Are These the Last Days!
(Copyright 2012) by John Jewell (London, England) That is a question that has been asked countless times since the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and his subsequent resurrection. Over the centuries many have publicly preached that the return of Jesus Christ to this world is imminent and, naturally, many have been disappointed as he did not […]
What is the World’s Biggest Problem?
(Copyright 2010) by John Jewell (London, England) What would you say is the biggest problem in the world today? There are a lot of problems but which one of them is the one that contains the greatest threat to the world, to nations, to people? Which one over the years has caused more trouble than […]
A Matter of History!
(Copyright 2011) by John Jewell (London, England) It isn’t often that you encounter a reference by one of our politicians to a particular biblical situation. Least of all in an article this week in the Mail on Sunday, one of our Sunday newspapers. He was reminding us as to what our political position within the […]
Fundamentally Speaking!
(Copyright) by John Jewell (London, England) Do you believe in God? Do you believe that there is a Creator? In today’s world there is probably nothing quite like religion for stirring people up unless it is politics! Or as happens all too often, a mixture of religion and politics, both being misused, misquoted, and misunderstood. […]
The Church of Evolution
(Copyright 2009) by John Jewell (London, England) The weather in various parts of the world seems to be becoming more and more extreme. In the United States there have been fearsome ice storms through several states. A colleague living in Kentucky said that power lines and trees are down everywhere and there are said to […]
Happy New Year
(Copyright) by John Jewell (London, England) That’s what most people wish everyone else as a new Roman year begins and I’m sure that most people genuinely do want everyone else, including themselves, to have a happy year. Most, however, from experience, will not be convinced it will be a happy year. For some in the […]
The Penny Finally Drops or Has It!
(Copyright 2010) by John Jewell (London, England) My wife and I must confess we did stay up late on Thursday night last week. The date was the 31st December – so, yes, it was New Year’s Eve. We were not celebrating the New Year, but we did want to look in on the celebrations taking […]
The Most Significant Event?
(Copyright 2009) by John Jewell (London, England) Checking the television listings on Sunday to see if there just happened to be anything worthwhile to watch, I was struck by a program title. It was “Christianity: A History” – it was being presented by Dr Robert Beckford. The TV listing had a comment about the program, […]
Pigs Might Fly!
(Copyright 2012) by John Jewell (London, England) A not uncommon saying in Britain is “pigs might fly!” — in other words, this or that will probably never happen just as pigs won’t develop wings and fly! I had such an experience the other day as I was reading one of my morning newspapers. The heading […]
Happy New Year…!
by John Jewell (London, England) That’s what most of the British people were wishing each other as the chimes of Big Ben rang throughout London and resounded from the loudspeakers of radios and television sets throughout the rest of the western world as their citizens likewise wished each other a Happy New Year or however […]
Another Fine Old Mess!
by John Jewell (London, England) Do you remember the Laurel and Hardy films or movies of years ago? Every now and again one will pop up on television. One of the catchphrases used by Oliver Hardy was “this is another fine old mess you’ve got me into.” It’s a phrase that with a slight adaptation […]
One Small Step
by John Jewell (London, England) THAT’S ONE SMALL STEP FOR MAN! ONE GIANT LEAP FOR MANKIND! are the words uttered by Neil Armstrong as his left foot touched the surface of the Moon on 21st July 1969, as he stepped down from the Eagle landing craft which he had piloted and guided from the mother […]
Living Life Today
by John Jewell (London, England) Poet John Masefield wrote “All I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by.” Oh, if only mankind as a whole could find such satisfaction and happiness so simply stated. Today, however, in nation after nation of the western world, there can be few who find any […]
…Does the Devil Hate Christmas?
by John Jewell (London, England) On the surface, it ‘seems’ logical! What is the devils’ attitude toward Jesus? It ‘seems’ logical that since he tried to kill Jesus on several occasions, and since he was able to influence the Jews and the Romans to finally KILL him, that the devil’s attitude toward Jesus would be […]
End of the World
by John Jewell (London, England) The end of the world! Is it, or the possibility of it, a reality or not? Is there something in the message that one used to see in some of our bigger town centers? “Flee from the wrath to come” and sometimes accompanied by the words “The end of the […]