(Copyright 2023) by Ray Daly (Lincoln, North Dakota) Leadup to this Article:Ray writes:I mailed a few pages from “Wikipedia” today. I would like them back if you won’t have any use for them. But I asked you and Darwin to take note of a specific paragraph. I am going to quote it here as well. […]
Overweight and don’t like it?
(Copyright 2023) by James Steinle (Swanville, Minnesota) by Sally Fallon Morell Fascinating article on what things in our modern foods tend to make us put on weight [esp. ‘low-fat foods’] and reduce our health. Many surprises in here and things we can do to get our bodies back on track, especially delicious fats! Not your normal […]
American Education: A System Destroyed
(Copyright 2023) by Joseph B. Baity (Charlotte, North Carolina) Once upon a time, before World War II, American schools, from elementary through university, were the world’s envy. Year after year, the American education system, including public and private institutions, topped most, if not all, global rankings. Little wonder the post-war American economy, fed by well-educated […]
(Copyright 2017) by Brenda Branson (Hanson, Kentucky) It is no wonder that I love you, O God.You have granted me a security that I could never find among the things of this world.You have erased from my life the fear of death.What follows the grave is not my fearful concern.The traumatic experiences of this […]
Coelacanth: The transitional fossil that wasn’t
(Copyright) by Jerry Bergman (Powder Springs, Georgia) For close to a century, evolutionists taught that certain traits of coelacanths (figs. 1 and 2), then known only as fossils (fig. 3), meant they were the precursors of four-limbed animals (tetrapods) that walked on land. For example, coelacanths had lobed fins (fig. 4) instead of rayed fins […]
One Lamb in the Morning & One at Evening
(Copyright) by Nicholas Charcharos (United Kingdom) At this time of the year the thoughts of the Christian are often on the death of our Lord Jesus and one attempts for some moments at least to reflect upon the hours on the cross, the pain and getting to the point of death. Mark, the first of […]
Only God can make America great now (and the jury is out on that)
(Copyright 2022) by Curtis Dahlgren (Stephenson, Michigan) “Even Trump himself has tried to warn his worshippers that the only savior of anyone and any country is God and NOT him! He has come straight out and told people this truth!” – posted on Facebook by a friend. FROM WHAT does this country most desperately need to […]
Exploring the Human Nose
(Copyright 2022) by David Rives (Lewisburg, Tennessee) Has a vague scent in the air ever caught your attention? You know you’ve smelled it somewhere before, but you just don’t know where? Well, our sense of smell is incredible, and many scents are strongly linked with memories. The average adult can distinguish 10,000 different scents from […]
What is Grace?
(Copyright 2022) by David Antion (Pasadena, California) Is there any word more misunderstood and abused and perverted than this word “grace?” Yet it is one of the most important words in the Bible. For this reason, I want to feature this topic in our Search the Scriptures emails. The English word “grace” is […]
Who Are the Nephilim
Iron Sharpening IronIn regard to: Who Are the NephilimArticle by David SielaffComments by Laura Lee (Bismarck, North Dakota) Laura writes:First of all, I want to say this is an excellent article and the detail the author put into it is great. I do, however, have a few comments and disagreements with a few things which […]
Bullocks and the Feast of Tabernacles
(Copyright) by (Farmington, Michigan) In Numbers 29:12-39 we find that for the seven days of the Feast of Tabernacles there is a daily sacrifice of bulls (the KJV calls them bullocks). Thirteen bullocks are offered on the first day (which is a high sabbath), twelve bullocks on the second day and so on, decreasing […]
Judaism in Jesus’ Day
(Copyright 2022) by Rich Traver (Clifton, Colorado) Judaism in Jesus’ Day(Copyright 2022) by Rich Traver (Clifton, Colorado) The Common Idea is that the Jewish Religion, in the time when Jesus walked the Earth and conducted His ministry, was generally Monocultural. That most if not all Jews believed, taught and practiced the same. Yet, in the New […]
Truth is Truth
(Copyright) by Ray Daly (Bismarck, ND) The above title is based on the words of 2 Tim. 2:15, “Study to show yourself approved unto God. A workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the truth.” Note the underlined word, “dividing”. It should seem evident that this is referring to separating truth from […]
A column for the ages (“powerful women”?)
(Copyright) by Curtis Dahlgren (Stephenson, Michigan) “Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large numbers.” – unknown I KNEW THE VIRGIN MARY. The virgin Mary was a friend of mine. You’re no virgin Mary.” I knew William and Mary. William and Mary were friends of mine. You’re no Queen Mary. I knew Queen Elizabeth. She was a […]
Elmer Fisher – one of the first members of the Radio/Worldwide Church of God
(Copyright) by Craig White (Australia) I have now included some information on Elmer and Margret Fisher who HWA mentions a number of times in his Autobiography: This link also mentions a Bobby Fisher referred to in a Good News magazine – she came to a HWA campaign in 1934 and to a GTA campaign 13-14 Dec […]
As Eve believed Satan, Church Leaders Believe Devil-Media: Genesis 3:4-6
(Copyright 2020) by Richard Frates (Easley, South Carolina) As Eve believed Satan, Church Leaders Believe Devil-Media: Genesis 3:4-6. The Forbidden Fruit is – Believing the Devil. Christians and Jews Disarmed: Surrendered Moral Authority to Devil-Media and the State. God Commanded Adam “You must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for […]
A Person of Faith Explains “Dark Matter”
(Copyright) by Eddie Hyatt (Grapevine, Texas) Along with being a devout follower of Jesus Christ and committed to proclaiming and teaching His word, I have a deep interest in science, particularly astronomy. I have, therefore, read with interest recent articles about the discoveries of the Hubble and James Webb space telescopes. One area that has caught […]
Not Under the Law
(Copyright 2023) by Darwin Lee (Bismarck, North Dakota) Just what did the apostle Paul mean when he said, “for you are not under the law”? Ro 6:14 For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace. Romans 6:14 starts with “Sin shall not have dominion over you”. […]
Cleansing Ourselves from Hidden Sins
(Copyright 2022) by Zac Poonen (Bangalore, India) It is very easy for a believer to be ignorant of his true spiritual condition if he does not live before God’s face. This is clear from the rebukes that the Lord gave to the leaders of the seven churches in Revelation. To the messenger (elder) of the church […]
The Most Significant Event?
(Copyright 2009) by John Jewell (London, England) Checking the television listings on Sunday to see if there just happened to be anything worthwhile to watch, I was struck by a program title. It was “Christianity: A History” – it was being presented by Dr Robert Beckford. The TV listing had a comment about the program, […]
10 Wild Edible Greens to Harvest – Foraging Plants for Food
(Copyright 2023) by James Steinle (Swanville, Minnesota) (12.5 minutes. Showing from mid-Atlantic. Most if not all also found in central U.S. Watch video how to eat or prepare) He should have included wild Amaranth (has a red root, loves to grow wild in gardens). Boiled, it tastes just like spinach with little vinegar on it! […]
Mount Sinai
(Copyright 2023) by Dwight Fleming (Oroville, California) Where is the real Mount Sinai? If this interests you, then watch the preview to “Journey to Mount Sinai.” The second part will be released on May 15 and 17 at select theaters nationwide. The first part was released last October. The 2-part film explores six possible locations […]
Pruning Season
(Copyright 2023) by Dwight Fleming (Oroville, California) We are told to “examine ourselves” before taking the Passover. Jesus said that He is the vine and we are the branches and His Father is the husbandman (John 15:1-5). The husbandman’s job is to make the vine more fruitful. This involves watering, fertilizing, and PRUNING. This pruning or […]
Human Control
(Copyright 2023) Sent by Rich Traver (Clifton, Colorado) It seems that a number of people replying to this post on Twitter are rather uninformed, like most people who still rely on and believe the lying MSM narrative. You may have seen that the Moroccan Oper. Warp Speed architect who convinced Trump to pursue the poison […]
Colossians 2:16-17
(Copyright) by Dwight Fleming (Oroville, California) Colossians 2:16-17 reads: “Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of a holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days: Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ.” These two verses have caused much controversy […]