Representative Government is an Israelite Institution
(Copyright 10-06-2024) by Jeffrey Caldwell (Arkansas) In His last sermon (Deuteronomy 1:1) Moses says to the nation of Israel, likely a few million at that time: “Choose some well-respected men from each tribe who are known for their wisdom and I will appoint them as your leaders. “Then you responded, ‘Your plan is a good […]
The Bible
(Copyright 10-06-2024) by Jeffrey Caldwell (Arkansas) There is an unbiblical “convention” or “tradition” in Christendom, dividing the Scriptures into two major portions known as “Old Testament” and “New Testament” — which is unbiblical. Those terms are NEVER used by Jesus nor by His apostles. Those who gave us what WE call the “New Testament’ never […]
(Copyright 10-06-2024) by Jeffrey Caldwell (Arkansas) For months now I have been writing to thousands of the leaders and churches of Christendom, of all denominations, everyone I could get an email address for, now in many states from Maine to Georgia, which I’m working on now, having written to about 30 denominations so far in […]
A Prayer for the Election
(Copyright 10-06-2024) by Jeffrey Caldwell (Arkansas) A Facebook post of August 9, 2024, a prayer for the election: Many of our religious tradition believe we should not vote, but we all believe that we should pray. Paul’s first letter to Timothy commends prayers for all people, a neglected teaching. I suppose this would be in the category of prayers […]
Ancient Beehive Complex
(Copyright) by Jeffrey Caldwell (Arkansas) Ancient Beehive Complex Discovered in Israel — Dates to the Reign of SolomonSince the period of fierce criticism of the historicity of the Bible a little over 100 years ago, archaeology has confirmed again and again its historical truth. Recently came confirmation that an ancient seal from Samaria belonged to […]
A Question for Christians About the Sabbath
(Copyright) by Jeffrey Caldwell (Arkansas) Almost all who profess to be Christians these days believe that observing the weekly seventh day Sabbath is not the true Christian faith, and, presumably, thus not an aspect of what Jude calls “your most holy faith” (Jude 20, New International Version). Scripture says that at Creation “on the seventh day” […]
Christ on the Sabbath
(Copyright 2023) by Jeffrey Caldwell (Arkansas) Christ, in His earthly ministry, has much to say about the Sabbath. But Christ’s most significant Sabbath precept is the most neglected. Christ originated the Sabbath and certainly understands God’s holy purposes for its holiness (Genesis 2:2-3, John 1:1-3). Jesus underscores God’s purpose for creating the Sabbath in telling us: […]
The Manhattan Declaration
(2009) Compiled by Jeffrey Caldwell (Arkansas) I suggest you go to: and consider signing. I and my wife have signed. It is a declaration of Christian conscience, standing for some of the most basic principles of truth. The Manhattan DeclarationA Call of Christian ConscienceChristians, when they have lived up to the highest ideals of their […]
What Makes a Great Nation?
by Jeffrey Caldwell (Redwood City, California) What makes for a great nation is relevant to God’s holy nation. It seems good to me to share with you a couple of my recent Facebook posts: The day after the election: ————Today we, here in the United States, have a new President-elect — not the one that I, nor many […]
What is “Sucralose”?
by Jeffrey Caldwell (Redwood City, California) Technically, the correct chemical name for “sucralose” — a popular ‘sugar substitute’ – is “1,6-dichloro-1,6-dideoxy-beta-D-fructofuranosyl-4-chloro-4-deoxy-alpha-D-galactopyranoside” (!) Sucralose is a common ingredient in “light” calorie foods. “Sucralose” is a generic trade name for Splenda*, the artificial sweetener advertised as “made from sugar”. The “ose” ending is standard in chemistry for real […]
True Values
by Jeffrey Caldwell (Redwood City, California) True Values of the Kingdom of God for the Bride of Christ: In respect to the family the Father and the Son are building, freedom the supreme value! God has more freedom than any created being. Sometimes we say, quite truly, “God is love”–God always chooses godly love–the very nature of […]
The Plain Truth about The Way
by Jeffrey Caldwell (Redwood City, California) The way to: Advance the Kingdom of God Advance the true values of the Kingdom of God Express pure devotion to Christ Eat from the Tree of Life Genuinely love God “Follow none but the LORD your God, and revere none but Him; observe His commandments alone, and heed only His orders; worship none but […]
Must Women Be Silent in the Church?
by Jeffrey Caldwell (Redwood City, California) Ralph Woodrow, an evangelical Christian minister, is a correspondent of mine. He is a bit famous for formerly supporting Alexander Hislop’s thesis in The Two Babylon’s, but then repudiating his support in a follow-up book when he was challenged to check into the quality of Hislop’s scholarship, which he […]
A Child’s Theory
by Jeffrey Caldwell (Redwood City, California) A child’s theory of everything came to me as I drove to work. What is the primordial order of origin of the Creation (“universe” –if you prefer)? Moses’ account indicates time comes first. Matter and space exist in time–not otherwise! There must be “space” to have a place to […]
The Promised Land
Sent by Jeffrey Caldwell (Redwood City, California) Twelve men were sent to spy out the land.Ten men were afraid and conspired a plan. They told the people that “Danger awaits”.A great rebellion they did create. People murmured, complained, and disgusted our Father.God said to Himself, “Promised land for the elders? Why bother.” So, for all of them who […]