(Copyright 2023) by Dwight Fleming (Oroville, California) |
Better known as the Tower of Babel as mentioned in Genesis 11:1-9. Archeologist Joel Kramer has an exciting video revealing the location of the Biblical Tower of Babel at ancient Babylon. The brief account in Genesis 11 reveals man’s nature to go contrary to God’s wishes. Rather than spreading out over the earth to reinhabit it after the flood, they chose to dwell in cities consolidating their power and trusting in themselves to create a world of their own choosing. Take note how Joel describes their rebellious efforts to build a tower that was considered a “gateway to heaven.” This tower or ziggurat had a staircase that would allow access to a divine being. Recall the staircase that Jacob saw in his dream (Genesis 28:10-17; verse 17: “gate of heaven”). I wrote about it in a previous article. It was a mountain at Bethel which had natural staircase features. And it may have been the inspiration for Jacob’s son, Joseph, who possibly built the Step Pyramid in Egypt. Joel’s video documents and describes the Tower of Babel and why he believes it was at Babylon rather than other locations that have been suggested. This video will also serve as some groundwork for an upcoming article on Bible prophecy found in Zechariah. Babylon was located in the land of Shinar. That ancient area is today located in Iraq. The land of Shinar will be further explored in my future article on Zechariah 5. Stay tuned. Meanwhile, allow Joel to amaze you with his stunning video on the Tower of Babel. And be sure to watch his second video on the ancient city of Babylon and God’s prophecies against it. It will show how God’s Word stands the test of time despite man’s feeble efforts to usurp God’s authority. Note: Joel’s book, “Where God Came Down,” is an excellent resource for Bible students. Another resource that I would recommend is “The Satellite Bible Atlas: Historical Geography of the Bible” Second Edition. Both books can be found on Amazon. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cYc_VgjJfw8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QtUNHjDmGOY See “The Woman Flees” in regard to Zechariah 5 |
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