(Copyright 11-24-2024) by Rod Reynolds (Wentzville, Missouri) |
In the Bible we read of patriarchs, prophets, prophetesses, priests, even kings like David, apostles, evangelists, and others, people who were righteous, who obeyed God, who’s deeds and exploits are recorded in Scripture, and who were in many cases used to write down and preserve messages given them directly by God or through the inspiration of God’s Holy Spirit. These were used of God to deliver his word to us and were hence messengers of God. At the same time, we read in Bible times of idolatrous priests, of false prophets who spoke in the name of God, of false ministers and false apostles, who were deceivers and only pretended to be God’s messengers. Others have followed over the centuries, claiming offices such as priests, apostles, evangelists, ministers, pastors, claiming to speak in the name of God or Christ, and hence acting as his messengers. How can we tell the difference between genuine messengers of God and those who are false? In “Who is a Messenger of God?” Rod Reynolds addresses the question on the basis of what the Scriptures reveal in answer to it. This is vital knowledge that every Christian, and everyone who would be a Christian, needs to have and understand, and be reminded of often. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.cogmessenger.org Sermon Link: Who is a Messenger of God? | COGMessenger ————————————————————————————————————————- See Rod Reynolds other articles at: Reynolds, Rod – The “New” Church of God Messenger (church-of-god-bismarck.org) Reprinted with permission from: Messenger Church of God https://www.cogmessenger.org/ ————————————————————————————————————————- |
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