Physical Illness and Demon Possession
Physical Illness and Demon Possession (Part 1)by Don Esposito (Carteret, New Jersey) There have been many misconceptions about mental illness and demon possession. As a matter of fact, there have been many misconceptions about healing in general. I want to, in this article, clear up from scripture some of these misnomers. First of all, […]
Junia, a Woman Apostle
Iron Sharpening IronIn regard to: Junia, a Woman ApostleArticle by Dianne D. McDonnellComments by John Taylor (Lyle, Washington) First, the word episeemoi is only used twice in the NT and both are translated as notable, or note, not outstanding Matthew 27:16: “And they had then a notable prisoner, called Barabbas.” Romans 16:7: “fellow prisoners, who are of […]
Does it Matter Where You Worship?
by B. L. Cocherell (Nevada) Does the physical location where congregations of the elect assemble to worship God the Father have any positive or negative impact on one’s relationship with him or his Son? Does it displease the Father for his children to assemble to worship him in places dedicated to false religious systems or […]
How To Spot a Batterer Before the Relationship Begins
by Brenda Branson (Hanson, Kentucky) Copyright © 2004 The following red flags are characteristics of an abuser. This does not mean that everyone who demonstrates one or two of these qualities will end up abusing or battering their partners. However, these red flags should be taken seriously. If someone you know demonstrates one or two of these patterns […]
Delight in the Sabbath
by James McBride (United Kingdom) The weekly Sabbath is for Christians a day in which to delight in God’s presence. “Sabbath rest” is a concept far removed from the hurly-burly of modern life. The day is, for most, consumed with a round of strenuous (or couch-potato) leisure activity or shopping or visiting – leaving no […]
Were the Early Great Kings of Persia Israelites?
by Cam Rea (Kendallville, Indiana) The Achaemenid dynasty’s foundation is based on a man by the name of Achaemenes. Not much is known about the man himself. However, he is considered the eponymous founder according to the Behistun inscription of Darius I listed in his genealogy. Cyrus the Great says nothing on the Babylonian cylinder […]
America – Under a Curse?
by Royce Mitchell, Jr. (Manvel, Texas) Judging from what can be seen in the United States, some people sense that our nation seems to be under a curse. There’s good reason for that; the nation IS under a curse. How can I say that? Can I prove it? One does not have to be a […]
Fret Not Because of Evildoers
by James Steinle (Swanville, Minnesota) In this world, which currently is Satan’s world, we see many things that strike a believer as being wrong or evil. We see nation against nation threatening war. We see crime from all walks of life; white collar crime involving millions and billions of dollars. Sexual crimes of all kinds. […]
How I Learned that the Spirit and Word Must Always Agree
by Eddie Hyatt (Tulsa, Oklahoma) He was the perfect example of what happens when we neglect the Word of God in our pursuit of spiritual experiences. Without the ballast of God’s Word, we may well float away into a La-la land of false spirituality, and this was the case of this individual. My two friends and […]
A Chart Comparing Offices in the Synagogue and the Church
by Craig White (Australia)
A pain in the ‘BUT’: even National Review? Say it ain’t so!
(Copyright) by Curtis Dahlgren (Stephenson, Michigan) “The Trump movement often is described as a ‘personality cult,’ which it is, in no small part.” – National Review, 11/02/20, Kevin Williamson (also posted on Facebook) IT DOESN’T DO MUCH GOOD to preach to the choir unless the choir “shares” with their uninformed friends and relatives. So, to Biden voters […]
Atlantis – what they don’t tell you
by Jonathan Gray (New Zealand) YES? WHERE? “Just where did it go down?” asked Dale. “Where did WHAT go down?” I asked. “Atlantis” that’s what,” responded Dale. He swatted a blowfly and continued. “Look, I’m hearing so many theories, but how much is true?” “You really want it direct?” “Sure.” “The truth is, all we have for Atlantis is a legend. […]
Contending for a More Pure Flow of Prophetic Ministry
by Eddie Hyatt (Tulsa, Oklahoma) Sue and I once stopped for the night in Pennsylvania coal country. I turned on the water to take a bath and it came out very dark. The water source was pure, but the pipes through which the water flowed were tainted with coal dust. And so, it is with the […]
Paul and Women Teachers: Understanding 1 Timothy, Chapters 1 & 2
1 Peter 4:14-15
by David Antion (Pasadena, California) This particular one is a little technical. I don’t enjoy being technical but sometimes I have to do so in order to dig out and uncover the truth of the Scriptures. One of our obstacles, as you probably know, is that the Bible was not originally written in English. The […]
5 Reasons Genesis 3:16 is Not a Model for Christian Marriage
by Eddie Hyatt (Tulsa, Oklahoma) I was driving along listening to a Christian radio station on the car radio. A well-known pastor came on and announced that he would be speaking about God’s plan for marriage. I was shocked to hear him read Genesis 3:16b as his text. This passage, in our English Bible, reads, Your […]
Explanation of Creation
by Ray Daly (Lincoln, North Dakota) Gen. 1:1. “In the beginning, GOD created the heaven and the earth. V.3. “And GOD SAID, Let there be light.” Obviously, the topic of this study centers on the word “God”. Which word is likely the most misunderstood of all the words in Scripture. Perhaps also, it is […]
by Richard Frates (Easley, South Carolina) Climate change, being a problem, that mankind must solve, to prevent the climate, from killing us all: is a HOAX. Climate change is spring, summer, fall and winter. And God promises “climate change”, spring, summer, fall and winter, will – NEVER – change. Genesis 8:22 “As long as the […]
“Unless You Change…”
by Royce Mitchell, Jr. (Manvel, Texas) What is the lesson that Christ was trying to teach us about ourselves when He took up a little child in his arms and proclaimed that the disciples needed to become like little children? Was Christ trying to proclaim a message to us? If so, what could that […]
When You Know Your Pet is Spoiled
(Copyright) by Richard Markland (London, Ohio)
‘As It Was In the Days of Noah’
by Richard T. Ritenbaugh (Charlotte, North Carolina) Bahal was beginning to worry, since, as mayor, it was his job to worry for the rest of his remote, highland community. His wife, Chera, had remarked the day before that the rain was unusually heavy for this time of the year, but he had shrugged off her comment. […]
Our World
by Grigore Sbarcea (New South Wales, Australia) This Gospel of the Kingdom will be preached to all the world as a witness to all nations, and then the end will come. Friends and Leaders Around the World:The respite from Europe’s and the worlds debt problems did not last long. Things only got worse. The perennial […]
All Hands on Deck
by Eddie Hyatt (Tulsa, Oklahoma) After His resurrection, Jesus appeared first to a woman, Mary Magdalene, and sent her forth as the first witness and preacher of the Good News of His resurrection. His instructions to her were to “Go and tell My brethren” (Mathew 28:10). In other words, He required that His male disciples […]
by William P. Goff (Myrtle Beach, South Carolina) Now there are many churches out there in the world today, but only one true church. That church is defined as: “The Pillar and Ground of the Truth” (1Timothy 3:15.) If we want to find that church, we have to find the Truth, because Truth and Church go […]
An Orwellian America is Defining the Nation
(Copyright) by Richard Markland For decades Americans have been warned of a time in which George Orwell’s Novel “1984” would become a reality. The American people cannot say they have not been put on notice. Irreplaceable freedoms are being eliminated. The tactics used are invasive, immense in size and scope and without consideration for anyone or […]