Prophecies Given to Steve Quayle
(Copyright 2023) by James Steinle (Swanville, Minnesota) Prophecies given to Steve Quayle over the years re America and its people and it’s sins. As you read these short one-page reports of what he was given, think about when they were given to him, then understand and realize what has happened since those years. Everything is coming […]
Tribulation Cut Short?
(2023) Sent by James Steinle (Swanville, Minnesota) 23 min. video by Steve of TorahFamily dot org. TRIBULATION 1/3 – UPDATED AND EXPANDED (If the Idol of Jealousy – the Ark of the Temple – is found early this next year by Passover 2024, then we will know he is on the right track. The […]
Tocotrienols for Pain
(2024) Sent by Kenneth M. Hoeck (Woodstock, Illinois) If it matters to some: The Swanson brand Tocotrienols is in a gelatin capsule – most likely porcine source. Amazon has a couple alternatives – one with bovine gelatin and one that’s a vegetable capsule. ————————————————————————————————————-See Kenneth M. Hoeck’s other articles at:Hoeck, Kenneth M. – Church of God, Bismarck […]
Sunday – The Catholic Sabbath
(Copyright 2021) by Avram Yehoshua (Tulsa, Oklahoma) There is nothing in the New Testament, and certainly nothing in the Old, that supports Sunday as a day that has replaced the 7th day Sabbath of Creation (Gen. 2:1-3), which God gave to His chosen people Israel (Ex. 16:22-26; 20:8-11). There are three New Testament texts which […]
The Footwashing Service
(Copyright) by Warren Zehrung (Little Rock, Arkansas) Jesus poured water into a basin, and began to wash the disciples’ feet, and to wipe them with the servant’s towel wherewith He was girded. Jesus said, If I then, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet, ye also ought to wash one another’s feet. For I […]
The Fugitive Folk of Jacob’s Trouble
(Copyright 2023) by Charles Whitaker (Charlotte, North Carolina) Most of us understand that the various scatterings of Israelites over history are prophetic types of the scattering to occur shortly, in the time called Jacob’s Trouble. For example, the Assyrian-led scattering of the House of Israel in 722 BC is typical of the impending scattering of Israel by […]
The Elders
(Copyright) by Craig M. White (Australia) The Elders[1](extracted from Synagogue and Church: Comparative Structures by Craig M White) Easton’s Bible Dictionary explains the origin and role of elders: “The Jewish eldership was transferred from the old dispensation to the new. The creation of the office of elder is nowhere recorded in the New Testament … [this office] […]
How a Pagan Celebration Became a “Christian” Holiday
(Copyright) by David Antion (Pasadena, California) How did the birth of Christ become celebrated? How did Christmas come to be a major holiday in what is called “Christianity”? There is no doubt that the birth of Jesus Christ is part of the Gospel story. There are complimentary accounts in two of the Gospels – Matthew and […]
The Jonah Sign
(Copyright 2023) by Dwight Fleming (Oroville, California) The scribes and Pharisees wanted to see a sign from Jesus. This was His reply to them: “A wicked and adulterous generation demands a sign, but none will be given it except the sign of the prophet Jonah. For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly […]
The Wicked Know Not at What They Stumble – Proverbs 4:19
(Copyright 2023) by James Lloyd (Medford, Oregon) THE WICKED KNOW NOT AT WHAT THEY STUMBLE – Proverbs 4:19The foolish course of America’s current inept leadership is seen in the Bible as a “Script” that has historically repeated, as the attached humorous cartoon describes. Using a system called Sequential Recapitulation, a Bible Prophecy ministry has actually […]
Great American Eclipse of 2024
(2024) Sent by James Steinle (Swanville, Minesota) 14 Things That Everyone Needs To Know About The Great American Eclipse Of 2024 April 8 by Michael Snyder. “We are just a little bit more than three months away from what many believe will be the most dramatic total solar eclipse in U.S. history. It is being called […]
(2024) Sent by Rich Traver (Clifton, Colorado) Betrayed by government and sciences. —————————————————————————————————See Rich Traver’s other articles at:Traver, Rich – Church of God, Bismarck ( Reprinted with permission from: Golden Sheaves —————————————————————————————————
Is Yayshua God?
(Copyright) by James & Patt Steinle (Swanville, Minnesota) Or, What about Arianism & Polytheism? A question one might ask is, if the Son Yayshua (Jesus) was a separate Being from the Father, and if we worship Yayshua, then are we not breaking the second commandment and sinning? In essence, “Thou shalt have no other gods before […]
(Copyright 2001) by Mark Schindler (Charlotte, North Carolina) On December 1, 2000, the hotel in which I worked at the time shut down for a $50 million renovation, causing about 250 employees to lose their jobs. Only a few managers and a skeleton engineering crew remained. Months beforehand, the hotel’s Human Resources Director and the General […]
Israel’s Long War
(Copyright 2023) by Richard T. Ritenbaugh (Charlotte, North Carolina) I The early-morning Hamas attack on Israel on October 7, 2023—a Sabbath day as well as the Eighth Day (see Leviticus 23:36, 39)—shocked the world. Beginning with a barrage of at least 3,000 rockets, militants crossed into Israeli territory via both ground and aerial (paragliding) units. The stunning attack, which overcame […]
Life, Death, Life
Iron Sharpening IronIn regard to: Life, Death, LifeArticle by David SielaffComments by Laura Lee (Bismarck, North Dakota) I have one problem with this article. Christ is not a created being. The following is talking about Christ:Col 1:15 Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature: Col 1:16 For by him were […]
Why we can’t marry close relatives (and the truth about human population)
(Copyright 2021) by David Rives (Lewisburg, Tennessee) There are many instances in early Biblical history of people marrying closely related family. In fact, it doesn’t seem to be a big deal, and if we take the Bible literally at its word, this would have been necessary just after Adam and Eve were expelled from the […]
Welcome to Israel!
(Copyright 2023) by Dwight Fleming (Oroville, California) Planning to fly to Israel to see historical sites? Well, it may not be so easy right now to find a flight to Israel because of the war. If you can manage to land at Tel Aviv, you won’t have to deal with any of the usual crowds […]
The Third Temple
(Copyright 2023) by Dwight Fleming (Oroville, California) The short video, linked below, provides an excellent report on the difficulty of building a third temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. It also covers the history of the Temple Mount and the building of The Dome of the Rock. You will see video evidence of past clashes […]
What’s worse, Aunt Jemima’s picture, Hunter’s crack or Uncle Joe’s fentanyl from China?
(Copyright 2023) by Curtis Dahlgren (Stephenson, Michigan) “The other day I was in Madison (Moscow-on-the-Yahara) less than half an hour before seeing a case of drug overdose.” -from my Facebook page, August 2022 THAT WAS A FIRST FOR ME. I’ve heard of celebrities dying with their head in a toilet, but this guy had his head […]
The Second Seal (Video Part 3)
(Copyright 2023) by James Steinle (Swanville, Minnesota) OPENING THE 2ND SEAL OF REVELATION – PART 3 Very enlighting info especially about what is going on in GAZA right now and what the very near future holds for that area per prophecy (Zephaniah 1 & 2) Sermon by Tom Kerry of the COGMI this past Sabbath 11/18/23. […]
Your First Love—NOW!
(Copyright) by Royce Mitchell, Jr. (Manvel, Texas) Rev 2:1-7 states as follows: “To the angel of the church of Ephesus write: ‘He who holds the seven stars in His right hand, who walks in the midst of the seven golden lampstands, says these things. ‘I know your works and your labor and your patience, and how you […]
Seven Mysterious Letters: A Timely Challenge
(Copyright 1993) by Chuck Missler (Coeur d’Alene, Idaho) The Book of RevelationRevelation is the only book in the Bible that promises a special blessing to the reader.1 (Many passages tell us to read the Bible in general terms. Only one book has the audacity to say, in effect, Read me; I’m special.) Early in my teens, I […]
This is Not God’s World
(Copyright 2023) by John W. Ritenbaugh (Lancaster, South Carolina) Having been born and reared in Pennsylvania, I have more than a passing knowledge of the Amish country of southeastern Pennsylvania. People similar to the Pennsylvania Amish live in communities in other states, too, like the Amish of Ohio, Indiana, West Virginia, and Kansas. The Amana […]
A Spiritual Leader Must Be Called by God
(Copyright 2023) by Zac Poonen (Bangalore, India) A spiritual leader will first and foremost, have a calling from God. His work will not be his profession, but his calling. No-one can appoint himself as a spiritual leader. “He has to be called by God for this work” (Hebrews 5:4 – TLB). This is a principle that […]