man and a woman and that there are only two genders, male and female. But the “man of sin” will change laws to oppose God’s laws (Daniel 7:25). He will also commit the ultimate sin of blasphemy by claiming that he is God and demand all to worship him. Paul mentioned that the “mystery of iniquity” was already at work in his day that would someday bring about this future “man of sin” (2 Thessalonians 2:7). What was this “mystery of iniquity” that was already working 1900 years ago? With the advent of Julius Caesar, Rome turned from being a republic to an empire when Caesar’s adopted son, Octavian, declared himself as emperor in 31 BC. During the days of Paul, the Roman leaders were at times considered to be more than a mere man but also a god to be worshipped. The Roman Empire was the fourth beast depicted in Daniel seven, the empire of iron in Daniel two. The Roman Empire is now gone but not forgotten and is still impacting our lives today. This empire “was and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition” (Revelation 17:8). So, a version of the Roman Empire will arise in the near future and will be led by the “man of sin,” who is also called the “son of perdition” (2 Thessalonians 2:3). The “bottomless pit” is actually describing an oil well. The importance of oil in our modern world has been greatly downplayed by those promoting “green energy” as part of their “woke” (rhymes with joke) agenda to gain supreme control over sovereign nations. The need for energy will become of utmost priority to accomplish social and governmental control by “artificial intelligence” technology. The revival of the Roman Empire, the fourth beast, will come about when Britain, Germany, and Russia join to form an economic and military alliance. The Roman Empire was divided into East and West. Germany inherited Roman west. Russia inherited the Roman east or Byzantine Empire. Moscow is known as the “Third Rome.” Thus, this future alliance of these three nations (lion, leopard, bear) will be the “healing” of the deadly wound (Revelation 13:3). Jonathan Cahn has explained how the Roman Empire is still affecting us today as only Jonathan can do with insightful understanding of prophetic scripture. For a deeper study on the fourth beast of Daniel seven, be sure to watch his short video linked below. The second video by Sean Pruitt, President of Kingdom Exploration, discusses the growing need for oil and how America’s woke agenda is causing a rift or “falling away” of foreign nations from the West’s manipulation and control of oil. The fight for oil will probably be the key factor that causes the King of the North (Beast) to invade the Middle East, particularly Jerusalem to capture the “bottomless pit” for its oil. I have linked two other videos which will provide helpful information on the decline of the U.S. dollar as the Reserve Currency and a future transition to a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). Zechariah five depicts a “flying scroll” which symbolizes this future digital currency. It will be “programmable” to control our spending. The Mark of the Beast which will come later will control our spending by controlling our thinking. Why so many videos you wonder? This was prophesied to happen long ago. Go to Joel 2:28: “And afterward, I will pour out My Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see videos.” No? You don’t agree? Visions are simply videos in your head rather than on a computer screen. Well, at least think about it. Here are the video links: Rome Linked to End-Times: https://youtu.be/nD-9y0NAaEM?si=JtEKE1WGUPnfA6Gi Increasing Demand for Oil: https://youtu.be/9YKwUlSV9HQ?si=I6i_byEq9U7HLs3W Why Saudi Left the Dollar: https://youtu.be/_9mhmFG_qjc?si=3gGi8nxp6jd2eqQh Losing Reserve Currency Status: https://youtu.be/U2oYCXdG7EY?si=bUjYNEfwArWnNClq ———————————————————————————————————- See Dwight Fleming’s other articles at: Fleming, Dwight – Church of God, Bismarck (church-of-god-bismarck.org) ———————————————————————————————————- |
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