The Most Significant Event?
(Copyright 2009) by John Jewell (London, England) Checking the television listings on Sunday to see if there just happened to be anything worthwhile to watch, I was struck by a program title. It was “Christianity: A History” – it was being presented by Dr Robert Beckford. The TV listing had a comment about the program, […]
Mount Sinai
(Copyright 2023) by Dwight Fleming (Oroville, California) Where is the real Mount Sinai? If this interests you, then watch the preview to “Journey to Mount Sinai.” The second part will be released on May 15 and 17 at select theaters nationwide. The first part was released last October. The 2-part film explores six possible locations […]
Colossians 2:16-17
(Copyright) by Dwight Fleming (Oroville, California) Colossians 2:16-17 reads: “Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of a holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days: Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ.” These two verses have caused much controversy […]
“And the Earth Helped the Woman”
(Copyright 2022) by Rich Traver (Clifton, Colorado) The Book of Revelation might be referred to as “The Book of Two Women”.Satan being deeply involved with one of them and Intent on destroying the other.Especially interesting is the Earth’s Peoples’ Reaction to them both. As this generation approaches what has been called “the end of this present […]
Biblical Teaching of Sabbath Keeping
(Copyright) by Richard Douglas Mauck and Sandra Faye Mauck (Pulaski County, Kentucky) Below, I begin the minimum treatise’s I’ve written to help explain the Sabbath day. Ten teachings, almost 57,000 words, and over a decade of work. How does one summarize that? Here is what you need to know. 1. Time markers in Scripture.2. A day start […]
The Silence That Shouts
(Copyright) by Pamela Walford (Canada) “Dismembering the concubine’s body and sending parts to each of the 12 tribes was intended to awaken Israel from its moral lethargy and to marshal the tribes to face up to their responsibility. It is ironic that the one who issued such a call was himself selfish and insensitive. See […]
The Woman Flees
(Copyright) by Dwight Fleming (Oroville, California) Jesus warned His disciples, “When you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then know that the desolation is near. Let them which are in Judea FLEE to the mountains, and let them in the center of it depart out; . . . For these are the days of vengeance to […]
“Between the Two Evenings”
(Copyright 2023) by Fellow Servants (Minneapolis, Minnesota) God accounts days to begin at sunset. Gen. 1:5 Lev. 23:4, “These are the feasts of the Lord, holy convocations which you shall proclaim at their appointed times.” v. 5, “On the fourteenth day of the first month at twilight is the Lord’s Passover.” Important to remember when God accounts […]
The Spices and the Visits to Christ’s Tomb
by B. L. Cocherell (Nevada) There has been much confusion about the sequence of events surrounding preparation of spices and the visits to Christ’s tomb, because there seems to be no chronological order to the events as recorded in the gospel accounts. This study provides a plausible sequence of events by reviewing them in four […]
The Leaven of Righteousness
by Nathaniel Burson (Big Sandy, Texas) Matthew 13:33 Another parable spake he unto them; The kingdom of heaven is like unto leaven, which a woman took, and hid in three measures of meal, till the whole was leavened. WHY is the Kingdom of God like LEAVEN, of all things? Why use LEAVEN, which appears to represent […]
The Coming of the Son of Man
by Ray Daly (Lincoln, North Dakota) This short study is based on the Scriptural teachings regarding the coming of the Son of Man, at the end time. At which end time he will, after all enemies have been removed, sit on his throne, and begin to teach and judge the peoples on earth. Allowing […]
Feasts of Charity
by William P. Goff (Myrtle Beach, South Carolina) Last time I spoke, we were discussing the overall condition of the church of God, and how the church is lacking; yes, lacking in spiritual power in these latter days in which we are living. We were discussing how the miracles that our Lord assured would follow those […]
Preparation for Hard Times
by Laura Lee (Bismarck, North Dakota) This list is not just written by me and even though I will print this in the newsletter, this list is not complete. Some people have already helped me with this list but did not want to be named. I thank them for their input. Once this list has […]
One Flaw in Women
Sent by Rich Daniels (Shawano, Wisconsin) Women have strengths that amaze men. They bear hardships and they carry burdens, but they hold happiness, love and joy. They smile when they want to scream. They sing when they want to cry. They cry when they are happy and laugh when they are nervous. They fight for […]
Thanksgiving Day – Pagan?
by Bradley RichardsonEdited and Revised by Avram Yehoshua (Flagstaff, Arizona) Before getting into the actual history of Thanksgiving, which may shock some people, let’s look at two Christian arguments for keeping it: ‘I don’t keep Thanksgiving Day as a holy day. It’s a national day of giving thanks for what God has provided. It’s not a […]
Roles of Father, Son and Holy Spirit
by Ray Daly (Lincoln, North Dakota) Mathew 28:19. “Go you therefore and teach all nations. BAPTIZING them in the NAME of the Father, and [the NAME of] the Son, and [the NAME of] the Holy Spirit!” Obviously, I applied the word “Name” in brackets, when referring to the latter two. Simply, because most of […]
A Nation That Talks the Talk, but Refuses to Walk the Walk
(Copyright) by Richard Markland (London, Ohio) When it comes to problems, America is a nation that naively believes it has the leisure of looking the other way and turning a blind eye to what is urgent and in need of immediate attention. This in all actuality is a monumental understatement when realizing the cold hard […]
What in the World is Wormwood?
by (Farmington, Michigan) What is wormwood? Where is it located in the Bible? What does it mean? How is it related to the prophetic Day of the Lord? Wormwood, in the Old Testament, is derived from a Hebrew word meaning bitterness or to curse (Strong’s Concordance #H3939). It was considered cursed since it was regarded as poisonous. Given […]
The Test Commandment!
by Robert Schmid (Westminster, California) Please open your Bibles to the gospel of John, the 14th chapter. John 14 and verse 15. Jesus Christ – God – is speaking to His disciples, that is, He is speaking to you and me, and He says: “IF, IF YOU LOVE ME, YOU WILL KEEP MY COMMANDMENTS”. In other words, those […]
Are there Still Elders in the Church?
by B. L. Cocherell (Nevada) Some believe and teach that the early church did not have an organized ministry which selected men who were given authority through the ritual of laying on of hands to supervise, teach, and govern congregations in an official leadership capacity. Some also believe and teach that men identified as elders […]
The Christian Sabbath
Was the Sop Leavened or Unleavened? (John 13:26-27)
by John W. Ritenbaugh (Lancaster, South Carolina) A rule of Bible study is never to base a doctrine on the meaning of a Greek or Hebrew word, and this controversy is a prime example. It is true that artos, used in all of the gospel accounts for the bread eaten during the Last Supper, is the Greek word […]
Junia, a Woman Apostle
Iron Sharpening IronIn regard to: Junia, a Woman ApostleArticle by Dianne D. McDonnellComments by John Taylor (Lyle, Washington) First, the word episeemoi is only used twice in the NT and both are translated as notable, or note, not outstanding Matthew 27:16: “And they had then a notable prisoner, called Barabbas.” Romans 16:7: “fellow prisoners, who are of […]
Were the Early Great Kings of Persia Israelites?
by Cam Rea (Kendallville, Indiana) The Achaemenid dynasty’s foundation is based on a man by the name of Achaemenes. Not much is known about the man himself. However, he is considered the eponymous founder according to the Behistun inscription of Darius I listed in his genealogy. Cyrus the Great says nothing on the Babylonian cylinder […]
Atlantis – what they don’t tell you
by Jonathan Gray (New Zealand) YES? WHERE? “Just where did it go down?” asked Dale. “Where did WHAT go down?” I asked. “Atlantis” that’s what,” responded Dale. He swatted a blowfly and continued. “Look, I’m hearing so many theories, but how much is true?” “You really want it direct?” “Sure.” “The truth is, all we have for Atlantis is a legend. […]