Ezekiel 9:1-6 – What Mark is in Your Heart?
(Copyright) by Richard Frates (Easley, South Carolina) One Identifies you with God, the other with the Devil. Ezekiel Vision, 9:3-6 “The glory of the God of Israel” moved to the threshold of the temple. “The Lord called to the man clothed in linen who had a writing kit at his side and said to him, […]
National Day of Prayer
(Copyright 2010) by Bill Buckman (Port Austin, Michigan) What does the United States of America need to repent of? Our supposed president Barack Obama has declared today, May 6, 2010, to be a National Day of Prayer. What should we pray for? Our nation is going through a lot of trials at the present time. Are […]
Tis the season for vote buying and lying; smarty pants on fire
(Copyright) by Curtis Dahlgren (Stephenson, Michigan) “If a political party does not have its foundation in the determination to advance a cause that is right and that is moral, then it is not a political party; it is merely a conspiracy to seize power.” – Dwight Eisenhower “The lie in the Soul is a true lie.” – […]
Scattered But Not Divided
(Copyright 2023) by Fellow Servants (Minneapolis, Minnesota) Eph. 4:13-16, “til we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ: that we should no longer be children, tossed to and fro and […]
The Manhattan Declaration
(2009) Compiled by Jeffrey Caldwell (Arkansas) I suggest you go to: http://www.manhattandeclaration.org/ and consider signing. I and my wife have signed. It is a declaration of Christian conscience, standing for some of the most basic principles of truth. The Manhattan DeclarationA Call of Christian ConscienceChristians, when they have lived up to the highest ideals of their […]
This Was Tucker Carlson’s “Greatest Public Mistake”
(Copyright 2023) by Jeffrey A. Tucker (Brownstone Institute) A new biography of Tucker Carlson offers a very interesting look at the intellectual odyssey of the most popular commentator in the US if not the world. Particularly interesting is his turnabout on the pandemic response. Today he is a mighty critic of lockdowns and forced vaccination. But it was […]
We have the Mind of Christ– 1 Corinthians 2:16 – Do We Really?
(Copyright) by Richard Frates (Easley, South Carolina) Would Jesus Christ Eat Pork, or Shellfish and consider Sunday holy? No! Why do You? Paul, in 2 Corinthians 6:16-17 used Old Testament promises, and warnings recorded in, Isaiah 52:11, to teach new testament believers: “We are the temple of the living God. As God has said I […]
The War on Dissent: Fibs, spin, statistics, and pure fiction
(Copyright) by Curtis Dahlgren (Stephenson, Michigan) “What need has a god of a star ship?” – Hollywood “What need has ‘settled science’ of a Public Relations firm?” – C. Dahlgren WAR ON DISSENT: Russia, Venezuela, the Middle East, and Washington DC. Left-wing causes are all into “minimizing.” Lying becomes misspeaking; spin becomes misremembering; statistics are tools for […]
The Obedience of Faith
(Copyright 2022) by Zac Poonen (Bangalore, India) Prayer is easiest for those who are like little children, for prayer is an acknowledgement of our helplessness and our impotence to God. Clever adults find it difficult to acknowledge that. That is why Jesus said that we must be like little children. The more we depend on […]
Two Things to Making It
(Copyright 2023) by James Steinle (Swanville, Minnesota) These two links/articles (below) solidify in my mind that there is NO way out of the mess we and this world are in. It is obvious no human is smart enough to organize what is happening except for Satan and his demonic forces and influencing those humans who […]
Celebration in a Cemetery!
(Copyright 2017) by Brenda Branson (Hanson, Kentucky) She was carrying a gift, but she didn’t expect a party. Mary Magdalene had risen early that Sunday morning while it was still dark to go to the tomb where Jesus’ body had been laid following his death on the cross. Her grief was overwhelming as she hurried […]
(Copyright 2023) by Rafael Algorri (Email) If I understand it correctly, your articles seem to talk about the Hebrew calendar as if it was the one given to Moses (Gen. 1:14). The current Hebrew calendar was introduced by Hillel back in the 300s AD. If you do the research, you will find that during Temple […]
A Little Joke!
Sent by Lorena Haar (Vancouver, Washington) If you want to get a message out, use the telegram or a telephone, or tell another woman! No offense intended.
Elisha, the Young Men, and the She-Bears
(Copyright 2023) by Ted E. Bowling (Charlotte, North Carolina) “So he turned around and looked at them and pronounced a curse on them in the name of the LORD. And two female bears came out of the woods and mauled forty-two of the youths.” (II Kings 2:24) In the story recounted in I Kings 19:19-21, Elisha showed […]
Doctrine of Repentance
(Copyright) by Warren Zehrung (Little Rock, Arkansas) “God loves you just as you are, come as you are and give your heart to the Lord.” This is a common refrain among many evangelicals. The problem is this: Our Savior taught exactly the opposite. Jesus said that “just as you are” is the way that leads […]
How to Read and Understand Proverbs
(Copyright) by David Antion (Pasadena, California) In ancient Israel, there were people who spent time studying wisdom and writing and learning lessons of wisdom. They were called “wise men” and often had the title of a counselor (see 1 Chronicles 27:32; Ecclesiastes 2:16). There were also “wise women” (see 2 Samuel 20:16: Proverbs 14:1). Those with […]
A Matter of Trust
(Copyright 2023) by Joseph B. Baity (Charlotte, North Carolina) Of late, “artificial intelligence” (AI) is dominating the news. With the recent rollout of ChatGPT (one of the most potent and advanced forms of AI), anyone with a computing device and an Internet connection can directly interface and “converse” with the chatbot—much as with another human—and […]
Outline of Strategy for Church of God Co-operation (Version 2.1 Draft)
Iron Sharpening IronIn regard to: Outline of Strategy for Church of GodCo-operation Version 2.1 DraftArticle by Craig WhiteComments by John Leitch (Canada) My comments are in regard to the article written by Craig White titled “Outline of Strategy for Church of God Co-operation Version 2:1” It appears that the author of this article mistakenly views all these separate […]
Christians – Stop Following the Pope!
(Copyright) by Avram Yehoshua (Flagstaff, Arizona) Have you ever wondered why you can’t find a single reference in the New Testament to Sunday replacing the 7th day Sabbath, or even a single verse that declares Sunday the new day of worship because of the resurrection? It’s because the Pope (in 120 AD), not Jesus, gave […]
The Power of the Pen over “the poison in the pot”
(Copyright) by Curtis Dahlgren (Stephenson, Michigan) “Proclaim liberty throughout the Land . . [but] When a pundit makes a prediction, and it doesn’t come to pass, the prophet has spoken presumptuously. So don’t listen to him anymore.” – Moses (1300s BC) “Happy are the people who don’t take the advice of the ungodly. They shall be […]
Life’s Cup of Good and Evil:
(Copyright 2017) by Richard Frates (Easley, South Carolina) If you believe God, you would: Drink the Cup of Life that God has given you without accusing God or calling your troubles “bad luck.” Testing of the spirit: The Cup of Good and the Cup of Evil – the Cup of Salvation is the reward – […]
LINEN – The Saints shall Wear it -Why?
(Copyright) by James Steinle (Swanville, Minnesota) What is so great about linen that the Scriptures mention it in 90 verses? Here are some. Exo_26:1 Moreover thou shalt make the tabernacle with ten curtains of fine twined linen, and blue, and purple, and scarlet: with cherubims of cunning work shalt thou make them. Exo_28:8 And the curious girdle […]
The Compassion of God for Lost Souls
(Copyright 2021) by Zac Poonen (Bangalore, India) It is written in Jonah 3:1 “Then the word of the Lord came to Jonah a second time”. Praise the Lord that when we fail once, the Lord gives us a second chance. That is one of the great messages that comes to us from the book of Jonah. Have […]
To Participate in Society, You Will Need CBDC Microchip
(Copyright 2023) by James Steinle (Swanville, Minnesota) https://thepeoplesvoice.tv/wef-says-cbdcs-must-be-implanted-under-your-skin-if-you-want-to-participate-in-society/ The Mark of Revelation 13:16-17; 14:9-13 Is THIS the information we have been looking for? Logically it makes sense. Rev 13:16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: Rev 13:17 […]