The Bride of Christ
(Copyright 08-29-2024) by Sue & Eddie Hyatt (Grapevine, Texas) AN IMPORTANT TEACHING MOMENTPerhaps, you, like many others, have heard teachings about the expression “Bride of Christ.” This was brought afresh to our attention today, and I want to share a few thoughts that I hope will help you–should you need that help–in correctly interpreting this […]
A Few Thoughts from My Heart for Friends
(Copyright 2023) by Sue Hyatt (Grapevine, Texas) I am a true introvert. That is how God fashioned me. And lately, I’ve been asking Him and myself if an introvert can be a change-agent, and if so, how? So, I’ve been spending a lot of time just reading and thinking with God. Not only am I […]
From the Heart on My 77th Birthday
(Copyright 2023) by Sue Hyatt (Grapevine, Texas) Today (August 16, 2023) is my 77th birthday. In many ways, I am happy, thankful, and blessed. But in another very important way, I am in deep mourning. I am mourning the 2021 closing of the public venue that housed the Int’l Christian Women’s Hall of Fame. The […]
My Experience with Privilege and Responsibility
(Copyright 2020) by Sue Hyatt (Grapevine, Texas) This came up in my Face Book account today and I enjoyed reminiscing. Perhaps you, too, will enjoy it and recall God’s Hand in your own life, preparing you for His commission today._______________________________ I grew up in a family of horse-lovers and we had many horses and ponies. […]
Sent by Sue Hyatt (Tulsa, Oklahoma)
About Critical Race Theory
by Sue Hyatt (Tulsa, Oklahoma) CRITICAL THEORY was first introduced in 1989 and has gained significant momentum since then. Here are 4 things to be aware of about this way of thinking. 1) It is a THEORY, not a FACT. A “theory” is an idea suggested by some person. By their very nature, theories come and […]