Are We in the End Times?
Are We in the End Times?
The Original Church Government
(Copyright) by Ray Daly (Lincoln, North Dakota) Most of the following information comes from a booklet titled “By What Authority”, by John A. Difley. The copyright was 1996. What Difley presents in his study centers on the Synagogues and their governmental systems. The start of this system of government is noted as likely having […]
(Copyright 2023) by Ray Daly (Lincoln, North Dakota) Psalms 104:30“You renew the face of the earth” To “renew” something, means to bring it back to its former state or condition. It does not mean to “create anew”. It means the returning of the earth to its pre-flood condition and shape. And that is what Scripture […]
The Coming of the Messiah
(Copyright) by Ray Daly (Lincoln, North Dakota) “The Lamb” (Part #1) It is estimated that there are some 1.2 billion Christians on earth today, that expect their Saviour/Messiah to return in the future. Which Messiah, in Scripture, is at times referred to as the “Lamb”. Which has been a Scriptural representation since the time of […]
Who Started the War in Iraq?
(Copyright 2023) by Ray Daly (Lincoln, North Dakota) and Laura Lee (Bismarck, North Dakota) Ray Daly writes:I think your “warning” may be accurate. But is your assessment of the US going into Iraq and starting the war? For if you go back further, before the US entered, the Russians had been at war against the “terrorists” […]
(Copyright 2023) by Ray Daly (Lincoln, North Dakota) Leadup to this Article:Ray writes:I mailed a few pages from “Wikipedia” today. I would like them back if you won’t have any use for them. But I asked you and Darwin to take note of a specific paragraph. I am going to quote it here as well. […]
Truth is Truth
(Copyright) by Ray Daly (Bismarck, ND) The above title is based on the words of 2 Tim. 2:15, “Study to show yourself approved unto God. A workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the truth.” Note the underlined word, “dividing”. It should seem evident that this is referring to separating truth from […]
Teaching of the Tithe
by Ray Daly (Lincoln, North Dakota) Deut. 14:22. “You shall truly TITHE all of the increase of all your [produce] that the fields bring forth. Year by year!” As shown, this Study is on “Tithing”. And to “Tithe”, meant to set aside the “first of each ten”. The first of animals, and the first […]
The Coming of the Son of Man
by Ray Daly (Lincoln, North Dakota) This short study is based on the Scriptural teachings regarding the coming of the Son of Man, at the end time. At which end time he will, after all enemies have been removed, sit on his throne, and begin to teach and judge the peoples on earth. Allowing […]
Roles of Father, Son and Holy Spirit
by Ray Daly (Lincoln, North Dakota) Mathew 28:19. “Go you therefore and teach all nations. BAPTIZING them in the NAME of the Father, and [the NAME of] the Son, and [the NAME of] the Holy Spirit!” Obviously, I applied the word “Name” in brackets, when referring to the latter two. Simply, because most of […]
Jews of Judea Today
by Ray Daly (Lincoln, North Dakota) I have been engaged in a normal “2-3” year project. That being, the creation of “room” in my bedroom/office! Meaning, I have to “throw stuff out”. To make room for that which is yet to come. Hopefully? Yet, I do not try to “throw out”, until I have […]
Black Citizens of America
by Ray Daly (Lincoln, North Dakota) “Their Past History” The following information comes from a number of sources, but for those that would like to have an overview of what I am reporting, they can look up a book written by J.N. Andrews, and L.R. Conrad. Titled: “Early Christianity in Africa”. Consider this one quote […]
Explanation of Creation
by Ray Daly (Lincoln, North Dakota) Gen. 1:1. “In the beginning, GOD created the heaven and the earth. V.3. “And GOD SAID, Let there be light.” Obviously, the topic of this study centers on the word “God”. Which word is likely the most misunderstood of all the words in Scripture. Perhaps also, it is […]
A Short History of the Edomites
by Ray Daly (Lincoln, North Dakota) Gen. 36:1 “The generations of Esau, who is Edom. V.2. Esau took his wives of the daughters of Canaan. Adah…the Hittite, Aholibamah…the Hivite. V.3. And Bashemath Ishmael’s daughter.” In the above we see that Esau was called Edom. And throughout OT Scriptures, when it reads “Edom”, it is […]
Does Scripture Support a Salaried Ministry?
by Ray E. Daly (Lincoln, North Dakota) Eph. 4:28 “Let him that stole, steal no more. Rather, let him LABOR. Working with his HANDS that which is good. That he may have [extra] to give to the poor.” Most students of Scripture would quickly recognize the meaning and intent of the above words, “to […]
Renewal of the Earth
by Ray Daly (Lincoln, North Dakota) Psalm 104:30 “…You renew the face of the earth!” Read these words again. And a third time if necessary. Then ask yourselves. “What do they mean? And are they Truth”. Well, they are indeed Truth. And since the word “renew” means to return something to its original shape or condition, […]