One Flaw in Women
Sent by Rich Daniels (Shawano, Wisconsin) Women have strengths that amaze men. They bear hardships and they carry burdens, but they hold happiness, love and joy. They smile when they want to scream. They sing when they want to cry. They cry when they are happy and laugh when they are nervous. They fight for […]
Thanksgiving Day – Pagan?
by Bradley RichardsonEdited and Revised by Avram Yehoshua (Flagstaff, Arizona) Before getting into the actual history of Thanksgiving, which may shock some people, let’s look at two Christian arguments for keeping it: ‘I don’t keep Thanksgiving Day as a holy day. It’s a national day of giving thanks for what God has provided. It’s not a […]
Does God Love All Men Equally?
by Nathaniel Burson (Big Sandy, Texas) The churches in the world today almost UNIVERSALLY believe that God loves ALL MEN equally, showing no favoritism, AFTER ALL, they say, God is not a respecter of persons! What does your BIBLE say – the very words GOD HIMSELF inspired to be written for you? You’ll find that it […]
Roles of Father, Son and Holy Spirit
by Ray Daly (Lincoln, North Dakota) Mathew 28:19. “Go you therefore and teach all nations. BAPTIZING them in the NAME of the Father, and [the NAME of] the Son, and [the NAME of] the Holy Spirit!” Obviously, I applied the word “Name” in brackets, when referring to the latter two. Simply, because most of […]
A Nation That Talks the Talk, but Refuses to Walk the Walk
(Copyright) by Richard Markland (London, Ohio) When it comes to problems, America is a nation that naively believes it has the leisure of looking the other way and turning a blind eye to what is urgent and in need of immediate attention. This in all actuality is a monumental understatement when realizing the cold hard […]
America’s Founding Documents Declared “Harmful” By Our Own Government
by Eddie Hyatt (Tulsa, Oklahoma) In a stunning capitulation to the Marxist crusade to transform America, the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) has determined that America’s founding documents may be “harmful or difficult” for some users. They have, therefore, posted a “Harmful Language Alert” above their online catalog, which includes the Declaration of Independence, the […]
The Plain Truth about The Way
by Jeffrey Caldwell (Redwood City, California) The way to: Advance the Kingdom of God Advance the true values of the Kingdom of God Express pure devotion to Christ Eat from the Tree of Life Genuinely love God “Follow none but the LORD your God, and revere none but Him; observe His commandments alone, and heed only His orders; worship none but […]
The Feasts of Israel and the Church
by Avram Yehoshua (Flagstaff, Arizona) The use of many of the Feasts of Israel in Acts and First Corinthians, and them as time markers, reveals that the Apostles continued to celebrate them all their lives. The Church teaches that the Feasts were ‘done away with’ at the crucifixion, and therefore, Christians don’t keep them, but […]
Holy Day Charts
Your Duck is Dead
Sent by Ted & Joanne Saunders (Renton, Washington) A woman brought a very limp duck into a veterinary surgeon. As she laid her pet on the table, the vet pulled out his stethoscope and listened to the bird’s chest. After a moment or two, the vet shook his head and sadly said, “I’m sorry, your duck, […]
It Happened Near You
by Jonathan Gray (New Zealand) Amazing, don’t you think? Incredibly, 4 million in America alone. As many as 4 million citizens from all walks of life claim to have been kidnapped against their will. And to have suffered medical and examination procedures, and even bizarre sexual assault, aboard alien spacecraft (according to research polls such as the […]
Understanding Circumcision and the New Testament Covenant
by Gregory Diaz (Wayne, New Jersey) The great controversy of the New Testament church regarded whether or not gentile believers needed to be circumcised. It will be seen that this question is one concerning whether the unconverted may fellowship with the church. It is a question regarding communication. Communication is the key component of the gospel […]
Strive to Be a Perfect Servant of the Most High
by Alfio La Spina (Sooke British Columbia, Canada) Matthew 20:25-28 (ESV) 25 But Jesus called them to him and said, “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones exercise authority over them. 26 It shall not be so among you. But whoever would be great among you […]
Can There Be False Prophets… Today?
by Royce Mitchell, Jr. (Manvel, Texas) Virtually from the beginning of the existence of man there have been those trying to deceive man with false doctrines and teachings. We are even told that one of the last enemies of God to be put away is the False Prophet. Whoever these people are, we need to […]
Jews of Judea Today
by Ray Daly (Lincoln, North Dakota) I have been engaged in a normal “2-3” year project. That being, the creation of “room” in my bedroom/office! Meaning, I have to “throw stuff out”. To make room for that which is yet to come. Hopefully? Yet, I do not try to “throw out”, until I have […]
A “Populist Uprising” is Confronting the Darkness in America
by Eddie Hyatt (Tulsa, Oklahoma) Back in June, I sensed the Holy Spirit saying that “a populist uprising is coming to America.” I had a sense of the meaning of “populist” but decided to look it up since it is not a word I use. I was presently surprised by what I discovered. “Populist” refers […]
A Scriptural Perspective on Tithing
by James Steinle (Swanville, Minnesota) Tithing has long been established in the various COG’s and emphasized in many religious denominations and usually by most “ministers” (generically speaking) that have a “work”. It seems most feel the tithe(s) is still COMMANDED by Scripture and especially on money. However, how closely do those who like to be […]
Black Criminal Opportunity?
by Richard Frates (Easley, South Carolina) Love your Black Criminal – Hate Your White Neighbor! Wealthy and powerful – black athletes – relish the opportunity to insult white people and America at sports events; cheered on by media demons. Unappreciative that white people and America has made them rich. They are not thankful for what […]
Sent by Ted & Joanne Saunders (Renton, Washington) Whenever there is hopeThat keeps a dream alive, Wherever there is joyThat fills a grateful heart, Wherever there is happinessThat brings a smileTo another’s face, There is love…For love is what makes usHopeful, joyful,And happiest of all.
Do Church Eras Exist?
Avoiding the Devil’s Details
by Royce Mitchell, Jr. (Manvel, Texas) There is among some of the brethren the tendency to want to make sure that everyone has exactly correct doctrine according to the Word of God. Some are kind and understanding of differences in understanding. Some are combative and accusative of the brethren. Certainly, it can be understood that […]
How to Understand Prophecy
by (Farmington, Michigan) What is Biblical Prophecy? How can we understand it? Simply put, prophecy is history foretold before it happens. God uses it to reveal events to occur in the future and to warn man to repent and change his ways. The Bible is the only book ever written that can demonstrate its supernatural […]
The Festival of Atonement
by B. L. Cocherell (Nevada) The Day of Atonement is the fifth annual festival, and is probably one of the most complex, mysterious, and misunderstood of the festivals celebrated in ancient Israel. However, God has preserved the knowledge and understanding of his plan of salvation in all of the annual Festivals which he revealed to […]
Black Citizens of America
by Ray Daly (Lincoln, North Dakota) “Their Past History” The following information comes from a number of sources, but for those that would like to have an overview of what I am reporting, they can look up a book written by J.N. Andrews, and L.R. Conrad. Titled: “Early Christianity in Africa”. Consider this one quote […]
Another Fine Old Mess!
by John Jewell (London, England) Do you remember the Laurel and Hardy films or movies of years ago? Every now and again one will pop up on television. One of the catchphrases used by Oliver Hardy was “this is another fine old mess you’ve got me into.” It’s a phrase that with a slight adaptation […]