Was the Sop Leavened or Unleavened? (John 13:26-27)
by John W. Ritenbaugh (Lancaster, South Carolina) A rule of Bible study is never to base a doctrine on the meaning of a Greek or Hebrew word, and this controversy is a prime example. It is true that artos, used in all of the gospel accounts for the bread eaten during the Last Supper, is the Greek word […]
Contending for a More Pure Flow of Prophetic Ministry
by Eddie Hyatt (Tulsa, Oklahoma) Sue and I once stopped for the night in Pennsylvania coal country. I turned on the water to take a bath and it came out very dark. The water source was pure, but the pipes through which the water flowed were tainted with coal dust. And so, it is with the […]
5 Reasons Genesis 3:16 is Not a Model for Christian Marriage
by Eddie Hyatt (Tulsa, Oklahoma) I was driving along listening to a Christian radio station on the car radio. A well-known pastor came on and announced that he would be speaking about God’s plan for marriage. I was shocked to hear him read Genesis 3:16b as his text. This passage, in our English Bible, reads, Your […]
Explanation of Creation
by Ray Daly (Lincoln, North Dakota) Gen. 1:1. “In the beginning, GOD created the heaven and the earth. V.3. “And GOD SAID, Let there be light.” Obviously, the topic of this study centers on the word “God”. Which word is likely the most misunderstood of all the words in Scripture. Perhaps also, it is […]
After Pentecost, Then What?
by John W. Ritenbaugh (Lancaster, South Carolina) Moses writes the story of the Israelites making the Old Covenant with God in Exodus 19-24. Most of the text of those six chapters is devoted to listing the terms of their agreement. The way the ratification of the covenant is presented in Exodus 24:1-8 can give the impression that the Israelites’ acceptance […]
The Truth about GOD’S CALENDAR
The Truth about GOD’S CALENDAR (Part One)by Jamie McNab (England) What is the truth about “God’s Holy Day calendar?” It is very likely that many of you will have been challenged over the past few years about the Holy Day calendar – and if you haven’t been challenged so far, you probably soon will be!! The […]
Are You Sure Leaven Is Symbolic of Sin?
by John Leitch (Canada) Christ Defines the Meaning of Leaven.This writer finds it strange why people will lock into John’s definition of sin (1 John 3:4) but completely ignore Christ’s definition of leaven (Matt. 16:11-12). Christ’s explanation of leavening in this case is doctrine (Strong’s #1322-didache- meaning instruction or teaching-Matt. 16:11-12. I believe a broader […]
Masons and Masonic Halls
by James Steinle (Swanville, Minnesota) “Is it acceptable for a member of the Body of Christ to also be a member of the Masons or any affiliated group?” and “Is it proper to hold Sabbath services in a masonic hall?” I was intrigued by the questions asked by someone if it was proper to be a […]
Questions Answered About Masons
by Keith Slough (Kannapolis, North Carolina) “Is it acceptable for a member of the Body of Christ to also be a member of the Masons or any affiliated group?” and “Is it proper to hold Sabbath services in a masonic hall?” First question: A true Christian cannot be a Mason for TWO basic reasons. To be […]
by Arlan Weight (Bismarck, North Dakota) When should we keep it? Should it be observed at the beginning of the 14th of Abib (Nisan), or at the end? Should we observe eight days of unleavened bread or seven. Is the Passover called a Feast? Many people of the churches of God are confused […]
Renewal of the Earth
by Ray Daly (Lincoln, North Dakota) Psalm 104:30 “…You renew the face of the earth!” Read these words again. And a third time if necessary. Then ask yourselves. “What do they mean? And are they Truth”. Well, they are indeed Truth. And since the word “renew” means to return something to its original shape or condition, […]