Newsletters – February 2021

Issue #1 – The “New” Church of God Messenger — February 6, 2021
Major Changes are Necessary if America is to Survive by Richard Markland
Church Leaders – Surrenders to the State – Moral Authority by Richard Frates
Can You Know When? by Nathaniel Burson
Renewal of the Earth by Ray Daly
Division Will Lead to the Nation’s Destruction if Not Restrained by Richard Markland
Ending the Cycle of Abuse in the Church of God by Laura Lee
Documentary “Absolute Proof”
Other Items
The Promised Land Sent by Jeffrey Caldwell
Issue #2 – The “New” Church of God Messenger — February 13, 2021
Where in Scripture is The Trinity Mentioned? by Wily Elder
Abortion: The Culture of Death by Barbara Collins
Is Calling Someone “Mister” Christian? by Nathaniel Burson
Do You DARE to Be Bold? by Nathaniel Burson
Other Items
Conspiracy! Sent by Robert Chisolm
Have a Nice Day! Sent by Robert Chisolm
Parable of a Shepherd by Norman Edwards
Iron Sharpening Iron
Renewal of the Earth by Ray Daly – Comments by Ray Daly
Renewal of the Earth by Ray Daly – Comments by Ray Daly
Renewal of the Earth by Ray Daly – Comments by Laura Lee
Issue #3 – The “New” Church of God Messenger — February 20, 2021
Vaccine Folly – Mask Hysteria by Richard Frates
If You Believe by Bud Cocherell
Evil Prevails by Clyde Ferrell Jr.
Go To Your Brother… by Arlan Weight
Other Items
SIGNS OF THE TIMES: Is dissent a thing of the past? by Curtis Dahlgren
Mathematical Viewpoint Sent by Rich Daniels
The Khazars Tribe 13 by Yair Davidiy
Iron Sharpening Iron
Can You Know WHEN? by Nathaniel Burson – Comments by Steven M. Collins
Issue #4 – The “New” Church of God Messenger — February 27, 2021
Born Again: The Kingdom of God! by David Ben-Ariel
Diversity Madness! by Richard Frates
The Cure for the Tragic American Condition by Richard Markland
Beware of the Leaven of the Pharisees by Gregory Diaz
Is Disfellowshipping a Christian Practice? by Arlan Weight
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