Encountering Jesus
(Copyright 2017) by Brenda Branson (Hanson, Kentucky) Jesus got into the boat again and went back to the other side of the lake, where a large crowd gathered around him on the shore. Then a leader of the local synagogue, whose name was Jairus, arrived. When he saw Jesus, he fell at his feet, pleading fervently […]
“Twelve Reasons Why Jesus’ Trial Was Illegal”
(Copyright 2001) by Terry Bruns (Oregon, Wisconsin) The trial of Jesus Christ was without legal precedent. He was convicted and executed even though Pilate found Him innocent! Let’s briefly notice the 12 outstanding reasons why the arrest, trial and conviction of Jesus were illegal. 1. There was no legal basis for Jesus’ arrest because no one […]
Woodpecker head-banging wonder
(Copyright) by David Catchpoole (Powder Springs, Georgia) UpdateRecent research* shows that the spongy material in a woodpecker’s skull does not act like a shock absorber. Engineering analysis of high-speed video recordings showed that the skull’s deceleration was not slower than that of the beak penetrating the wood. The woodpeckers’ small skull and the way in which its […]
The Golden Rule
(Copyright) by BibleStudy.org (Farmington Hills, Michigan) What is the golden rule and where is it in the Bible? Why is gold rightfully a part of its name? Why should we keep it? What standard should we use to “do unto others . . .?” The golden rule in the Bible is found in Matthew 7. A […]
Christ on the Sabbath
(Copyright 2023) by Jeffrey Caldwell (Arkansas) Christ, in His earthly ministry, has much to say about the Sabbath. But Christ’s most significant Sabbath precept is the most neglected. Christ originated the Sabbath and certainly understands God’s holy purposes for its holiness (Genesis 2:2-3, John 1:1-3). Jesus underscores God’s purpose for creating the Sabbath in telling us: […]
Hiccups In Time
(Copyright 2024) by James Lloyd (Medford, Oregon) One of the strangest mysteries in history is how cycles seem to periodically repeat – but a Christian ministry has been preaching a Biblical explanation of the phenomenon for decades. Furthermore, they have used this knowledge to make successful predictions. Just as the attached humorous cartoon illustrates, […]
Dear Bill …
(2024) by Author Unknown (Found in Attic) Dear Bill,I am writing this slow cause I know you can’t read fast. We don’t live where we did when you left. Your Dad read in the paper where most accidents happen within twenty-five miles of home; so, we moved. I won’t be able to send you the […]
The Church of God from Judea to Chile
(Copyright 2024) by Craig M. White (Australia) The Church of God from Judea to Chile(Copyright 2024) by Craig M. White (Australia) Here is Ricardo Marchant’s book as promised. I have only formatted it, not edited it in any way. Chapters V and VI are the most important for our purpose. It is also uploaded here with other […]
A Friend
(2024) by Author Unknown (Found in Attic) A Friend is one who,Knows you as you are,Understands Where You’ve Been,And who you’ve become,And still invites,You to Grow. ——————————————————————————————————–——————–See Author Unknown’s other articles at:Author Unknown – The “New” Church of God Messenger (church-of-god-bismarck.org)—————————————————————————————————————————–
Atonement 101 (Day of Atonement 2023)
(Copyright 2023) by Warren Zehrung (Little Rock, Arkansas) Bringing Gifts to GodLet’s begin with God’s instructions for this day. There is one thing we must keep in mind on God’s Holy Days: Leviticus 23:4 These are the Feasts of the LORD, even holy convocations, which ye shall proclaim in their seasons. The Appointed festivals are about Jesus […]
The Making of Jewels
(Copyright 1996) by John R. Bair (Pennsboro, West Virginia) Introduction:Twenty-five years ago, I was sent overseas to Thailand during the Vietnam War. I was assigned to a tour of duty in B 52’s called “Arc Light.” I had been married only eight months, and to help cope with the loneliness of being apart, I learned […]
Romona Martin’s Death
More Old Materials Received!
(Copyright 2023) by Craig White (Australia) More gaps in the history of the WCG in Australia are being filled in. I received a box of goodies from a GCI elder who used to be pastor in Sydney many years ago. The box contained items kept by the long deceased May Stanley, a pioneer member of the […]
The Mysterious Mister Trump
(Copyright 2024) by James Lloyd (Medford, Oregon) The Bible addresses several “mysteries,” yet very few Christians ponder how Donald Trump appears destined to resume power, regardless of what is thrown at him, as the attached humorous cartoon demonstrates. Meanwhile, most Christian prophecy figures have yet to realize that Mister Trump is a pivotal figure in […]
Need Bibles
(Copyright 2024) by Kasuba Manad (Zambia) Warmest Christian greetings to each one of you, your beloved families and all the dear brethren at your Church in the precious Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Myself, my beloved families, the Orphans under my care and all the dear brethren at our home church are greeting each one […]
Woman Eats Only MEAT for 13 Years: This Happens (Kelly Hogan Carnivore Diet)
(2024) Sent by James Steinle (Swanville, Minnesota) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZ-qwRGNgjo 1 hr. 19 min. What changes this woman has made from 262 lbs. down to slim and trim. Very interesting! “Is eating only meat healthy? Does a carnivore diet promote weight loss? Today’s guest is Kelly Hogan, a 13 year Carnivore, has an important story that you need to […]
Prayer Makes
(2024) Sent by Lorena Haar (Vancouver, Washington) Prayer makes the darkened cloud withdraw,Prayer Climbs the ladder Jacob saw,Gives exercise to faith and love,Brings every blessing from above,Restraining prayer, we cease to fight,Prayer makes the Christian’s armor bright,And Satan trembles when he sees,The weakest saint upon his knee’s ———————————————————————————————————————–See Lorena Haar’s other articles at:Haar, Lorena – The […]
An Unpopular Truth About Salvation
(Copyright 2023) by Dave Rothwell (St. Joseph, Missouri) What exactly is required for salvation? There can be no more important question. It is, after all, quite literally a matter of life and death. I imagine that most of you reading this think that you know the correct answer to this vital question. But do you? How […]
“And the Waters Assuaged” (Genesis 8:1)
(Copyright) by Samuel S. Martin (Jerusalem, Israel) Note: I want to shift gears a little bit and talk about some research I did about ten years ago. I hope you find it interesting, and I am definitely looking for feedback (or feed forward) on this subject. The book of Genesis is one of my favorite books […]
God Loves Us Unconditionally
(Copyright 2023) by Zac Poonen (Bangalore, India) Satan asked permission from God to sift Peter as wheat (Luke 22:31). And God permitted him to do so – because Peter had a more important ministry than all the others who were not thus sifted. Jesus only prayed that Peter’s faith would not fail (Luke 22:32). Peter […]
Road Rules for The New Year
(Copyright 2023) by Santosh Poonen (Bangalore, India) “As for the days of our life, soon they are gone and we flyaway. So, teach us to number our days that we may present to You a heart of wisdom” (Psalm 90:10,12) We are approaching the end of another calendar year. This is a good opportunity to remind […]
Why Do We Sin?
(Copyright 2022) by James McBride (United Kingdom) Some folk harbor the notion that if you are a ‘Christian’ you will never sin—a position countered by the apostle John: ‘…If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us’ (I John 1:8). The misconception may stem from the […]
Increasing Number of Doomsday Shelters and Bunkers Built by Wealthy
(Copyright 2024) by Richard Markland (London, Ohio) Seeking a safe haven is going to be of greater concern as dangers increase in the days ahead. The wealthy are heavily invested in sophisticated underground shelters and bunkers. With the threat of nuclear war, violent terrorist attacks, cyberattacks upon the nation’s infrastructure, civil unrest, and the threat […]
World Peace in Our Time or a World in Pieces?
(Copyright 2023) by Richard Markland (London, Ohio) In Matthew 24:22, it says, “… unless that time of calamity is shortened, not a single person will survive. But it will be shortened for the sake of God’s chosen ones” (NLT). Because Weapons of Mass Destruction will become the ultimate nightmare if Christ did not intervene, and […]