Newsletters – October 2024

Issue #192 – The “New” Church of God Messenger — October 5, 2024
Curse of the Pharaohs by Jonathan Gray
Timelines of Revelation by Dwight Fleming
A Bride Prepared (Chapter 6) by Warren Zehrung
Two-Steak Solution by Dwight Fleming
Chicago’s Death Camp Thrives Outside of DNC Convention by Richard Markland
America has Lost Its Collective Mind by Richard Markland
In Need of Bibles and Study Materials by Obed Mambwe
Why Four Gospels? by Rod Reynolds
Knowledge is the Key to Rise Above Poverty by Gary C. Miller
Issue #193 – The “New” Church of God Messenger — October 12, 2024
A Bride Prepared (Chapter 7) by Warren Zehrung
Has God Spared Donald Trump for a Reason? by Eddie Hyatt
Will there be better times, or what? Signs of hope by Curtis Dahlgren
Missiles in Prophecy by Dwight Fleming
What is God’s Amazing Favor? by Bill Hillebrenner
New Items Uploaded to the Friends of the Sabbath Website by Craig M. White
I Will Not Be Silent by Brenda Branson
Healing Humanity Sent by Laura Lee
Kenya Update – October 1, 2024 by William P. Goff
Issue #194 – The “New” Church of God Messenger — October 19, 2024
What Doth Hinder Me To Be Baptized? By Kenneth M. Hoeck
The Bible by Jeffrey Caldwell
Holiness by Jeffrey Caldwell
A Bride Prepared (Chapter 8) by Warren Zehrung
Did Jesus Fulfill the Law? by Rod Reynolds
Jury Duty Scam by Rich Daniels
Apocalyptic Four Horsemen by Gary C. Miller
Benjamin Franklin’s Wisdom by Dwight Fleming
Feast of Trumpets: Christ as Judge by Rod Reynolds
A Prayer for the Election by Jeffrey Caldwell
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