God’s Secret Service
(Copyright 07-22-2024) by Dwight Fleming (Oroville, California) The world watched in horror as Donald Trump dodged bullets fired at him at a campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania on Saturday, July 13th of this year. At the same time, the world witnessed the intervention of God Almighty as one of God’s Secret Service agents (i.e. an […]
Attempted Kidnapping Failed
(Copyright 07-22-2024) by William P. Goff (Myrtle Beach, South Carolina) Greetings Brethren, We want to thank all of you who continually pray for God’s protection. Last night as Nehemiah was returning home, a car with three men inside pulled up and tried to kidnap him. Two men with masks jumped out and tried to force him […]
Why the Elitist Promotion of Open Borders, Migration and Refugees?
(Copyright 07-23-2024) by Craig M. White (Australia) Disguised as wishing to promote faster economic growth and the need for greater population growth, the elites have been encouraging massive immigration into the First World since the 1960s and especially the last ten or so years. Today the world is being coerced into “globalisation” –– an attempt to […]
Who are the Descendants of Ishmael Today?
(Copyright 07-23-2024) by Craig M. White (Australia) God had promised Abraham a son, but Abraham’s faith was severely tested. He listened to his wife Sarah’s advice. Abraham thought he needed to help God fulfill the promise, so when Sarah couldn’t conceive, he listened to Sarah, his wife (Gen 16:1-3) and used her handmaid Hagar for this […]
(2024) Sent by James Steinle (Swanville, Minnesota) Millions Of Americans Stomachs Are Being Paralyzed By The Deadly New Weight Loss Drug ‘Ozempic’ That ‘Big Pharma’ Keeps Pushing As An ‘Answer’ To The Obesity Epidemic In America https://allnewspipeline.com/Millions_Of_Americans_Stomachs_Are_Being_Paralyzed.php IF YOU OR ANYONE YOU KNOW IS TAKING OZEMPIC FOR WEIGHT LOSS OR DIABETES 2 – THIS IS A MUST […]
The Carnivore Diet
(Copyright) by Mark Swarbrick (United States) My Experience on the Carnivore DietWhen I first heard of the Carnivore Diet, I thought it was nuts. “What? Eat only meat? No vegetables?” I had tried the Atkins diet and had heard of the Keto Diet, but the Carnivore Diet was new to me and it sounded crazy. […]
Our Brethren (Widows and Orphans) Kenya Hands of Hope
(Copyright 07-18-2024) by Rebecca Wise (United States) Your fellowship was listed on The Journal’s list of churches. We’re looking for more donors to help us. Please publish and/or announce an appeal to your brethren. Kenya Hands of Hope needs on behalf of our many suffering brethren in Kenya, especially our widows and orphans. Our brethren are […]
God’s Plan and the False Immortal Soul Doctrine
(Copyright 2023) by Craig Sablich (Charlotte, North Carolina) “Then the serpent said to the woman, ‘You will not surely die.’” —Genesis 3:4 I once talked with an old college friend about the so-called church fathers, who introduced the Doctrine of the Immortal Soul to the early church. The world’s nominally Christian churches believe that man is born with an […]
Don’t Fall for the Fake Jesus!
(Copyright 2024) by Larry St. Clair (United States) According to the internet, there are 2.2 billion Christians! Sadly most of them worship a “fake jesus”. There is a “fake gospel” too, so I warn you, do not be deceived, it could cost you your SALVATION! Perhaps you’re wondering, “A fake Jesus and a fake gospel, what […]
Who Killed Enoch?
Here We Go Again {Xmas}
(Copyright 2006) by Wayne Schatzle (West Chester, Ohio) Maybe I’m just a party pooper. As we brace for another Christmas season, I am still amazed at how people are trained to jump through hoops by the retailers. For me it has been about 30 years since I last celebrated the holiday. I remember well when […]
Spiral Galaxies Indicate A Young Universe
(Copyright 2022) by David Rives (Lewisburg, Tennessee) The Bible tells us that “the heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament shows His handiwork.” Astronomy is one of my passions. I love looking through telescopes and seeing the incredible and beautiful things God has made and placed throughout the universe for His glory. Researchers estimate […]
Playing with Fire
(Copyright 2023) by John O. Reid (Bolivar, Missouri) As a boy growing up in the 1930s, I lived in a house built about the turn of the century with built-in accessories that homes today just do not have. Our kitchen boasted a flour bin built into the counter that would hold a fifty-pound flour sack. […]
Waxing Cold
(Copyright 2023) by John Reiss (Charlotte, North Carolina) I confess that I have a problem. Perhaps you have the same one. » When I see a retired police chief shot and killed while protecting a friend’s business from looters, I get angry. » When I see people rioting, burning, and looting businesses in my hometown, I […]
Abide in God’s Word
(Copyright 2017) by Rod Reynolds (Wentzville, Missouri) Jesus said, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:31-32). To be a genuine disciple of Jesus Christ, rather than one in name only, requires abiding in his word. That’s […]
A Truth About Revelation 2 and 3
(Copyright 2023) by John W. Ritenbaugh (Lancaster, South Carolina) Among the best-known and strongest beliefs held by those who left the Worldwide Church of God during its doctrinal heresies is that the seven letters in Revelation 2 and 3 describe church eras. That is, they comprise seven long periods from the church’s founding by Jesus Christ up to the present and continuing until […]
Thank You
(Copyright 07-03-2024) by William P. Goff (Myrtle Beach, South Carolina) We want to thank all of you who answered the request for help. Thanks to your assistance we were able to distribute food to all of our impoverished orphans and widows. They thank you from the bottom of their heart. I’m currently in Kenya and have […]
Ivermectin(Copyright 07-03-2024) by James Steinle (Swanville, Minnesota) Ivermectin is curing cancer right and left: Protocols being developed, studies being done! Spread this info aggressively! [dosage tables included] https://www.barnhardt.biz/2024/07/02/toldya-ivermectin-is-curing-cancer-right-and-left-protocols-being-developed-studies-being-done-spread-this-info-aggressively/ “As always, check with your health professional” Interesting info. [COMPLETE COPY OF LINK SHOWN ABOVE, AS WELL AS ANOTHER LINK ON DOSAGE SUGGESTED] ——————————————————————————————————–See James Steinle’s other articles at:Steinle, James – Church […]
Food Processing Plants
(Copyright 06-28-2024) by James Steinle (Swanville, Minnesota) MUST SEE: Map Shows All Food Processing Plants That Have Burned Down, Blown Up or Been Destroyed Under Biden https://100percentfedup.com/must-see-map-shows-all-food-processing-plants/ (Besides the map there is also a list of places destroyed.) This is not happening just by ‘accident’. America had God’s Blessings and protection at one time; but not now; […]
The Roman Trials
(Copyright 2024) by Chuck Missler (Coeur d’Alene, Idaho) When the morning came, it was necessary to take Jesus over to Pilate so the stamp of Rome’s approval could seal their illegal verdict against Jesus. Pontius Pilate was the Roman governor of Judea, under Emperor Tiberius from AD 26 to 36. He was not a favorite with […]
The Church Will Face Tribulation
(Copyright 2023) by Zac Poonen (Bangalore, India) For the first 300 years of Christianity, almost all Christians lived under anti-Christian rulers who often persecuted them and killed many of them. God, in His great wisdom, permitted people to persecute His children, for His glory. Even today, God has permitted some of His finest children to […]
They Hate You And Want You Dead
Iron Sharpening IronIn regard to: They Hate You And Want You DeadArticle by David SielaffComments by Laura Lee (Bismarck, North Dakota) First of all, Christ is not a created being: The following is talking about Christ:Col 1:15 Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature: Col 1:16 For by him were […]
Hamas Spells Ceasefire R-E-L-O-A-D
(Copyright) by James Lloyd (Medford, Oregon) The evil surprise attack on Israel has set long predicted Bible Prophecy sequences in motion, but what is occurring is not at all what the world’s media projects. The people that should understand these events – the Christians – are just as deceived as the left wing communists […]
Not Just a Religious Issue the Seventh or First Day of the Week? Does it Matter?
(Copyright 2023) by Gary C. Miller (Pocahontas, Arkansas) OBSERVING A SABBATH IS MORE THAN A RELIGIOUS EXERCISE:The right day is the issue, because this is a matter of natural law, like the law of gravity….it will not; it cannot go away. Here is the decree:“And it is easier for heaven and earth to pass, than one […]
One Hundred and Twenty Names
One Hundred and Twenty Names (Part 1)(Copyright 06-15-2024) by Warren Zehrung (Little Rock, Arkansas) Who was invited to the first Pentecost where God’s Spirit was given? Let’s pick up the time-line here: 1 Corinthians 15:20 Jesus Christ had just risen from the dead: It was only 24 hours since God the Father, with the exceeding greatness of […]