Sent by Darwin Lee (Bismarck, North Dakota) |
Jesus Christ By the FBI, IRS, CIA, FDA, EPA, DNR, AF&T, NCC, NEA, USDA, AMA, SSA, MHA, ADL, NAACP, UNGC, & the USCG for the following crimes: 1. Wanted by the FBI for teaching the people that there is a higher power and authority than Caesar or the state. 2. Wanted by the IRS for failure to report income to the taxing authorities. 3. Wanted by the CIA for causing political unrest at home and abroad. 4. Wanted by the FDA for turning water into wine without a license. 5. Wanted by the EPA for feeding a crowd of 5000 and threatening the environment. 6. Wanted by the DNR for fishing without a license. 7. Wanted by the AF&T for telling his disciples to sell their coat and buy a sword. 8. Wanted by the NCC for teaching doctrines not approved by the National Council of Churches. 9. Wanted by the NEA for teaching without proper certification. 10. Wanted by the USDA for driving a herd of 2000 hogs into the sea. 11. Wanted by the AMA for practicing medicine without a license. 12. Wanted by the SSA for failure to apply for a social security number. 13. Wanted by the MHA for healing minds without a psychiatric license. 14. Wanted by the ADL for exposing and teaching the people the truth about the Jews. 15. Wanted by the NAACP for telling His disciples to preach to White Christian Israel instead of black Africa. 16. Wanted by the United Nations Genocide Convention for creating mental anguish among the Jews. 17. Wanted by the U.S. Coast Guard for walking on the water without a life jacket. 18. Wanted by the U.S. Department of HEW for teaching people to work and depend on God rather than the welfare dole. 19. Wanted by the U.S. Department of Justice for exposing the evil among the leaders of the government. 20. Wanted by all civil and religious authorities for telling the common people the good news of the coming kingdom “government” of God upon earth. 21. Wanted by OSHA for failure to wear a hard hat when driving the Money Changers from the Temple. If you know the whereabouts of this unusual person please contact your local chapter of any of the above named Government Agencies. Failure to apprehend this dangerous radical rightwing Bible teacher may result in the establishment of God’s Great and Glorious Kingdom here on Earth. This mighty Christ may make his appearance at any time. Watch and be on guard at all times. |
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