Newsletters – 2004

Issue #19 — Newsletter — January/February 2004
The Size of the Ark — by Arnold C. Mendez, Sr.
Scattering of the Brethren — by Ed Oettel
Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath — by Bill Bratt
Small Meetings — by Al Van Dyk
Good and Evil — by Name Withheld
Hopelessly Lost, or So It Seemed — by Wayne Schatzle
Countering the Idea of Lawlessness and Penalty of Sin — by June Narber
Seven Keys for Our Spiritual Lives — by Ed Oettel
The Simplicity of Christ — by Phil Griffith
Brethren Working Together — by Michael Porter
Fornication — by Ronald Barlow
Passover Date — by Carol Bennes
Is oral sex sin? Scriptures for proof please… — Answered by Laura Lee
How many animals were in Noah’s ark? — Answered by Laura Lee
Can you explain fasting to me, and when does a person know to fast? I have always wondered about fasting, but never understood it. — Answered by — Answered by Larry Volk
Kids Korner
Prayer Requests
Ads and Info, etc.
Web Site — by David Ben-Ariel
2003 Feast of Tabernacles, San Antonio, Texas — by Rosemary Halley
The Testimony of God — by Jeffrey A. Caldwell
Issue #20 — Newsletter — March/April 2004
Let’s Roll! — by Jeffrey A. Caldwell
Looking at the Covenants — by Rhoda L. Foust
Was Jesus God Too? — by Darwin Lee
Biblical Evidence in Support of a Sivan 6 Pentecost — by Laura Lee
“On this Rock I will Build My Church” — by Paul Wong
“Two or Three in My Name” Meetings — by Al Van Dyk
City Water Tower “Interrupts” Sabbath Services — by Sandy Kile
Abuse in the Church of God — by Warren L. Mann
Christ is Not a Pharisee — by Jeffrey A. Caldwell
Abortion — by Howard F. Bruce
Passover and Pentecost — by Carol Bennes
What is fasting? — Answered by Larry Volk
I would like you to do justice to the matter in the passage Matthew 10:5-6 where Jesus said to the twelve, do not go to any Gentile territory or any Samaritan town, instead you are to go to the lost sheep of the people of Israel. Why and what did he mean here? — Answered by Larry Volk
Kids Korner
Prayer Requests
Ads and Info, etc.
Free Tape — by Alan Croyle
Beyond Babylon: Europe’s Rise and Fall — by David Ben-Ariel
The Origins and Empire of Ancient Israel — by Steven M. Collins
Bible Correspondence Course — by Doyle Carter
Church of God Southern California — by David Antion
To the Saints of the Churches of God — by David Lacey
In Search of … The Origin of Nations — by Craig White
2003 Feast of Tabernacles, Ouidah — by Michael Porter
Issue #21 — Newsletter — May/June 2004
Blessed are the Peacemakers — by Arlan Weight
What is the Condition of Your Marriage? — by Laura Lee
Thank You for Your Newsletter — by Michael Royal
1 Corinthians 10 — by Darwin Lee
Accountability — by Larry Graff
Need 2 Bibles — by Peter Kibicho
Received 2 Bibles — by Peter Kibicho
Passover and Pentecost — by Carol Bennes
Is there any punishment for people who do evil? — Answered by Laura Lee
Is it just “live it up and be evil now cause a second chance is coming?” — Answered by Laura Lee
Is it proper to not take a breathalyzer on religious grounds of its uncleanliness and unholiness? I don’t eat pork and the breathalyzers composition might have pork product makeup. — Answered by Darwin Lee
Kids Korner
Prayer Requests
Ads and Info, etc.
Congregation Meeting Announcement — by Unknown
Special Speaking Tour — by David Ben-Ariel
Catch the Vision Youth Conference — by Gilford Monrose
“The Doctrine of the Pharisees” — by David Kenders
Bible Correspondence Course — by Doyle Carter
Feast of Tabernacles 2004 — by Al Green
Israel’s Lost Empires — by Steven M. Collins
Internet Fast Replacing TV, Radio and Print — by Alan Ruth
Need Bibles and Literature — by Aden Johnson
Need 5 New or Used Giant Print Bibles — by Rosemary Adebas
Ray George Kurr Died — by Doyle Carter
Issue #22 — Newsletter — July/August 2004
Broken Hearts Lead to Better Dreams — by June Narber
Paul at Troas — by Wily Elder
What is a Church? — by Doyle Carter
Why We Differ on Passover and Pentecost — by David Ben-Ariel
Is Your Life Full of Delight or Boredom? — by Ted Saunders
How Can We Walk with God? — by Royce Mitchell, Jr.
Keeping God at a Distance — by Wayne Schatzle
Tree of Life versus Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil — by Ed Oettel
What does the Parable of Tares Teach About Judging? — by Gregory Diaz
What is Behind the ‘Irresistibleness’ of the Harry Potter Books: — by Name Withheld
Making Peace with Bell-Ringers — by Sandy Kile
Harry Potter (Testimony) — by Name Withheld
Standards — by Mary Speed
Father Forgive Them — by David Ben-Ariel
Passover Greetings — by Rusty, Mary, Hunter, Carrie & Nathanael Ames
Need 20 Bibles and Feast Assistance — by Name Withheld
Was Jesus God Too? — by Lee Pearce
Passover and Pentecost — by Carol Bennes
In Matthew 10:9, he said do not carry any gold, silver or copper money in your pocket, but in the next commission in Luke 10:1-12, it sounds the same, but not exactly the same, because in verse 3 he made mention of lambs among wolves, and in verse 6 he said if a peace loving man lives there let your greeting of peace remain on him and he said again don’t move around in verse 7. Could you please give an insight on this “don’t move around”? — Answered by Larry Volk
When Jesus walked this earth, in everything he did, was it to set a perfect example for us? — Answered by Darwin Lee
Are there any sins that are committed that are not covered under the 10 Commandments? — Answered by Darwin Lee
When Jesus forgives us our sins, is it for when we screw up and sin by accident or is it for when we deliberately sin on purpose with knowledge of it? (lets say you are a Christian and you continually commit adultery until the day you die or you are a serial killer and murder until the day you die, even though you are a Christian are you still going to heaven?) — Answered by Darwin Lee
In Gods eyes is there one sin that is greater then the next or in His eyes is a sin a sin no matter how great that sin? Is all sin equally as bad as the other? — Answered by Darwin Lee
Do you feel that the Bible is 100% truth? — Answered by Darwin Lee
Kids Korner
Prayer Requests
Ads and Info, etc.
Parthia: The Forgotten Ancient Superpower and It’s Role in Biblical History — by Steven M. Collins
Articles and Tracts — by Lloyd Brumbaugh
New Year, Old Injustice — by Sandy Kile
Who is Responsible for the Crucifixion? — by Doyle Carter
It’s Time for Baptisms to Begin… — by Alan Ruth
Report from Enid, Oklahoma on 2-28-2004 — by Doyle Carter
Worst President in History? — by David & Iva Klopfenstein
Issue #23 — Newsletter — September/October 2004
Taking the Stand! — by David Ben-Ariel
What are We to Inherit? — by Doyle Carter
Who or What is the “Great Whore” of Revelation 17:1? — by Larry Volk
Does God Allow Us to Decide Which Scripture to Obey? — by Howard Bruce
Keeping the Sabbath Holy — by Wayne Schatzle
Never Give Up — by June Narber
Same Sex “Marriage”, Open Letter to United States Government Officials — by Jeffrey Caldwell
In Regard to Questions — by Kenneth Anibuisi
When is Pentecost? — by Jeffrey Caldwell
Passover and Pentecost — by Carol Bennes
If a murderer is not going to make it to heaven, you and I who have been breaking the 4th Commandment all our lives certainly are not going to heaven, is that correct? — Answered by Darwin Lee
Why do you follow the clean and unclean meat law when Peter was on the roof and was instructed to eat because everything God made is good? — Answered by Laura Lee
Kids Korner
Prayer Requests
Ads and Info, etc.
Feast of Tabernacles at Bull Shoal Lake in Missouri — Sent by Doyle Carter
Charismatic Feast of Tabernacles — by Alfred Green
Feast of Tabernacles 2004 — by Norman Edwards
Health Information — Sent by Ken Anderson
Proverbs with a Purpose… — Sent by Alfred Green
The Calendar Crisis and the Way I See It — by Phil Griffith
CGOM Conference — by Doyle Carter
A Word from the Lord — by Alfred Green
Issue #24 — Newsletter — November/December 2004
Topic of Martyrdom — by Doyle Carter
Don’t Forsake Your First Love! — by Larry Volk
Social Phobia — by Name Withheld
The Real Message of Pentecost — by Ed Oettel
A Nation that Rejected God — by Doyle Carter
When Should God’s Festivals be Observed? — by David Ben-Ariel
This was Not a Dream Grebe — by Ted Saunders
When is Pentecost? — by Jeffrey Caldwell
Commentary for Thanksgiving Day — by Tommy West
In Regard to Prayer Requests & Updates — by Robert McElwee
Tortured for Christ — by Issaya Ouma Owak
In Regard to: What is the Condition of Your Marriage? — by Phillip Frankford
Taking it to the Church — by Darwin & Laura Lee and Royce Mitchell
Temcat’s Letters to Young Witches — by Name Withheld
The account of David’s anointing is similar to which story in the book of Genesis? — Answered by Royce Mitchell, Jr.
How does David convince Saul to permit him to fight the Philistine Goliath? — Answered by Royce Mitchell, Jr.
What happened to change Saul’s admiration for David into hatred? — Answered by Royce Mitchell, Jr.
Please explain Acts 2:38-39? — Answered by Royce Mitchell, Jr.
Is there a woman mentioned in the bible by the name of Lillith? — Answered by Wily Elder
Kids Korner
Prayer Requests
Ads and Info, etc.
Enter the Ministry — by Keith Slough
Beyond Babylon: Europe’s Rise and Fall — by David Ben-Ariel
The Great Commission: Minneapolis Evangelism Conference, January 15-16 — by Dona Fehr
Israel Under European Occupation — by David Ben-Ariel
Let All Nations and Peoples prepare for Jerusalem’s House of Prayer! — by David Ben-Ariel
Sanhedrin Launched in Tiberius — Sent by Jeffrey Caldwell
The Lord Cares Ministry — Sent by Jim Burge
Religious War — Sent by Alfred Green
Poem by Judge Roy Moore — Sent by Robert McElwee
4th Anniversary of the Biblical Fellowship Group — by Doyle Carter
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