Feasts of Charity
by William P. Goff (Myrtle Beach, South Carolina) Last time I spoke, we were discussing the overall condition of the church of God, and how the church is lacking; yes, lacking in spiritual power in these latter days in which we are living. We were discussing how the miracles that our Lord assured would follow those […]
Roles of Father, Son and Holy Spirit
by Ray Daly (Lincoln, North Dakota) Mathew 28:19. “Go you therefore and teach all nations. BAPTIZING them in the NAME of the Father, and [the NAME of] the Son, and [the NAME of] the Holy Spirit!” Obviously, I applied the word “Name” in brackets, when referring to the latter two. Simply, because most of […]
The Test Commandment!
by Robert Schmid (Westminster, California) Please open your Bibles to the gospel of John, the 14th chapter. John 14 and verse 15. Jesus Christ – God – is speaking to His disciples, that is, He is speaking to you and me, and He says: “IF, IF YOU LOVE ME, YOU WILL KEEP MY COMMANDMENTS”. In other words, those […]
5 Reasons Genesis 3:16 is Not a Model for Christian Marriage
by Eddie Hyatt (Tulsa, Oklahoma) I was driving along listening to a Christian radio station on the car radio. A well-known pastor came on and announced that he would be speaking about God’s plan for marriage. I was shocked to hear him read Genesis 3:16b as his text. This passage, in our English Bible, reads, Your […]
Are You Sure Leaven Is Symbolic of Sin?
by John Leitch (Canada) Christ Defines the Meaning of Leaven.This writer finds it strange why people will lock into John’s definition of sin (1 John 3:4) but completely ignore Christ’s definition of leaven (Matt. 16:11-12). Christ’s explanation of leavening in this case is doctrine (Strong’s #1322-didache- meaning instruction or teaching-Matt. 16:11-12. I believe a broader […]
Can We Prove that Christ Could or Could Not Sin?
by Rhoda Foust (Lehigh Acres, Florida) To begin with, can we agree that God made statements and promises and swore to those promises? Did these promises include Christ’s sinless sacrifice and resurrection? If we can agree to these things, then the only argument is whether we do or do not believe God’s words one hundred […]