Your Thoughts and Actions Can Impact Future Generations!
(Copyright 10-12-2024) by Craig M. White (Australia) My latest article “Your Thoughts and Actions Can Impact Future Generations” is now available online here. Or PDF. This article is drawn from my Notes on the Bible and Genetics (80 pp). Enjoy and any feedback would be appreciated. ———————————————————————————————————See Craig M. White’s other articles at:White, Craig M. – Church of […]
Your Thoughts and Actions Can Impact Future Generations
(Copyright 10-22-2024) by Craig M. White (Australia) Christians have heard of or read the Scriptures dealing with curses upon third and fourth generations: “…Visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children and the children’s children, to the third and the fourth generation.” (Ex. 34:7. Also Num. 4:18; Deut. 5:9.) Like many other Scriptures, these may be […]
Latest Article
(Copyright 10-12-2024) by Craig M. White (Australia) My latest article “Your Thoughts and Actions Can Impact Future Generations” is now available online here. Or PDF. This article is drawn from my Notes on the Bible and Genetics (80 pp). Enjoy and any feedback would be appreciated. – Craig ———————————————————————————————————See Craig M. White’s other articles at:White, Craig M. – Church […]
New Items Uploaded to the Friends of the Sabbath Website
(Copyright 09-28-2024) by Craig M. White (Australia) The member who took 100s of photographs of these documents (many released months ago and more to be released and uploaded from the 1920s & 1930s in due course) is thanked for all he has done for this valuable project. I know that all of you are grateful […]
Robin Jones Items Scanned and Uploaded
(Copyright 08-31-2024) by Craig M. White (Australia) As you may be aware, many items from Robin Jones library was sent to me for scanning and making available on the Friends of the Sabbath website. I have now scanned most items with only the 151 page ‘History of the London Church’ and scores of the Pasadena campus […]
Why the Elitist Promotion of Open Borders, Migration and Refugees?
(Copyright 07-23-2024) by Craig M. White (Australia) Disguised as wishing to promote faster economic growth and the need for greater population growth, the elites have been encouraging massive immigration into the First World since the 1960s and especially the last ten or so years. Today the world is being coerced into “globalisation” –– an attempt to […]
Who are the Descendants of Ishmael Today?
(Copyright 07-23-2024) by Craig M. White (Australia) God had promised Abraham a son, but Abraham’s faith was severely tested. He listened to his wife Sarah’s advice. Abraham thought he needed to help God fulfill the promise, so when Sarah couldn’t conceive, he listened to Sarah, his wife (Gen 16:1-3) and used her handmaid Hagar for this […]
WCG and God’s Remnant Apostle Church of Christ in South Africa
(Copyright 2024) by Craig M. White (Australia) I think that you will find this unique bit of WCG history of interest – most have never heard of it. It is also included in the attached collection of notes (i.e. it is not an article per se), pages 15-18. I first heard about this when living in […]
The Church of God from Judea to Chile
(Copyright 2024) by Craig M. White (Australia) The Church of God from Judea to Chile(Copyright 2024) by Craig M. White (Australia) Here is Ricardo Marchant’s book as promised. I have only formatted it, not edited it in any way. Chapters V and VI are the most important for our purpose. It is also uploaded here with other […]
More Old Materials Received!
(Copyright 2023) by Craig White (Australia) More gaps in the history of the WCG in Australia are being filled in. I received a box of goodies from a GCI elder who used to be pastor in Sydney many years ago. The box contained items kept by the long deceased May Stanley, a pioneer member of the […]
Future European Military in Planning
(Copyright 2024) by Craig M. White (Australia) This 20 minute video on YouTube is well worth a watch. The complexities must be understood and grasped by any Bible prophecy student and the timeline that this has and will take. It won’t happen overnight. ———————————————————————————————————See Craig White’s other articles at:White, Craig M. – Church of God, Bismarck […]
The Elders
(Copyright) by Craig M. White (Australia) The Elders[1](extracted from Synagogue and Church: Comparative Structures by Craig M White) Easton’s Bible Dictionary explains the origin and role of elders: “The Jewish eldership was transferred from the old dispensation to the new. The creation of the office of elder is nowhere recorded in the New Testament … [this office] […]
(2023) Sent by Craig M. White (Australia) Britain’s Immigration CrisisIt is worth subscribing to this free newsletter. ———————————————————————————————————See Craig White’s other articles at:White, Craig M. – Church of God, Bismarck ( Reprinted with permission from: Friends of the Sabbath Australia ———————————————————————————————————
Origins of the Australian Aborigines
(Copyright 2023) by Craig M. White (Australia) Origins of the Australian Aborigines(Copyright 2023) by Craig M. White (Australia) Some typos and grammatical errors have been corrected. Latest version here,%20Notes,%20Charts/reader/Nations%20&%20Races/Origins%20of%20the%20Aborigines.pdf ———————————————————————————————————See Craig White’s other articles at:White, Craig M. – Church of God, Bismarck ( Reprinted with permission from: Friends of the Sabbath Australia ———————————————————————————————————
New book about British-Israelism
(Copyright 2023) by Craig White (Australia) Some weeks ago, I wrote about Aiden Cottrell-Boyce’s book on ‘Jewish Christians in Puritan England’ (2021) and the information contained therein that some in the 17th century believed that the Saxons descended from Israel. Recently I completed reading his book ‘Israelism in Modern Britain’ available from Amazon here. It is […]
British Royals Awareness of British Israelism
(Copyright 2023) by Craig White (Australia) Some British king’s and queen’s awareness of British Israelism is contained in the book I referred to recently; and pages 167, 190, 237 of Eric Michael Reisenauer’s thesis here: ———————————————————————————————————See Craig White’s other articles at:White, Craig M. – Church of God, Bismarck ( Reprinted with permission from: Friends of the Sabbath […]
Ambassador College Photos From 1952
Sent by Craig White (Australia) Co-eds in formal dressDr. & Mrs. HoehHWA with Dr. MerrillHWA with StudentsHWA’s mother on left with house mother Annie MannKenneth Herrmann with Elise BernardKenneth Herrmann’s dormStudents 4 picsMrs. Herrmann crochetingMrs. Herrmann on bridge. Rose Bowl in background ———————————————————————————————————See Craig White’s other articles at:White, Craig M. – Church of God, Bismarck […]
The Marxist Plan to Abolish the Family Unit
(Copyright 2023) by Craig White (Australia) The natural and biological family unit is gradually being abolished. This was proposed by Marx, Lenin and Western Marxists but not Stalin or the eastern Marxists. Lenin experimented with this in Russia and BLF promoted the idea on their website. The idea was for the triumph of the individual so […]
Research into British-Israelism by non British-Israel Scholars
(Copyright 2023) by Craig White (Australia) I have now uploaded a selection of theses and papers by various ones that have investigated British-Israelism here: The first one is the most interesting and useful. There are other articles and papers by authors that find this teaching quaint or intriguing. Since my youth I have been taught to read widely, […]
Outline of Strategy for Church of God Co-operation (Version 2.1 Draft)
Iron Sharpening IronIn regard to: Outline of Strategy for Church of GodCo-operation Version 2.1 DraftArticle by Craig WhiteComments by John Leitch (Canada) My comments are in regard to the article written by Craig White titled “Outline of Strategy for Church of God Co-operation Version 2:1” It appears that the author of this article mistakenly views all these separate […]
Our Common Holy Day Origin
Sent by Craig White in 2010 (Australia)Notes by Dr Tom Roberts, PhD The Beginnings of the Seventh Month MovementIn modern times the annual festival days have been a constant source of debate. In the 1840’s, during the Millerite Period, the Seventh Month Movement appeared. Studies surrounding the Day of Atonement and the controversies about how […]
Elmer Fisher – one of the first members of the Radio/Worldwide Church of God
(Copyright) by Craig White (Australia) I have now included some information on Elmer and Margret Fisher who HWA mentions a number of times in his Autobiography: This link also mentions a Bobby Fisher referred to in a Good News magazine – she came to a HWA campaign in 1934 and to a GTA campaign 13-14 Dec […]
Holy Day Charts
Do Church Eras Exist?
Comparison of Psalm 83 with Daniel 11
(Copyright) by Craig White (Australia)