Kill-Baby-Rights Women: Baby’s Body Is Not Your “Own Body.”
(Copyright Revised 10-26-2024) by Richard Frates (Easly, South Carolina) Abortion Depravity: Life or death for Baby is a women’s right and “choice!” Democratic party Serpent: VP Kamala Harris falsely claims a women’s “right over her own body” includes killing the baby that is – NOT – her “own body.” Devils dignify the execution of the […]
Democratic Party Treasonous: Worldwide Voter-Drive! Why?
(Copyright 10-26-2024) by Richard Frates (Easly, South Carolina) Destroy “democracy” render citizen America votes irrelevant. Democratic party, evil is really good, criminal base, and worldwide invader free lunch border jumpers will dominate the vote and keep democratic party Serpents in power. Republicans wake up label the democratic party a treasonous criminal cabal. Run against treasonous, […]
Who ARE the Real Fascist? The Democratic Party:
(Copyright 10-29-2024) by Richard Frates (Easly, South Carolina) And Devil-Media. Oxford Dictionary University Press 1995 – fascism: “A right wing political system or attitude” “which favors – strong central authority – and Does – Not Allow Freedom of Speech.” The Left Wing Not “right” owns that political agenda! That definition completely describes: The Democratic Party, Devil-Media, […]
Devil-Speak: You are What You Speak
(Copyright 10-26-2024) by Richard Frates (Easly, South Carolina) Media-Devils: Frame words to impose deception as truth evil as good, criminals as victim, accuse and intimidate the innocent. Has the Devil seized your tongue? Yes, if you Devil-Speak. “Honoring what God decreed evil is Devil-Worship.” Devil-Speak Liars: Call truthful speech: Disinformation and Misinformation, to confuse the obvious, […]
As Eve Believed Satan: Instead of God
(Copyright Revised 10-19-2024) by Richard Frates (Easly, South Carolina) America, Pastors, and Rabbis – Believe Devil-Media. The Forbidden Fruit: Is Believing the Devil, instead of God – Genesis 3:1-6. State-Worship: Most Christian Leaders and Rabbis Surrender moral authority to the State. Genesis 2:16-17 God Commanded “You must not eat from the tree of the knowledge […]
Trump and Elon SPEECH-CRIMES – Shut Your Mouth America
(Copyright 10-19-2024) by Richard Frates (Easly, South Carolina) Trump and Elon SPEECH-CRIMES – Shut Your Mouth America: Bellows England, and France! The Muslim dominated, UK and EU International Criminal Court has assumed authority to play God and dictates “good and evil.” Muzzle your mouth with these ICC Shackles of approved Speech. Darkness is Light, Deception is […]
Kill-Baby-Rights Women: The Baby’s BODY is Not Your “Own Body”
(Copyright 10-06-2024) by Richard Frates (Easley, South Carolina) Abortion Depravity: Life or death for Babies is a women’s right! Democratic party Serpent: VP Kamala Harris falsely claims a women’s “right over her own body” includes killing the baby that is Not her “own body.” Arrogant and blind to truth America: The Baby’s body is as […]
Muslim Political Terrorism – Masked as Religion – DEPORT Muslims:
(Copyright 10-06-2024) by Richard Frates (Easley, South Carolina) Who Support – Muslim bloody “doctrine” shedding the blood of Jews and Christian, men, women, and children, who will not honor – Muhammad, is a ticket to “Paradise.” Paradise and virgins promised to young Muslim men turns them into – October 7th – Bloody Zombies who relish […]
Time Square Attack: Psychologically Paralyzed Police Disarmed
(Copyright 2024) by Richard Frates (Easley, South Carolina) Danger for police and New York residents – freedom for criminals: Police were violently attacked by 8 young criminal illegal aliens, near Times Square in New York City. Why didn’t the police use their firearms to defend themselves? That would send this message to all criminals – […]
Cloaked in Religion MUSLIM “Terrorism Evangelism” War
(Copyright 2024) by Richard Frates (Easley, South Carolina) Muslim nations are responsible for the deaths of women and children in Gaza: Why doesn’t Egypt open the border and give refuge to the women and children? Answer, Palestinian men would lose their source of protection and criticism of Israel. “Two State Solution” where Jews are banished from […]
As Eve Believed Satan: Instead of God
(Copyright 2023) by Richard Frates (Easley, South Carolina) Most of America Believes Devil-Media instead of God. The Forbidden Fruit is – Believing the Devil – Genesis 3:1-6. State-Worship. Most Christian Leaders and Rabbis, believe Devil-Media instead of God. And have Surrendered moral authority to the State. Genesis 2:16-17 – God Commanded Adam “You must not […]
Special People: Special Rights?
(Copyright 2018) by Richard Frates (Easley, South Carolina) Ideological Tyranny – LGBT-Nazi Indoctrination: Diversity Training Today Is: Victimization Ideology and LGBT-Indoctrination. Who are the Victimizers and Non-Believers in: Victim and LGBT Advantages and Protections for Special People? They all must pay, be attacked by Law, and: Their children Re-Educated. Laws and government policy protecting Special […]
Transgender is a Phantom: That Only Exists in Devil-Deceived Minds!
(Copyright 2023) by Richard Frates (Easley, South Carolina) Honoring LGBT is Devil-Worship: Men and boys pretending to be women are sexual perverts not “transgender.”Dr Frankenstein cannot drug or mutilate a man into a woman. The end result is: Drugged and mutilated Dr Frankenstein’s child. That medical malpractice will result in Self-deception, depression, or suicide. Truth-Paranoia: […]
Day of – ATONEMENT – Gospel in Advance: Yom Kippur
(Copyright 2015) by Richard Frates (Easley, South Carolina) The high priest entered the most holy place once a year on the Day of Atonement. Hebrews 9:1-8, Verse 8 “The Holy Spirit was showing by this that – the way – into the Most Holy Place had not yet been disclosed.” John 14:5-6 “Thomas said to […]
Challenge Black Voters: Anti-Black-Racism Education!
(Copyright 2023) by Richard Frates (Easley, South Carolina) What does “Racist-Equity” mean? Banish EQYALITY – Character or Merit: Black or white is all that matters. Base state policy on race instead. Pander to Black Racism: School district Canceled – Advance Math “in the name of “Equity” “Because it attracted too many Asians and Whites.” What […]
YOU – and the one you – Love?
(Copyright 2023) by Richard Frates (Easley, South Carolina) YOU – and the one you – Love? WHO DO YOU LOVE? The one you love is – your God. Are you Easily offended? Yes. The one you love is – you! Do you hate or despise others who disagree with your opinions? Yes. The one you love is – […]
Same-Sex-Marriage Blasphemy: Child Sacrifice
(Copyright 2022) by Richard Frates (Easley, South Carolina) Young Minds Divorced from Innocence and Reality. Diabolical Result of honoring same sex marriage: Justifies sexual perverts, adopting children perverting innocent minds and imposing depravity on children in public school sex-ed. Children – Forced to accept the fraud and perverted concept that a child has two daddy’s […]
Ezekiel 9:1-6 – What Mark is in Your Heart?
(Copyright) by Richard Frates (Easley, South Carolina) One Identifies you with God, the other with the Devil. Ezekiel Vision, 9:3-6 “The glory of the God of Israel” moved to the threshold of the temple. “The Lord called to the man clothed in linen who had a writing kit at his side and said to him, […]
We have the Mind of Christ– 1 Corinthians 2:16 – Do We Really?
(Copyright) by Richard Frates (Easley, South Carolina) Would Jesus Christ Eat Pork, or Shellfish and consider Sunday holy? No! Why do You? Paul, in 2 Corinthians 6:16-17 used Old Testament promises, and warnings recorded in, Isaiah 52:11, to teach new testament believers: “We are the temple of the living God. As God has said I […]
Life’s Cup of Good and Evil:
(Copyright 2017) by Richard Frates (Easley, South Carolina) If you believe God, you would: Drink the Cup of Life that God has given you without accusing God or calling your troubles “bad luck.” Testing of the spirit: The Cup of Good and the Cup of Evil – the Cup of Salvation is the reward – […]
Honoring Same Sex Marriage is – Devil – Worship
(Copyright 2022) by Richard Frates (Easley, South Carolina) Devil-Media – High priest of Lawmakers and Judges: Take to themselves authority to dictate “evil is good”: Submit and worship the Devil. Psalm 12:8 NIV “The wicked freely strut about when what is vile is honored among men.” Sexual perverts: Two men or two woman, publicly mock […]
“EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAW” IS DEAD – Special Rights killed Equality!
(Copyright 2020) by Richard Frates (Easley, South Carolina) Equal Justice Under Law is written on the supreme court building: Without equality Justice cannot exist. Equal Justice has been replaced with: Special Attack on the Innocents Rights – Based on race and sexual perversion. The Un-Civil-Right Law: That only white people can be guilty of – […]
Devil-Media Snare: Minds of Multitudes Captured
(Copyright 2022) by Richard Frates (Easley, South Carolina) Satanic Mind Control of Devil-Media, Mayo Clinic, and Psychiatrist: Psychological, Intimidating, Fabricated-False made-up diagnosis. Transgender, Gender Dysphoria, and Homophobia – Planted in Minds will be Harvested in Hell. Democrats and Dimwitted Republicans: “Equal Justice under Law” is made void with pandering – Special Rights based on race […]
Black Criminal Protection Device: Kills
(Copyright 2021) by Richard Frates (Easley, South Carolina) Police Resisting – Black Criminals Resisting Arrest: Effectively against the Law! Police armed with tasers, in the eyes of black criminals are – Disarmed. Police have been made Targets of black Criminals, Devil-Media, federal and state officials. Officer Kim Potter Innocent: Black Criminal and State officials Guilty! Daunte […]
As Eve believed Satan, Church Leaders Believe Devil-Media: Genesis 3:4-6
(Copyright 2020) by Richard Frates (Easley, South Carolina) As Eve believed Satan, Church Leaders Believe Devil-Media: Genesis 3:4-6. The Forbidden Fruit is – Believing the Devil. Christians and Jews Disarmed: Surrendered Moral Authority to Devil-Media and the State. God Commanded Adam “You must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for […]