“Are The Ten Commandments Obsolete?”
A funny thing happened on the way to Damascus
(Copyright 2023) by Curtis Dahlgren (Stephenson, Michigan) THREE DAYS before Christmas, I walked into a bar. I looked around, but no one was there, though the Packers were playing to a full house. After a while a bartender appeared, all bubbly and bright, and I ordered a beer. As she popped the top, a stranger […]
Double Trouble
(Copyright 2023) by Dwight Fleming (Oroville, California) A new king has been coronated. Will he follow a traditional role or decide to implement changes to fit the agenda he pursued as prince? His reign may parallel an ancient king who was not satisfied with the old ways. This ancient king made radical changes by making alliances […]
A Question for Christians About the Sabbath
(Copyright) by Jeffrey Caldwell (Arkansas) Almost all who profess to be Christians these days believe that observing the weekly seventh day Sabbath is not the true Christian faith, and, presumably, thus not an aspect of what Jude calls “your most holy faith” (Jude 20, New International Version). Scripture says that at Creation “on the seventh day” […]
Haron Has Fallen Asleep
(Copyright 2024) by William P. Goff (Myrtle Beach, South Carolina) Haron, our orphanage administrator, was involved in a car accident, and has died from his injuries. A friend of his (a man who also headed a small orphanage) was driving and was killed instantly. Haron was 34 years old, and a very humble man; we […]
“In Defense of Bathsheba”
“In Defense of Bathsheba” (Part 1)(Copyright 2023) by David Antion (Pasadena, California) This is the kind of story Hollywood loves. It has romance, passion, forbidden desires, and ultimately a man “after God’s own heart” does the forbidden sin out of “love” or lust because she tempted him. A movie starring Gregory Peck and Susan Hayward […]
Pentecost and the Coming of the Holy Spirit
(Copyright 2008) by Bryan T. Huie (Dennard, Arkansas) The festival most Christians know as Pentecost is called Shavu’ot in Hebrew. Because of the narrative of Acts 2, much of the Christian church is still somewhat familiar with Pentecost. Christians recall the story of the mighty wind, the tongues of fire, the coming of the Holy […]
Closing the Gap
The Parable of Lazarus and the Rich Man
(Copyright 2015) by David Antion (Pasadena, California) Do “saved” parents hear the cries and pleadings of their unsaved children being tortured in hell fire? Could a parent endure an eternity of seeing their unsaved children being tormented in hell fire and not be able to help them? Is this what Jesus meant when He gave […]
A Challenge for Proponents of Female Subordination To Prove Their Case from The Bible
(Copyright) by Gilbert Bilezikian (Wheaton, Illinois) “Open my eyes that I may seeGlimpses of truth Thou hast for me.Place in my hands the wonderful KeyThat shall unclasp and set me free.”Clara H. Scott, Hymn The purpose of this challenge is to prompt Christians to grapple with biblical facts rather than to accept traditional assumptions about female […]
Strive Not About Words
(Copyright 2014) by Aaron Blumer (Wisconsin) Of these things put them in remembrance, charging them before the Lord that they strive not about words to no profit, but to the subverting of the hearers. (KJV, 2 Timothy 2:14) I’ve often heard this text used to discourage detailed debate about the meaning of Scripture passages, or even to devalue […]
Death by Debt
(Copyright 2024) by Joseph B. Baity (Charlotte, North Carolina) On December 29, 2023, the U.S. government’s “total public debt outstanding” (the national debt) surpassed the $34 trillion mark for the first time, according to a report released by the Treasury Department on January 2, the first business day of 2024. This enormous figure represents the […]
(Copyright 2017) by Brenda Branson (Hanson, Kentucky) Do you know what it’s like to live 45 years of your life all scrunched up in a box? That’s the best way I can describe it—having my hopes, dreams, emotions, opinions, and the essence of me stuffed down inside a tightly sealed container that was controlled by […]
Pearls before Swine Parable
(Copyright) by BibleStudy.org (Farmington Hills, Michigan) Why did Jesus tell us not to cast our pearls before swine? When did he give this parable and what does it mean? The parable of the pearls before swine was given by Jesus a short time before the Passover season of 28 A.D. It was offered as part of […]
Countdown to the Return of Jesus Christ
(Copyright) by Warren Zehrung (Little Rock, Arkansas) The Feast of Trumpets pictures the return of Jesus Christ. It is a memorial (Leviticus 23:24). “Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, In the seventh month, in the first day of the month, shall ye have a Sabbath, a memorial of blowing of trumpets, a holy convocation.” […]
WCG and God’s Remnant Apostle Church of Christ in South Africa
(Copyright 2024) by Craig M. White (Australia) I think that you will find this unique bit of WCG history of interest – most have never heard of it. It is also included in the attached collection of notes (i.e. it is not an article per se), pages 15-18. I first heard about this when living in […]
The Good and Bad About Cholesterol
(Copyright) by David Antion (Pasadena, California) Cholesterol has gotten a bad rap over the last couple of decades. There has been much misleading information leading to a great deal of confusion in the general public. Most of us have heard all the bad things about cholesterol and many don’t realize that the body makes its […]
Sin = Lawlessness
(Copyright 1997) by John R. Bair (Pennsboro, West Virginia) Introduction:Around 23 years ago I left the Air Force to get “Back to the land”-to a more simple way of life. (Goats, chickens, bees and gardens?) Part of the motivation was also a belief that the economic system was soon going to crash. And I didn’t […]
Does the Bible teach that the Earth is round or flat?
(Copyright 2016) by Verse By Verse Ministry International (San Antonio, Texas) The Christian faith recognizes the Bible above all other sources of knowledge as the inspired word of God. Teaching that contradicts the Bible is false, by definition. On the other hand, the Bible is not the sole source of knowledge in Creation. For example, the Bible […]
Who Were the Wise Men?
(Copyright 2023) by Staff (Charlotte, North Carolina) The Christmas season is almost over for another year—but not quite! Traditionally, there are twelve days of Christmas, as the popular Christmas carol says, and as always, January 6 will again be the twelfth and last day of the season. Some churches keep January 6 as Christmas Day, but it […]
What and When is the Passover?
(Copyright 2017) by James Steinle (Swanville, Minnesota) The confusion of which day is the Passover arises when some think of the Passover as the meal of the Lamb. The meal is not the Passover; the Passover is the lamb itself. Let’s examine what the Scriptures say. Exodus 12:11, “And thus shall ye eat it [the lamb]; […]
(Copyright 2024) by Vance (Terryville, Connecticut) and Laura Lee (Bismarck, North Dakota) Vance writes:As I get older, I have many more Questions than answers, what did Jesus mean in Matthew 19:4…have you not read that he made them male and female I noticed he did not include himself sounds like he is talking about the […]
The Full Knowledge of God
Iron Sharpening IronIn regard to: The Full Knowledge of GodArticle by David SielaffComments by Laura Lee (Bismarck, North Dakota) I do agree that all mankind will know all the truth about God and His ways, but because of “Free Will” some will reject God’s way and perish. We have a great example of this where […]
Where Did All This Coal Come From?
(Copyright 2023) by Doug Velting (Grand Rapids, Michigan) People have used coal for energy for several centuries now, and we continue to use it in vast quantities. But we haven’t even come close to running out yet. Where did all that coal come from? It is common knowledge that coal formed during the worldwide flood when […]
Israel’s Killing Fields
(Copyright 2024) by Richard Markland (London, Ohio) October 7, 2023, will be indelibly etched in the minds of those who lost loved ones from the brutal and demonically driven slaughter of innocent Israelis. What took place has been called “Israel’s 9/11.” A loathing hatred carried out by Hamas butchers upon innocent Israeli men, women, and […]