Can You Know WHEN?
by Nathaniel Burson (Big Sandy, Texas) Can you unlock the secrets that tell you when the end of the world is coming? Does God have a set date in mind? Will he reveal it to man before the end comes? The Bible tells you, YES! Matthew 24:36 But of that day and hour knoweth no […]
Renewal of the Earth
by Ray Daly (Lincoln, North Dakota) Psalm 104:30 “…You renew the face of the earth!” Read these words again. And a third time if necessary. Then ask yourselves. “What do they mean? And are they Truth”. Well, they are indeed Truth. And since the word “renew” means to return something to its original shape or condition, […]
Division Will Lead to the Nation’s Destruction if not Restrained
(Copyright) by Richard Markland (London, Ohio) The year 2020 will go down in history as a year of deep division. It will be remembered as a time in which Americans turned on one another. The national election for the presidency will be remembered as illegitimate by Trump supporters and conservatives, but fair by Democrats and […]
Ending the Cycle of Abuse in the Church of God
by Laura Lee (Bismarck, North Dakota) If you saw an old woman being robbed, would you help her? If you knew a child was being sexually molested, would you report it to the proper authorities? If you knew a woman was being abused by her husband, would you help her? If you heard a […]
The Promised Land
Sent by Jeffrey Caldwell (Redwood City, California) Twelve men were sent to spy out the land.Ten men were afraid and conspired a plan. They told the people that “Danger awaits”.A great rebellion they did create. People murmured, complained, and disgusted our Father.God said to Himself, “Promised land for the elders? Why bother.” So, for all of them who […]