First Love
by Arlan Weight (Bismarck, North Dakota) Just where is the church today? It has been only 15 short years since the death of Herbert W. Armstrong and how many splits and factions are there? Oh sure, some folks split off from the Worldwide Church of God prior to 1986, but that was miniscule compared […]
God’s Government
by Arlan Weight (Bismarck, North Dakota) What kind of government does God use in ruling the universe? Is it democratic? Do angels vote? Does God have a cabinet of advisors? Is God’s government hierarchical, from the top down? Which is it, top-down or bottom-up … two choices? Maybe we need to ask a different […]
by Arlan Weight (Bismarck, North Dakota) When should we keep it? Should it be observed at the beginning of the 14th of Abib (Nisan), or at the end? Should we observe eight days of unleavened bread or seven. Is the Passover called a Feast? Many people of the churches of God are confused […]
Is Disfellowshipping a Christian Practice?
by Arlan Weight (Bismarck, North Dakota) Is disfellowshipping and suspension a Christian practice? If so when should it be done? Who should do it? Can we prove it from the Bible? Is the Bible specific enough for us to know? How does it square with the teaching of Jesus? Have many people become confused? […]
Go To Your Brother…
by Arlan Weight (Bismarck, North Dakota) From my first encounter with the Worldwide Church of God in the late 60’s and early 70’s ‘suspension’ and disfellowshipping’ were common practices. Prior to either one of these measures being taken, there was an effort to reconcile with the one involved in the infraction. From my perspective […]